Page 15 - PWM2024_MARCH EBOOK
P. 15
Ricoh reveals
Kodak launches new Prinergy Fespa launch
Insite Portals version Ricoh has revealed it will
launch a brand-new direct-
to-film (DTF) machine at
Kodak has launched ver- software applications to be March’s Fespa Global Print
sion 10.0 of its web-based transferred easily, quickly, Expo.
Prinergy Insite Portals plat- and accurately to a job on Using a new and purpose-
form that provides author- the IPP server. built DTF inkset, the
ised users with 24/7 access “The release of the machine will likewise feature
from anywhere.With the lat- Prinergy Insite Portals ver- a new powder shaker: alto-
est version, Kodak has sion 10.0 means all essential gether, Ricoh claimed, the
upgraded its Prinergy Insite components and optional printer will represent “the
Prepress Portal (IPP) and add-ons of the Kodak lowest total cost of owner-
the Prinergy Insite Creative Prinergy Platform are now up ship [TCO] in the market
Workflow (ICW) with mul- to date and consistent,” said coupled with unprecedented
tiple new enhancements. Jim Barnes, chief IT imple- speed”. The manufacturer
This includes improved usa- Provides authorised users with 24/7 access from anywhere mentation officer at Kodak. will also show off a new
bility, due to collapsible Job tightly controlled, task- increased security within The new version provides hybrid machine, the product
Group lists in IPP to reduce based process. Kodak said the IPP and ICW infrastruc- printers with increased per- of its collaboration with
the amount of scrolling. the newly implemented ture helps to prevent mali- formance, helps them meet Chinese wide-format manu-
IPP allows printers and two-factor authentication at cious attacks. customer requirements facturer Flora.
their customers to submit login safeguards users’ data Insite Gateway plug-in faster and error-free and Also on display at Fespa for
jobs, track progress, collabo- and Personally Identifiable (released in version 9.5) makes the digital infrastruc- the first time will be Ricoh’s
rate on changes, and proof Information (PII). OAuth establishes a direct connec- ture for collaboration with TF6251 UV flatbed printer,
and approve work. ICW sup- (open authorisation) for tion between the Adobe customers and creative pro- its Ri4000 direct-to-garment
ports creative design/con- Microsoft Office 365 is also Creative Suite and the fessionals more secure. This (DTG) printer for polyester
tent creation, reviews, now integrated into IPP and Prinergy Insite Prepress launch is further evidence fabrics and the firm’s Ri cot-
revisions, approvals, and ICW for greater security. Portal. This allows PDF files that Kodak continues to sup- ton and cotton-blend 1000X
asset management within a Overall, Kodak said the created with the creative port its customers.” DTG printer.
Fujifilm flags wide-ranging Epson in Earth Hour
price rises in Europe first
Fujifilm has announced Epson has become the
“double digit” price first international corporate
increases on a range of prod- partner for the upcoming
ucts that will come into Earth Hour 2024, which
effect next month.The takes place in March. Earth
Japanese manufacturer said Hour is organised by the Epson becomes the first partner
the move came in response WWF, and the first event
to “economic challenges in took place in 2007. The idea mented: “Since our found-
ing, we have had a strong
Europe”. It cited a list of involves people around the
impacts including an world taking action for an commitment to coexisting
“unprecedented increase in Increases will apply across a range of consumables products hour to tackle climate with the community and to
labour costs”, along with and will be implemented can no longer avoid raising change, such as simply turn- ongoing activities aimed at
sharply rising freight and from 18 March. the prices of many of our ing off their lights, at ‘Earth preserving the natural envi-
warehousing rates. Fujifilm Hour’. This year’s Earth ronment.Even small actions
also pointed to increased Taku Ueno, senior vice products and services. Hour will take place at can make a big difference if
input prices from its own president at Fujifilm “The prices will be 8.30pm local time, on enough people participate.
suppliers, as well as the Graphic Communications increased by double digit per- Saturday 23 March. Through this partnership,
ongoing issue of high energy Europe, said customers centages, the exact amount Epson global president we hope to expand under-
prices. would be contacted directly dependent on the product Yasunori Ogawa said he was standing and empathy for
The price increases will with more details. range, and be effective from proud that Epson had environmental activities and
apply across a range of con- He stated: “Despite our 18th March, 2024, with the become the first interna- provide an opportunity for
sumables, hardware prod- best efforts to absorb the news communicated directly tional corporate partner for as many people as possible
ucts and service provision, impact of these increases, we to customers affected.” the initiative. He com- to act.” March 2024 PrintWeek MENA 15