Page 10 - PWM2023_October EBook
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Sabin Plastic’s launches at SGI Dubai
Sabin Plastic, a specialist It is believed that quality tile organic compounds.
in industrial signages and always comes at a price. But The UV inks, on the other
digital printing solutions, we are here to define it. Our hand, are 99.5% free of vol-
has launched a range of machines are equally com- atile organic compounds
Green Guard certified, envi- petitive in terms of quality
ronment-friendly machines but at a fraction of the cost of and are therefore more
at this year’s Sign & Graphic the other high-end environment-friendly.
Imaging (SGI) Dubai, gener- machines.” These inks were designed to
ating promising sales leads, As in any other industries, cure when exposed to UV
signalling a shift in the mar- the print sector has also light, allowing it to dry
ket preference towards sus- been evolving. From using much faster, resulting in
tainable products in the solvent inks, the technology sharper images.
industry. “We are launching a whole range in partnership with Pixeljet” has shifted to eco-solvent Gadoya added, “With the
Sabin Plastic has part- inks. The industry has now
nered with India’s leading user-friendly, operations nomical solutions for indoor gone through an even shift towards UV printers,
manufacturers, Pixeljet and systems. Moreover, the inks and outdoor applications; greener solution with UV we are launching a whole
Suresh Indu Lasers (SIL), as are easily available and and Bolt, a high quality eco- inks. range in partnership with
their exclusive distributor sourced from Europe. solvent printer. The com- Eco-solvent inks, which Pixeljet. As per our research
and suppliers in the UAE for At this year’s SGI Middle pany received an team, we have a gap in the
their machines that offer East 2023, Sabin Plastic overwhelming response have been in use since the market, which is what we
cutting-edge technology. showcased the Pixeljet from visitors, which resulted early 2000 and were aim to fill.”
The machines have low ULTRON Series, which are in a flurry of confirmed designed for general signage SGI Dubai is the region’s
maintenance costs, func- versatile UV hybrid printers orders and inquiries. Satish projects. These inks have
tions with faster production that can print on almost any- Gadoya, Sabin Plastic’s colours suspended in a mild largest exhibition for sign-
time, can easily be custom- thing; Pixeljet LEO 3200, Chairman, said, “Our efforts biodegradable solvent, mak- makers, print production
ised, has a wide range of which are UV LED roll-to- are geared towards a greener ing it virtually odourless as it houses, gift and promotion
applications through their roll printers offering eco- and sustainable tomorrow. doesn’t have as many vola- companies etc.
Canon bags seven Pinnacle Product and Technology Awards
Canon’s wide format pro- Users can also benefit from already helping many users
duction printing technolo- the unique performance increase print volumes and
gies have again been advantages of UVgel and expand their offering with
recognised in the annual print a wider spectrum of new, valuable applications
PRINTING United Alliance applications with the intro- in segments such as interior
Pinnacle Awards, with six duction of the award-win- décor, and opening up new
Pinnacle Product Awards
and one Pinnacle ning white UVgel ink. opportunities in retail and
Technology Award. UVgel’s unique formulation hospitality with the white
The Colorado M-series produces dense, opaque ink and multi-layered print-
was the winner in the Roll- white images in fewer print- ing options.
to-Roll/Hybrid/Flatbed New ing passes and with fewer The PRINTING United
Technology category, while Six Pinnacle Product Awards and one Pinnacle Technology Award production issues and noz- Alliance Pinnacle Awards
the Arizona series made a Canon launched the figured to customers’ needs, zle-cleaning and mainte- are rated as the industry’s
clean sweep by winning each award-winning Colorado nance requirements often largest, most respected
of their five respective UV/ the printer offers easy in- associated with white ink. awards competition for
Latex Flatbed categories. M-series, a fully modular field hardware and software
Additionally, Canon also roll-to-roll printer with two upgrades, giving users the All of this results in smooth, print-related technology
won the Pinnacle speed configurations and option to enhance their hassle-free prints with mini- and products. The Award
Technology Award for the UVgel white ink option, in mal waste and optimal pro- competition evaluates prod-
recently launched unique March 2023. Based on a sin- printer in line with their ductivity. Since its launch, ucts that are commercially
Canon UVgel White Ink. gle platform that can be con- changing requirements. the Colorado M-series is available in 2023.
08 PrintWeek MENA October 2023