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      Global brands at FESPA Middle East

        Global brands and local                                          Middle East, North Africa   increase in print-on-
      distributors are lining up to                                      and South Asia. With the   demand due to the adoption
      participate at FESPA Middle                                        strong line-up of exhibitors   of e-commerce platforms,
      East 2024, taking place from                                       to date, delegates will see   are all driving more and
      29 - 31 January at the Dubai                                       solutions  from over 100   more print service providers
      Exhibition Centre, UAE.                                            brands across the speciality   to consider adding or mov-
      The event will provide a                                           print and signage industries.   ing to digital.
      platform for technological                                         And already, we’re in con-  “FESPA Middle East will
      innovation in digital wide                                         versations with a number of   be a fantastic opportunity
      format, screen and textile                                         further suppliers. We’re   for Mimaki to showcase our
      printing, as well as signage                                       excited about expanding   cutting-edge solutions that
      and visual communications.                                         FESPA’s presence in this   meet these trends and cater
      Delegates will also benefit   FESPA Middle East 2024 will take place from 29 - 31 January 2024  new market to help print   to the needs of this exciting
      from free educational con-                                         and signage businesses in
      tent throughout the event,   Dennison, BestSub,   i n c l u d i n g  B r o t h e r ,   this region to take hold of   market. We will launch new
      including a feature pro-  MacTac, Mecolour and   Graphtec, Mutoh, Onyx,   new opportunities to sup-  products and demonstrate
      gramme and networking   Boyang are among the com-  Orafol,  Philips  Digital   port our growing FESPA   our continued focus on
      opportunities with industry   panies presenting media and   Signage, Pongs, Valiani and   Direct membership in   innovation, sustainability
      experts.              consumables.Confirmed   Vision.              MEA.”                 and collaboration during
        Visitors to FESPA Middle   distributors include Flex   Bazil Cassim, FESPA   Danna Drion, General   the show. We’re looking for-
      East 2024 will see print and   Europa, ADS, Al Shabak,   Regional Manager, Middle   Manager Marketing EMEA,   ward  to connecting with
      signage solutions from event   Blue Rhine, Desert Sign,   East & Africa, comments,   Mimaki Europe, explains,   customers  and  prospects
      sponsors Epson and CMYK   Helios Business Systems   “Our mission for the inaugu-  “MENA is a growing market   and finding new ways to
      and hardware from leading   Magic Trading Co., Strings   ral FESPA Middle East event   for digital printing with lots   support them with their
      suppliers including Mimaki,   International, Quantum   is to extend FESPA’s global   of untapped potential. The   goals as they adopt or
      Roland  DG,  IECHO and   Digital and Wellcare   exhibitions, business sup-  demand for personalisation   expand their digital printing
      Vanklaser. Aerolam, Avery   Advertising,  representing   port and community to the   in textiles, as well as an   capabilities.”
                            over 45 global brands,
      “Final Touch” State-of-the-Art Digital Print Service Facility

        Final Touch, a fast-grow-                                                JetVarnish 3DS for embel-  made this vision come true
      ing organization in the                                            lishment to add value on   is Konica Minolta’s
      Digital Print Service domain                                       printed jobs with spot UV   AccurioJet KM-1e, B2+ UV
      had set up a 1st of its kind                                       and foil applications. The   Inkjet Printer combined
      facility in the Kingdom of                                         first journey with Konica
      Saudi Arabia and in the                                            Minolta solution and the   with MGI JetVarnish 3D
      entire Middle East region.                                         high-quality printing   EVO for Embellishment.
      This is a unique digital print                                     resulted in quick customer   Both AccurioJet KM-1e and
      service facility with                                              adoption and fast success in   MGI JetVarnish 3D EVO are
      advanced innovation meet-                                          the Saudi market. This suc-  1st installations in the
      ing customer requirements                                          cess ensued for Final Touch   Middle East and Africa
      and resolving print industry                                       a high confidence in the
      challenges that are usually   First of its kind facility in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East region   partnership with Office   region. These installations
      encountered with tradi-                                            Supplies company and   have written a New Script in
      tional print technologies.   larger and versatile digital   1st branch as a mid-size digi-  Konica Minolta and motiva-  the Print Industry diversify-
      Final Touch selected Office   print sizes, in multiple com-  tal  print  facility,  offering   tion to further invest in   ing from common methods
      Supplies Company      binations of applications.  commercial and packaging   more advanced technology   of Offset and EP Digital.
      (Hoshan) and Konica     Final Touch’s partnership   applications utilizing Konica   and conceptually advanced   This Print Facility opens up
      Minolta to design and build   with Office Supplies   Minolta Production Printer   solutions going to the next
      this unique printing solution   Company (Hoshan) and   AccurioPress C6100,   level as an “above the rest”   a New Horizon for the Print
      with innovative concepts   Konica Minolta started in   AccurioLabel 230 for short-  printing service leader in the   Industry in Saudi Arabia and
      and new technology, and   2021 with the launch of their   run labels and MGI   market. The solution which   the entire region..

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                  September 2023 PrintWeek MENA 03
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