Page 29 - PWM_DECEMBER2022 EBook
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      Star product
      Morgana AutoCreaser Pro XL

      The latest version of this device brings long-sheet capabilities, says Simon Eccles
                                                                                     sheet feeding in a closed loop process.
                                                                                     The vacuum feeder continuously checks
                                                                                     the paper float zone and automatically
                                                                                     makes adjustments on the fly. Morgana
                                                                                     claims that APC is an industry first for a
                                                                                     machine in this class.
                                                                                       The Pro part of the name indicates the
                                                                                     inclusion of a digital, operator-friendly,
                                                                                     user interface that Morgana calls its
                                                                                     SmartScreen panel – the majority of its
                                                                                     creasers and folders now have this.

                                                                                       How fast/productive is it?
                                                                                       This is the fastest of the AutoCreaser
                                                                                     range, with a throughput of up to 8,500
                                                                                     A4sph. Longer sheets with lots of creases
                                                                                     or perforations will obviously take

                                                                                       What is the USP?
                                                                                       According to Morgana, the USP includes
        What does it do?               Specifications  monitoring. As before there’s the option   its long-sheet support, plus the APC sheet
        When Morgana introduced its first   Max sheet size   to link it inline to Morgana’s Autofold
      AutoCreaser model 20 years ago, it was   385x700mm   Pro folder.               monitoring, and the improved user inter-
      one of the first finishing machines devel-  (385x1,300mm with   When was it launched and what mar-  face with fully automated setup.
      oped to suit the new needs of digital   extension table)  kets is it aimed at?   How easy is it to use?
      printing for short runs. The early toner-
      based digital colour printers and copiers   Min sheet size   This latest AutoCreaser XL was offi-  The new user interface with pre-set
      were particularly prone to cracking of the   99x210mm  cially launched in June this year and was   sizes, easy pattern selection and unlim-
      print if it ran over the fold, so pre-creas-    intended to be one of the highlights of   ited job memories makes operation very
      ing was needed to avoid this. Some paper   Paper thickness   Morgana’s Drupa stand. As before the   easy, while the APC monitoring makes
      and board types are also prone to crack-  range 70-400gsm  target market is commercial and in-
      ing of the coating. The challenge was to   Max creases/perfs per   house digital printers of all shapes and   the feed very reliable.
      allow fast, efficient setting up without   sheet 30  sizes, including those with the relatively   “You will simply process more jobs in
      needing the usual stack of ‘overs’, ie the      new long-sheet SRA3 presses.   less time,” says Ray Hillhouse, vice-presi-
      waste sheets generated by conventional   Min crease distance   How does it work?  dent sales & marketing for the
      print.                           0.1mm                                         Plockmatic Group Offline Business Unit.
        Since then some 10,000 AutoCreasers            Long sheet feeding is a key new feature
      have been sold worldwide and the cur-  Max feeder height   of the AutoCreaser Pro XL, which gains   How about training and servicing?
      rent range includes four models with dif-  200mm (100mm for   an extending support table to take sheets   Training is normally part of the instal-
      ferent formats, prices and feature sets.   lengths above   up to 385x1,300mm. This is more than   lation process, while the Morgana 5 Star
      Since its 2013 acquisition Morgana is   700mm)  enough to cover all of today’s digital
      officially called the Plockmatic Group   Job memories   sheetfed presses that offer extended   service plan is available.
      Offline Business Unit. Its Milton Keynes   Unlimited  lengths. Rivals can feed long sheets, but   “In these strange times it has been
      factory is now mainly used for warehous-        not necessarily automatically.  known for a printer to be trained on the
      ing, with manufacturing outsourced.  Throughput Up to   As the name suggests the AutoCreaser   basics of the AutoCreaser with a phone
        This year’s new AutoCreaser Pro XL is   8,500sph A4  range features automatic feeding. This   call, but ordinarily training would take
      the sixth generation and the first to offer                                    place at time of installation,” says
      long-sheet support. It also has a new user      latest model introduces new Adaptive
      interface and improved sheet feeding            Process Control (APC) that monitors   Hillhouse.

                          “Long sheet feeding is a key new feature of the AutoCreaser Pro XL.”                                                                   December 2022 PrintWeek MENA 29
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