Page 7 - PWM2024_January EBook
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        REGIONAL BRIEFS                            FESPA Leadership

       pacprocess MEA and
       Food Africa 2023 ended
       i n C air o  wit h a
       significant increase in                     Exchange (FLEX) 2024
       visitor numbers and
       strong international
       p a r t icip at io n,                        Visitors to the upcoming
       co nf ir mi n g t heir                      FESPA Middle East 2024 will
       positions  as leading                       have ample opportunities to
       platforms for the packaging and food industries in the   discover industry advance-
       Middle East and Africa.With over 900 exhibitors, 27,500   ments, future trends, and
       visitors, and more than 500 invited buyers, the dual events   learn key skills for their busi-
       were met with an excellent footfall like never before. The   ness. FESPA Middle East will
       co-located trade shows held at the Egypt International   see the second edition of the
       Exhibition Center (EIEC) from 12 to 14 December, offered a   FESPA Leadership Exchange
       comprehensive marketplace for packaging and food   (FLEX) on 30 January, 2024,
       industry players. Both trade fairs were jointly organised by
       Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, IFP Egypt, and Konzept Exhibitions   at the Dubai Exhibition   The second edition of the FESPA Leadership Exchange in Dubai
       & Event Management, under the umbrella of interpack   Centre (DEC). The unique
       alliance. With nine national pavilions and Kuwait as the   format of this event offers 3   Aussenac; FESPA CEO Neil   learn and debate the future of
       partner country, the events saw an impressive list of   bite-sized content sessions,   Felton; and CMO Council   wide format digital, textile,
       international participants from 32 countries including   which have been specially   Advisory Board Member   and screening printing sec-
       China, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland,   curated to provide visitors   Haris Munif will facilitate a   tors, and explore the wider
       Spain, Thailand, Turkey, and the UAE. The next edition of   with world class insights and   knowledge exchange within   opportunities available to the
       pacprocess MEA and Food Africa will take place from 3 to 5   inspiration in the fields of   these sessions with the aim of
       December, 2024.                                                                         modern print service pro-
                                                   M a r k e t  T r e n d s ,  sharing their specialist exper-  vider.
       Reinforcing community                       Sustainability, and New   tise and global market   The FLEX sessions are free
       responsibility  in  the                     Technology. FESPA Board   insights.
       environmental sector by                     Members     Alberto    FLEX aims to connect the   to attend for all visitors by
       inspiring both individuals                  Masserdoti, Christian   region’s innovative and for-  registering  at  www.fespa-
       and institutions to make
       eco-friendly choices,                       Duyckaerts, and Christophe   ward-thinking printers, to
       Dubai Municipality has
       launched a far-sighted                      Paperworld Middle East releases
       initiative of collecting and
       recycling three million units of plastic packaging, which
       amounts to an impressive 60 tonnes of PET plastic. PET
       plastic is widely used in food and beverage packaging, being   the Post Show Report 2023
       the preferred choice due to its durability, light weight,
       transparency, non-toxicity, and high productivity in    Paperworld Middle East,
       recycling. The initiative aims to reduce plastic consumption   the largest international
       and foster methods and programmes that will significantly
       increase the diversion rate of plastic waste from traditional   show for paper, stationery,
       disposal techniques. This will further elevate the circular   arts and crafts, office sup-
       economy index, contributing to the overall sustainability of   plies and school products
       Dubai’s cleanliness and environment.
                                                   concluded its 12th edition in
       HH Sheikh Hamdan bin                        November. Held in conjunc-
       Mohammed bin Rashid                         tion with its co-located
       Al Maktoum, Crown                           event Gifts and Lifestyle
       Prince  of  Dubai  and
       Chairman of the Dubai                       Middle East, the exhibition   Post Show Report: Visitors travelled from around the globe to do business
       Executive Council, has                      grew 50% from last year and   The organisors said in an   business cards. They gained
       issued a new resolution                     welcomed visitors from over
       to regulate single-use                      100 countries.        official statement: "looking   knowledge and learnt about
       products in Dubai,                                                ahead, we're eager to keep   the latest trends in the indus-
       United Arab Emirates                         The event saw the buzz of                  try with our show features:
       effective from 1 January, 2024. Executive Council Resolution   productive talks and excit-  this momentum going in
       No. (124) of 2023 applies to single-use disposable products   ing partnerships.  future editions, making   Paperworld  Middle  East
       and recycled ones, including both plastics and non-plastic   The exhibitors showcased   Awards, The Hub Forum,
       items. The main aim of the resolution is to protect the           Paperworld Middle East the   The Premium Club,
       environment, encourage people to adopt an eco-friendly   the newest trends, giving us a   go-to place for connections,
       lifestyle, and encourage the use of reusable products to   peek into the changing world   Signature Canvas, Project
       advance sustainable development. The move also aims to   of stationery and office sup-  growth, and shaping the   Sustainability and Asrtistry
       motivate the private sector to promote the use of recycled        future.               Workshop. The show had
       products, aligning with circular economy practices that foster   plies. The connections made   "Participants came
       sustainable recycling of products in local markets. The   during these three days set   9429 visitors, 493 exhibitors,
       resolution also seeks to regulate the use and recycling of   the stage for more growth in   together to expand their busi-  113 visiting countries and 41
       single-use products. in the country.
                                                   the global market.    ness, and gained more than   exhibiting countries."                                                                    January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 05
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