Page 13 - PWM2024_APRIL EBOOK
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DGI launches new printers at Color-Dec’s new
Fespa Global Print Expo D50) is discussing its new
Italian firm Color-Dec (12-
resin material for dome
labels at Fespa Global Print
Inkjet printer manufac- Meanwhile, the Poseidon Expo. The new Advanced
turer DGI (1-C50) is high- II roll-to-roll dye-sub printer Polyurethane Resin for safe,
lighting new printers at can print at up to 760sqm/ quick-curing, and long-last-
Fespa Global Print Expo – hr. With Kyocera print- ing applications is free of iso-
Hercules II and Poseidon II heads, it uses up to eight col- cyanate compounds, has
– as well as hosting the ours (CMYK/Lc/Lm/Fm/Fy) extended pot-life for
European launch of Presto. and can accommodate a improved workability, fea-
The event marks the first maximum media width of tures quick curing – 90 min-
time that DGI and Dgen 1.82m. Ruggiero said: utes at room temperature,
have exhibited at the show “Poseidon II is now exhib- and promotes a safer working
together since DGI acquired ited for printing on blueback environment, according to
Dgen last year. paper for billboards, which Color-Dec.
Hercules II and Poseidon The Poseidon II can print at up to 760sqm/hr has been a growing market It is also safe for transpor-
II build on the company’s heads, the Hercules II is a model had two heads, and for Dgen in the last few tation, and classified as non-
previous Hercules and four-colour dye-sub roll-to- this model has four. The years. After the merger with dangerous, and is completely
Poseidon machines, boast- roll machine that prints at machine is faster, the body is DGI, we believed it was mercury free.Color-Dec
ing improved user friendli- up to 130sqm/hr and accom- stronger, and the printing important to give a new managing director Daniele
ness, and “dramatically modates a maximum media quality is fantastic, so we are product to the market. This Santini told Printweek:
increased printing speeds” width of 1.62m. offering an alternative solu- is a printer which can also “Mainly the EU legislation
of 2x for Hercules II and 4x DGI overseas sales direc- tion for customers who are print for sublimation inks has imposed certain restric-
for Poseidon II, respectively. tor Bruno Ruggiero told looking for entry-level for transfer paper, so it’s tions on the use of isocy-
With four Epson print- Printweek: “The previous machines.” very versatile.” anates in Polyurethane.
Fespa 2024 delivers on its ImageData takes
opportunities promise Nozomi delivery
ImageData Group is
Fespa Global Print Expo
2024 has impressed in installing an EFI Nozomi
Amsterdam and delivered 14000 SD single-pass inkjet
printer at its Howden, East
on its aim to reveal the Yorkshire site this week. The
numerous opportunities on Nozomi installation began
offer to the sector.At the on Thursday 21 March and
RAI this week, the show joins a raft of other kit at
and the co-located ImageData, including two
European Sign Expo, EFI Vutek Q5r bought since
Personalisation Experience, the end of 2022. The group
Sportswear Pro, and The show hosted 525 exhibitors also operates a nearby site in
Sustainability Spotlight strated that our industry is their market and industry Willerby and another in The Nozomi 14000 SD printer
events welcomed 525 more advanced and knowledge with our confer- Brighton in East Sussex. ImageData and will
exhibitors. It also hosted dynamic than ever.From ence programmes.” Chief operating officer empower us to keep deliver-
the unveiling of new prod-
World Wrap Masters com- ucts to informative fireside Sustainability was the Glen Patrick, said: “We are ing exceptional printing solu-
petition. chats, we’ve been able to clear dominant trend at the committed to remaining at
Michael Ryan, head of show that, thanks to the show, with Fespa itself lead- the forefront of innovation tions that exceed our
global print expo at Fespa, constant evolution of tech- ing from the front. For the and taking what we offer to customers’ expectations.”
said: “We’ve thoroughly nology, media, applications first time, at this year’s our customers to the next The company, founded in
enjoyed hosting visitors at and business models, the event Fespa adopted a sus- level. “This investment in 1986, also invested heavily
our events in Amsterdam. possibilities and opportuni- tainable event management the Nozomi will allow us to during 2021 with an Inca
Covering all elements of ties are truly endless. Our strategy and system, follow- significantly ramp up our Onset X3 flatbed and an HP
visitors have experienced
speciality print – screen, new innovations first-hand, ing ISO guidelines for ISO sign and display volumes Indigo 100K for its Willerby
digital and textile printing, networked with like- 20121, a standard devel- without losing the superior site and two Xerox Nuvera
signage and visual commu- minded professionals and oped in 2012 for the print quality. This represents 314s and a raft of Duplo fin-
nications – we demon- had the chance to expand London Olympics. a significant milestone for ishing kit in Brighton. April 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13