Page 21 - PWM2024_APRIL EBOOK
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      Herma expands Thin Range of                                                              Color-Logic’s
      label materials                                                                          of color communication
                                                                                                Color-Logic, a developer

        Herma has expanded its                                           weather and chemical   systems, software and one
                                                                                               of the leaders in metallic
      Thin Range portfolio of par-                                       resistance. The adhesive   color and embellishments,
      ticularly lightweight self-                                        62Xpc used here was spe-  celebrates 15th anniversary.
      adhesive  label materials,                                         cially developed for film   It is now distributed in 74
      with Herma PP white light                                          labels with the use of the   countries around the globe.
      (grade 884) plastic film in                                        2-layer technology and ide-  Color-Logic today is com-
      combination with the spe-                                          ally matched adhesive lay-  patible with virtually every
      cial film adhesive 62Xpc,                                          ers providing good further   RIP or digital front end,
      which significantly reduces                                        processing properties and   which means that licensed
      the use of resources, also by                                      adhesive properties.  printers can choose from
      reducing the transport                                              When applied, the adhe-  among more than 100 digi-
      weight.The film weighs                                                                   tal presses and printers
      only 37 grams per square   New film is around 15 percent lighter than a standard PP film   sive 62Xpc is resistant to   when expanding produc-
      meter, making it more than                                         moisture, soaps and oil. It   tion to meet clients’ needs.
      15 percent lighter than a   product manager at Herma.  print  quality  in  conven-  also has good resistance to   Color-Logic is compatible
      standard film, which typi-  In terms of functional qual-  tional printing processes,   light, heat and ageing.   with every conventional
      cally weighs 44 grams per   ity, the new film is practi-  such as UV flexographic   Herma’s lightweight Thin   printing process, including
      square meter.         cally the same as its heavier  printing. The new PP film is   Range now includes six self-  offset lithography, flexogra-
        ‘In terms of sustainabil-  equivalent, especially in   particularly suitable for the   adhesive materials. ‘The self-  phy, screen printing and
      ity, this is a considerable   standard applications. Due   labelling of cosmetic and   adhesive materials in our   gravure, as long as the press
      leap, especially as this also  to its special treatment, the  personal care products,   Thin Range cover a very   can put silver ink and
      results in a lower transport   glossy surface of Herma PP   household cleaners, as well   broad functional spectrum,’   CMYK on conventional
      weight,’ said Hendrik Kehl,  white light results in good   as for applications requiring   commented Kehl.  substrates.
      UPM Raflatac achieves RecyClass                                    Techkon launches

      recognition in PE films                                            ChromaQA

        UPM Raflatac has received                                         Techkon has launched
      RecyClass recognition for PE                                       ChromaQA5 with SmartInk,
      films with its multipurpose                                        an AI driven, new feature,
      UV acrylic adhesive technol-                                       that allows users to make pre-
      ogy - making UPM Raflatac                                          cise ink toning adjustments,
      the first ever pressure sensi-                                     either on press or in the ink
      tive laminate producer to                                          room, without the guesswork
      receive technology approval                                        or inherent experience.
      in this category.  The granted                                     ChromaQA with SmartINK
      recognition expands UPM                                            allows users to tone ink   AI-driven technology
      Raflatac’s  portfolio of                                           quickly and efficiently with   maximum desired amount of
      RecyClass approved PE (pol-  First ever pressure sensitive laminate producer to get this approval  just a few clicks. First, users   ink to add, clicks button to
      yethylene) label materials.   the growing market demands   Labels not only serve as an   define their specific base ink   run correction calculations
      These materials are recog-  with its labeling prodycts for   important carrier of informa-  sets and substrates, a one
      nized to be recycling compat-  fast-moving consumer goods          time-setup to make sure that   and makes the required ink
      ible with colored and natural   (FMCG) products which are   tion on flexible packages and   the AI-driven algorithms are   recipe corrections. The new
      PE flexible films.    by default designed to sup-  packaging films, but also   correctly tailored to the spe-  feature is a viable substitute
        Today’s consumers and   port recycling compatibility.    offer a functional purpose as   cific environment.  for full blown ink formula-
      brand owners demand prod-  Katja Kivelä, business direc-  closure systems for example.   From there, whenever ink   tion software at a fraction of
      ucts where the sustainability   tor, food and HPC, films and   We are proud to be the first   corrections are necessary to   the cost, much easier to learn
      aspects including packaging   specials SBU EMEIA, UPM              get below a certain deltaE tol-  and use and can help address
      recyclability are carefully   Raflatac, said: ‘We are work-  ever self-adhesive label com-  erance, the user selects the   skilled labor shortages as it
      considered. As a significant   ing towards a more sustaina-  pany to provide RecyClass   correct base ink set and sub-  empowers anyone to per-
      trend which is only going to   ble and circular future. One   approved recycling compati-  strate combination, sets the   form ink toning on press effi-
      get bigger, UPM Raflatac is   big part of this is making plas-  ble labeling solutions for PE   starting amount of ink in the   ciently and without prior
      well positioned to cater for   tic  packaging  recyclable.   flexible packaging.’   bucket or on press, set the   experience.                                                                      April 2024 PrintWeek MENA 21
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