P. 3


      Canon’s huge success at drupa 2024

        Canon, the global leader                                         web-fed inkjet press and  Fahd Glorious Qur’an
      in digital imaging solutions,                                      varioPRINT iX3200     Printing Complex in Saudi
      marked its most successful                                         sheetfed inkjet press. The   Arabia purchased two lines
      DRUPA participation ever,                                          increasing trend of invest-  of ProStream 3000. AST in
      with its presence at DRUPA                                         ment in inkjet presses also   UAE and Qatar secured two
      2024 attracting record cus-                                        meant that Canon’s newly   units of Colorado M5, two
      tomer engagement, invest-                                          announced varioPRINT   units of Arizona 1360 GTF,
      ment and visitor interest. At                                      iX1700 and the B2-format   and two units of image-
      its stand in Hall 8A, existing                                     varioPRESS iV7 drew sub-  PRESS v1350.
      and potential customers                                            stantial interest despite   Shadi Bakhour, B2B
      experienced how the latest                                         these presses not being com-  Business Unit Director at
      printing solutions and sup-                                        mercially available until   Canon Middle East, said:
      port services from Canon   Canon Middle East secured orders worth €7.3 million at drupa  next year.  “DRUPA 2024 has been a
      and its technology partners                                         Several significant deals   resounding success for
      can help transform their   announcements.    enabling technologies with   with Middle East customers   Canon Middle East. We are
      businesses sustainably. As a   Under the theme of ‘The   partners, demonstrating   highlighted Canon’s success   thrilled with the overwhelm-
      result, Canon significantly   Power To  Move,’  Canon   real-life customer solutions   at DRUPA 2024. Tenaui   ing response from our cus-
      exceeded projections for the   sought to demonstrate the   and inspiring visitors.  Saudi Arabia acquired two   tomers and the significant
      event. Notably, Canon   power of print to move peo-  As expected for an estab-  units of varioPRINT B3 cut-  orders secured. We saw visi-
      Middle East secured orders   ple emotionally to achieve   lished global leader in digital   sheet inkjet machines for  tors from all over the globe
      worth an impressive €7.3   positive change and to move  production print, sales of   commercial printing applica-  coming to the Canon stand
      million and hosted over 70   businesses forward by   both Canon’s web-fed and   tions. The Education &   to experience our break-
      esteemed customers from   deploying Canon’s trans-  sheetfed presses for com-  Training Evaluation   through technology and
      the Middle East who gained   formative technologies,  mercial print and promo-  Commission in Saudi Arabia  business innovation we can
      exclusive hands-on access to  expertise and support.  tional communications   added a second line of   deliver - and how it enables
      Canon’s innovative offerings  Through curated workflows,   were robust, in particular,   ColorStream 6000 for Exam   people and businesses to
      and latest product    Canon showcased its latest  those of the ProStream 2133  Printing, while the King   grow and prosper.”

      Sona Commercial LLC launches four new products in UAE

        Sona Commercial LLC, a                                                   Book Covers, Cards,  launch of these four new
      leader in the fine paper                                           Reports, Tags etc. In pale   products represents our ded-
      industry, has announced                                            neutral shades. myReef tac-  ication to excellence and our
      the launch of its four latest                                      tile properties & colors   mission to provide unparal-
      innovative products.                                               inspired by the ocean envi-  leled solutions in the Fine
        - myKingdom                                                      ronment.              Paper industry.
                                                                          myRecyco papers made
        - myBoheme                                                                              “Sona Commercial LLC
                                                                         of 100% recycled fibre. Fine   has been at the forefront of
        - myReef                                                         Papers for tags brochure &   Fine Paper industry for 15
        - myRecyco                                                                             years, dedicated to Quality &
                                                                          “At Sona Commercial
        The event Sona Emirates   Sona announced the launch of its four latest innovative products  LLC, we are committed to   Sustainability. Our innova-
      Night was held on 26th   needs & challenges within  and corporate identity.   pushing the boundaries of   tive products and solutions
      June, 2024 at Hilton Dubai.   the Paper industry provid-  myKingdom provides real   what is possible and deliver-  are designed to deliver the
      These new offerings dem-                                           ing exceptional value to our   highest level in all aspects of
      onstrate our ongoing com-  ing unmatched benefits and   and concrete communica-  customers,” said Mr. Vikrant   our business relationships by
      mitment to innovation   features.            tion, which can be browsed,   Chabbra, Managing Director   continuously setting new
      excellence in Fine Paper   myKingdom a range of   personalized and stored.   – Sona Commercial LLC &   standards ensuring that we
      Industry. Each Product is   paper designed as a creative  myBoheme high-end luxury   Mr. Raju Suneja – Managing   meet and exceed customer
      designed to address unique   support for communication  papers for Catalogues ,   Director - Marketing. “The   expectations every time.”

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                 July-August 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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