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      Star product

      Heidelberg Prinect Touch Free

      ‘Revolutionary’ workflow development promised, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                     also tied in with the announcement of the
                                                                                     deal with Canon for its sheetfed inkjet
                                                                                       What he didn’t say was that Heidelberg
                                                                                     might also have been announcing early to
                                                                                     reassure shareholders and customers in the
                                                                                     wake of its April liquidation of Zaikio, a
                                                                                     German company it acquired in 2019 and
                                                                                     which had been working on a plug-and-play
                                                                                     universal “print connectivity platform” that
                                                                                     was intended to be better and easier to
                                                                                     implement than JDF (Printweek Star
                                                                                     Product December 2020/January 2021).
                                                                                       Details are vague outside Heidelberg, but
                                                                                     it seems that Zaikio couldn’t make the plat-
      What does it do?                                tomer and press event at its German HQ in   form work, and so Heidelberg is starting
        All through 2024 Heidelberg has been          October (Printweek: www.bit.   again but with different ambitions.
      dropping hints about a forthcoming work-        ly/3Vktn2K). However Printweek’s report   According to Zöller: “We could have used
      flow automation product that it predicts        was a bit too optimistic about availability, as   Zaikio technology, but it became clear a
      will be revolutionary, except you won’t be   Specifications  we got the impression that there was
      able to buy it for another year.                already a user site.           year ago that it was not going to succeed
        It’s called Prinect Touch Free, and prom-  Not quite out of the   Axel Zöller, head of product manage-  with the connectivity.”
      ises cloud-based and completely hands-off   development   ment for Prinect, now says that what he   He admits that the initial development
      job scheduling that intelligently deter-  phase, Heidelberg’s   calls a ‘concept’ site at a so-far unnamed   versions of Prinect Touch Free will use
      mines the best production path at any given   latest workflow   printer in Holland will start in January.   some Zaikio technology to get up and run-
      time and can react instantly and automati-  tool is intended to   Heidelberg hopes to be demonstrating   ning, but says this will be phased out before
      cally to any changes. It will work with   drive workflow   results by next summer, with a view to
                                       optimisation and
      Heidelberg’s range, plus very many third   helps reaffirm the   releasing initial versions to users at the end   the commercial release.
      party products that it has already written   manufacturer’s   of 2025. Zöller expects “full functionality in
      links to for its Prinect Production Manager   commitment to   the later part of 2026.”  How will it work
      workflow.                        digital print tech.  Initially the system will only work with   Zöller says that most of today’s main pro-
        It’s a part of Heidelberg’s goal of fully     Heidelberg’s digital presses, the Ricoh-  duction workflow networks – citing Kodak
      automated print production, end-to-end          based Versafire toner presses and the forth-
      from order receipt to despatch. Driving fac-    coming Canon-based Jetfire 50 and 75   Prinergy, Agfa Apogee and Screen
      tors are Heidelberg’s analysis of the effects   sheetfed inkjets. However, it will progres-  Trueflow – were originally developed in the
      of smaller but more numerous print runs         sively be rolled out to work with   late 1990s or early 2000s. Technology and
      that mean minimising touchpoints for effi-      Heidelberg’s litho range, and to a large   business needs have moved on, and in par-
      ciency, with the need for ever more sophis-     range of third-party MIS and production   ticular there’s a need for more automation
      ticated automation, including the catch-all     machinery. Zöller says that this should hap-  with fewer touchpoints.
      AI, to compensate for both pressurised          pen quickly, as Heidelberg already has
      margins and the much-discussed skills           Prinect links to about 1,500 third-party sys-  According to Zöller, the “revolutionary”
      shortage and recruitment challenge              tems.                          part is because “Prinect Touch Free is
      throughout the industry. With Heidelberg’s       “We don’t usually announce so early,”   totally different, in that we do not provide
      on-off embrace of digital presses being         says Zöller. “But this is so different that we   tools any more. It analyses a job, the meta-
      firmly on again, it’s also talking about        want to talk about it.” It’s been in develop-  data, etc, and it knows all the production
      hybrid digital-litho production.                ment for three years, but he says
        Heidelberg first mentioned Prinect            Heidelberg wanted to give the market an   equipment available. Our software defines
      Touch Free in its Drupa press conferences,      idea of what was coming, so it could consult   the most effective method of production
      but went into a bit more detail in a cus-       with potential users about their needs. It   that keeps to the delivery date.”
                    “The ‘revolutionary’ part is because “Prinect Touch Free is totally different.”

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