Page 20 - PWM2024_APRIL EBOOK
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Evopack produces fully Nobelus’ new
tactile film
recyclable crisp packaging FineGrit, a unique film for
Nobelus has launched
the prime label and flexible
packaging markets, which
The British Crisp Co. has break down into harmful is, much like its thermal
launched the first fully recy- microplastics, so it still has a counterpart, featuring a
clable paper crisp packet, safe end-of-life even if it is memorable stippled surface
providing an environmen- not disposed of as intended. that emulates the feel of
tally friendly and scalable It is already being used in rough sand. The new film
products such as reusable,
alternative to the eight bil- heat sealable paper mailing includes no adhesive layer,
lion packets thrown away bags. The packets have been making it ideal for prime
each year in the UK. certified as recyclable in label converters who use
Consumers can dispose of standard paper recycling wet lamination and flexible
the new crisp packet in their mills by OPRL, the only evi- packaging converters who
normal kerbside recycling dence-based on pack recy- utilize solventless, solvent-
collection along with their cling labelling scheme. This based or water-based lami-
other paper recyclable The British Crisp Co.’s first fully recyclable paper crisp packet means they feature the nation.
items. The new paper green recycle logo and can The rugged feel of
be disposed of in consumer
packet, which has been tional plastic. A very thin with anaerobic digestion. kerbside collections along FineGrit Film’s surface can-
developed in partnership layer of vacuum deposited Furthermore, if uninten- with other paper material, not be worn off through
with Evopak, a manufac- aluminum keeps the crisps tionally released into the unlike other crisp packets. processing, shipping or
turer of sustainable paper- fresh but doesn’t impact the natural environment, Aquapak Polymers special- repeated handling. The
based flexible packaging, recyclability of the packets. Hydropol – which is non- izes in designing and manu- film’s durable design makes
uses an innovative polymer, Hydropol can be recycled, toxic and marine safe – will facturing new it highly resistant to
Hydropol, developed by re-pulped, composted and is dissolve and subsequently polymer-based material scratching, scuffing and
Aquapak, instead of conven- distinctively compatible biodegrade. It does not technologies. burnishing.
Toppan’s Screen Europe joins Jet Technologies and
new launch Two Sides UK Omet partnership
Toppan and India-based
Toppan Speciality Films Screen Europe has joined Jet Technologies has broad-
(TSF) have developed Two Sides UK, a not-for- ened its cooperation with
GL-SP, a barrier film that profit, global initiative pro- Omet, expanding the dealer-
uses biaxially oriented moting the unique ship agreement into Vietnam,
polypropylene (BOPP) as sustainable and attractive Singapore and Malaysia,
the substrate and will attributes of print, paper and building on the near-decade
launch production and paper packaging. Screen long successful partnership in
sales from April 2024. Europe’s portfolio includes Indonesia, where Omet has
GL-SP is a new addition cutting-edge inkjet presses become the leading brand in
to the range of products catering to diverse sectors Screen Europe & Two Sides UK label and narrow-web presses. Broadened their cooperation
for sustainable packaging such as commercial print- Over the years, Jet marks a pivotal step in the
Technologies and Omet have
ing, packaging, labels and
in the Toppan Group’s GL industrial printing, enabling ers solutions that enhance been instrumental in show- partnership between Jet
BARRIER1 series of trans- customers to meet their spe- productivity, quality, and casing their Technologies and Omet,
parent vapor-deposited cific production needs effi- cost-effectiveness for its cli- printing and converting reflecting both companies’
barrier films, which enjoy ciently. entele, whilst also focusing machines through numerous commitment to extending
a leading share of the ‘Screen Europe’s commit- on improved sustainability,’ open-house events across their reach and support
global market, according ment to innovation is evi- commented Juan Cano, Indonesia, establishing a solid within the Asian market.
business development direc-
to Toppan. dent through its continuous tor at Screen Europe. By footprint in the region. Jack Malki, director of Jet
Toppan and TSF will research and development joining Two Sides, Screen Demonstrative of this com- Technologies, expressed his
launch sales of GL-SP for efforts aimed at improving Europe has access to a large mitment, Omet is now posi- enthusiasm about the expan-
packaging of dry contents, printing capabilities and library of co-brandable com- tioned as the best-selling sion, highlighting the compa-
with a focus on markets in addressing evolving market munications tools, consumer brand of label and narrow- ny’s partnership approach and
end-to-end solution expertise
the Americas, Europe, demands. By using advanced research, industry-leading web presses in Indonesia. The as key factors in fostering
India, and the ASEAN technologies and industry information, sustainability expansion into Vietnam, growth within these new mar-
region. expertise, the Screen deliv- advice and events. Singapore and Malaysia kets.
20 PrintWeek MENA April 2024