Page 18 - PWM2024_APRIL EBOOK
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      Xsys to launch new                                                 IN BRIEF

                                                                          UFlex, one of India’s flexible
                                                                          packaging specialists, has
      products at drupa                                                   commenced commercializ-
                                                                          ing poly-condensed polyes-
                                                                          ter chips at its manufactur-
                                                                          ing facility in Panipat, India.
                                                                          In addition, it announced
        Xsys has confirmed it will                                        the  commissioning of a
      be launching a range of new                                         6.5-meter-wide cast polypropylene (CPP) film line with
      technologies at this year’s                                         an installed capacity of 18,000 metric tons per annum
      edition of drupa. These will                                        (MTPA) in Russia through its subsidiary Flex Films Rus,
                                                                          Russia. UFlex’s polyester chips manufacturing plant has
      include the nyloflex eco                                            an installed capacity of 168,000 MTPA and reaffirms the
      series, Catena ProServX, and                                        company’s commitment to expanding its vertical integra-
      new pre-press software, as                                          tion footprint. The Panipat plant will primarily manufac-
      the company continues its                                           ture poly-condensed polyester chips, which is a key raw
                                                                          material required to produce BOPET packaging films. In
      drive towards a greener   Xsys has confirmed it will be launching a range of new technologies  addition to catering to its in-house packaging film pro-
      future for print and packag-                                        duction, the facility will cater to third-party customers,
      ing.                  with innovative products and   and reduced ink usage, as   contributing to the growth and sustainability of the pack-
        ‘At drupa, Xsys will dem-  solutions solving their pain   well as the expansive portfo-  aging film industry in India. The Panipat facility comple-
                                                                          ments the company's packaging films footprint in Noida,
      onstrate how to embrace a   points, most importantly, the   lio of rotec precision-engi-  NCR, and Dharwad, Karnataka, and further expands
      productive and profitable   demand from brand owners,   neered sleeves and adapters   UFlex's presence and capabilities in serving its packaging
      future with the latest innova-  retailers and end consumers   for process optimization.   film customers across the country. The CPP packaging film
      tions for sustainable print-  for more sustainable packag-  Xsys will unveil the nyloflex   line in Russia will complement the existing capacity of
                                                                          one 8.7-meter-wide BOPET film line.
      ing,’ said Thomas Strohe,   ing.’            eco series, described as ‘a
      director of commercial excel-  Other drupa booth high-  groundbreaking milestone in   Fujifilm has appointed
      lence. ‘The world of packag-  lights designed by Xsys will   flexo plate manufacturing’,   Manuel Schrutt as head of
      ing production is changing   include live demos of the              packaging for Fujifilm Graphic
      rapidly.              award-winning          delivering unparalleled print   Systems EMEA. He brings more
                                                                          than fifteen years of experi-
        The pressure on printers   ThermoFlexX Catena+ fully   quality and consistency but   ence following sales, regional
      and converters is accelerat-  automated plate processing   also setting a new standard in   and general manager roles
      ing and Xsys is here to help to   line, the Woodpecker surface   reducing environmental   with HP and Landa. In his
      alleviate those challenges   patterns for improved quality   impact.  new role at Fujifilm, Schrutt
                                                                          will be responsible for the label and packaging business,
                                                                          covering both emerging digital inkjet and existing flexo
      Label Summit Latin America 2024                                     product lines, across Europe, Middle East and Africa. ‘I’m
                                                                          delighted to be joining Fujifilm and heading up its packag-
      reports successful edition                                          ing division,’ commented Schrutt. ‘The company has a
                                                                          strong reputation throughout the printing industry, with its
                                                                          firmly established product portfolio and its industry leading
                                                                          inks. I am passionate about inkjet technology, so I have
                                                                          always kept a close eye on Fujifilm’s developments, and I
        The 20th edition of Label                                         am very excited to embark on this new journey, promoting
      Summit Latin America 2024                                           and driving sales of its printing technologies for packaging
      has closed on a high note,                                          and labeling.
      attracting 750 visitors from
      25 countries. This year’s two-                                      DuraLabel  has launched
      day conference took place in                                        Kodiak Max, an industrial
                                                                          sign and label print systems,
      March for the first time in                                         allowing companies to bring
      Bogotá, Colombia. Across                                            multi-color, industrial
      two days, over 25 experts                                           strength sign and label pro-
      from well-known Colombian                                           duction in-house. Users can
                                                                          instantly create messaging
      brands, label converters from   20th Label Summit Latin America has closed on a high note  to their exact specifications;
      the region and leading asso-  AlfaPrint, Everest Printed,   Jiménez, brand design leader   alter or append messages at a moment’s notice; create
      ciations in Latin America’s   Impresos y Acabados,   from Colombian coffee   permanent safety signs or temporary / seasonal signage.
      label and package printing   Ideartes Impresores, Etiflex   brand Buendía, Eric Pell, cli-  All Kodiak Max Print Systems come with LabelForge Pro
                                                                          design software pre-installed with thousands of sign
      industry shared their insights   Mexico, Kuresa and   ent development director   templates and symbols that can be printed as-is or cus-
                                                   from Makro and Juan
      and knowledge about the   Sismode. Hosted by   Zuluaga, departmental coor-  tomized as needed. Users can also design their own signs
      trends and technologies that   Labelexpo Global Series, the   dinator – Antioquia of the   from scratch. A stand-alone system, the Kodiak Max is
      are shaping the future of the   conference had a total of 13   UN’s Food and Agriculture   ready to use out of the box. It features Wi-Fi connectivity,
      market. Converters partici-  sessions featuring panel dis-  Organization. Topics fea-  a responsive touchscreen display and wireless keyboard.
      pating in the conference   cussions and in-depth pres-  tured included an explana-  The Kodiak Max Print System uses thermal transfer tech-
                                                                          nology to ensure durability, vibrant colors, and sharp, 300
      included Viappiani,   entations.             tion of sustainability   DPI text, graphics, barcodes and QR codes.
      Servibarras, CCL, All4Labels,   Speakers included Juanita  terminology.
      18 PrintWeek MENA April 2024                                                      
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