Page 17 - PWM2023_October EBook
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HP expands Latex range with Muller Martini’s
Antaro binders
new entry-level series a triple product launch to the
Muller Martini celebrated
global market with the
brand-new Antaro perfect
HP has launched the new new printhead architecture binders and Sigmaline
HP Latex 630 printer series, for sharper small text, at Compact blocker. The
which it said completes its standard speeds of 14sqm/hr.
Latex range and makes An SAi RIP is offered as Antaro binder platform,
white ink technology availa- standard software out of the available in a digital specifi-
ble to print companies of all cation at 2,000 cycles per
sizes.Commercially available box. HP said the white ink hour, or 4,000 cycles per
as of today (19 September), option allows users to pro- hour for the offset specifica-
the Latex 630 range is addi- duce “a more impactful range tion, represents Muller
tional to the manufacturer’s of signage and décor jobs Martini’s targeting of mid-
product portfolio and has not with stunning image quality size industrial production.
replaced any existing and colours that jump off the Both specifications are fit-
machines. Pricing will be HP Latex 630 printer series features white ink functionality page”. ted with a continously run-
available to customers from The Design & eCommerce ning swing clamp system that
their local HP contacts, the ing to a dual-device system The machines feature an product will be made availa- grabs the blocks for binding;
business said. The series with print and cut function- automated front-loading sys- ble in select countries within the offset machine is fitted
includes a choice of four ality. tem and simple, fast load/ with 12, and the digital six.
printers: the Latex 630 and The Latex 630 W is being unload workflows, according HP’s PrintOS suite to sub- On real-life production
Latex 630 W, the latter with shown at the Colyer and to HP, as well as easy scribers of the HP floors, this still translates to
white ink functionality, plus Perfect Colours stands at The reprints, with in-printer stor- Professional Print Service between 1,500 and 1,800,
the Latex 630 and 630 W Print Show, at the NEC in age of up to 10GB, “stunning Plan (PPSP) ‘Plus’ tier. In the said Adrian Mayr, head of
Print & Cut, which gives cus- Birmingham, until Thursday image quality” with HP Pixel UK, it is expected to be avail- product management and
tomers the option of upgrad- (21 September) this week. Control Technology, and a able from November. partner management.
Konica Minolta upgrades Heidelberg unveils
monochrome portfolio new gen of Versafires
Konica Minolta has Heidelberg unveiled the
enhanced its monochrome latest models in its Versafire
portfolio of digital printers range with the LP and LV
with the new AccurioPress replacing 2018’s EP and EV
7136 series. The series con- machines. The two toner
sists of three models: presses, developed with and
A c cu r i oP r e ss 7 1 36 , built by Ricoh, have been
AccurioPress 7136P, and designed to run alongside
AccurioPress 7120. Each is existing offset production
said to enhance job capacity, It can produce monthly peak volume of up to 3.24 million A4 pages lines, with the ability to
reliability, and flexibility switch output from offset to
while enabling users to print-for-pay services, and responds to evermore the Versafire presses in sec- New generation of Versafires
broaden their application central in-house printing demanding market needs”. onds. “Our integrated solu-
possibilities. They also offer facilities expand their busi- Like its predecessor, the tions are a must for anyone The connection to print-
improved automation and nesses and improve their who is looking to combine ers’ existing workflow is pow-
greater production flexibil- operational efficiency. AccurioPress 7136 series can offset and digital printing and ered by an enhanced version
ity with A3 and other varied produce a monthly peak vol- of Heidelberg’s Prinect
types of paper. Malcolm Smith, category ume of up to 3.24 million A4 use them efficiently in tan- Digital Frontend (DFE),
dem,” said Heidelberg CEO
The machines have manager for Professional pages. The AccurioPress Ludwin Monz. which Heidelberg has tai-
replaced the existing Print at Konica Minolta 7136P is commercially avail- “T hat ’s bec aus e lored towards offset printers’
digital needs.The presses,
AccurioPress 6136 series Business Solutions (UK), able immediately while the Heidelberg has comprehen- both capable of
and share the same market said the new series is sive process and application 2,400x4,800dpi, have auto-
positioning as those devices “focused on delivering high AccurioPress 7136 will be knowledge relating to both matic inline registration, cal-
did. Konica Minolta said performance print quality, available from the end of these printing methods, ibration, and colour control,
they have been developed to production speeds, and October, due to high which makes us unique in and can be refilled with toner
help commercial printers, application versatility that demand. the industry,” he continued. and paper while in operation. October 2023 PrintWeek MENA 15