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      Konica Minolta at drupa 2024

        Konica Minolta to show-                                          including major advances in   port through an exclusive
      case 20 European pre-                                              remote service engineering.    remote monitoring system
      mieres, pioneering digital                                          Konica Minolta will be   unique to Konica Minolta.
      transformation and live run-                                       underpinning the unstoppa-  In other demonstrations,
      ning of the biggest machines                                       ble shift from analogue   Konica Minolta will show
      it has ever shown at the exhi-                                     printing to the use of digital   unprecedented set-up con-
      bition in  Duesseldorf,                                            printing1 that is expanding   figurations and new applica-
      Germany, from 28 May to 7                                          into most print-for-profit   tions for its technology that
      June, 2024 where it will                                           applications - particularly in   will have far-reaching impli-
      have one of the  largest                                           labels and packaging - in a   cations for not only com-
      stands at Hall 8b. Under the                                       world where high-value   mercial  printers  and
      main message of “See the                                           printed materials are pro-  converters, but also brand
                                                                                               owners and design and
      Potential in the Future of   Konica Minolta unveils its plans for drupa 2024 Germany in May  duced efficiently with mini-  advertising agencies in the
      Print”, Konica Minolta will                                        mal environmental impact.   way they do business.
      set up a 2,400 square meter   printing processes but also   more efficient production by   A wide range of business   Konica Minolta and partner
      exhibition booth to demon-  post-press processes and   allowing humans and   scopes will be demonstrated   MGI (MGI Digital Printing
      strate how it is strengthen-  improving the total through-  machines to work hand in   from commercial printing to   Systems) will show how
      ing and expanding the   put of the entire process.    hand and help each other.  label printing, packaging   separate processes such as
      business of commercial and   Industry 5.0 is the European  Among the highlights from   and industrial printing, and   foiling, varnishing, printing,
      industrial printing custom-  Commission’s concept for a   Konica Minolta at drupa will   as products and solutions.   folding, and drying and can
      ers, and ways of sustainable   vision where people are at  be showing completely auto-  Konica Minolta takes pride   be combined into just one
      production in line with the   the center of collaboration  mated production lines   in offering customer service   full integrated production
      philosophy of Industry 5.0.    with machines, which, for   driven by Artificial   of global standards, estab-  run where MGI’s AlphaJet
      This  will  be  achieved by   Konica  Minolta, involves   Intelligence, a state-of-the-  lishing trust with its clien-  will be centre stage and
      assistance technology, labor-  developing unique digital   art web shop, and never-  tele. Alongside considerate   showing the benefits of a
      saving, and skill-less opera-  printing systems and solu-  before-seen use of robotics   service, the company pro-  complete single-pass fac-
      tions. It will include not only   tions to realize richer and   and software solutions –   vides reliable customer sup-  tory.

      Mimaki Europe takes digital print beyond shape limitations

        M i m a k i  E u r o p e ,                                               Three times faster than the   opportunities for print ser-
      announed the launch of the                                         previous model, the Kebab   vice providers, and the
      brand-new Kebab HS,                                                HS significantly increases   launch of the Kebab HS is
      debuting worldwide at                                              production efficiency and
      FESPA Global Print Expo                                            takes approximately 10 min-  one of the latest examples of
      2024 (Stand F10, Hall 12).                                                               this. As an optional solution,
      Serving as an optional sys-                                        utes to print per material,   it allows the users of our
      tem for Mimaki’s renowned                                          ideal for users handling mid-  popular UJF Series printers
      UJF series of flatbed UV                                           volume orders with a single
      printers, the Kebab HS ena-                                        printer. It also broadens   to add another dimension to
      bles  seamless  360-degree                                         application possibilities in   their product offering and
      printing on cylindrical                                            UV  printing  further,  by   up their competitive edge.”
      objects, such as bottles and   Mimaki announces the global launch of the brand-new Kebab HS  allowing personalisation on   The option can be quickly
      tumblers. This latest solu-  Kebab units already installed   dimensional direct-to-object   both cylindrical and tapered
      tion can also print directly   in EMEA and an average of 1   printing, furthering the vari-  items with sloping sides.   installed, requiring only the
      on tapered objects, includ-                                          Arjen Evertse, General   attachment of the main unit
      ing glasses and cups. The   out of 5 UJF users choosing   ety of print applications pos-  to the UJF series print table,
      Kebab HS is the latest entry   to add this optional system   sibilities. Building on the   Manager Sales at Mimaki   certified service engineers
      into Mimaki’s Kebab Series   to their existing workflow,   capabilities of the Kebab   Europe, comments, “Here at
      of optional systems for the   UJF flatbed printers   MkII, the new Kebab HS   Mimaki, we look to con-  are  on hand to provide a
      UJF Series of flatbed UV   equipped with a Kebab   takes productivity and per-  stantly innovate our existing   seamless installation experi-
      printers. With over 1,600   option can achieve three-  formance to the next level.    products and create added   ence for all users.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                      April 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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