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NEWS         INDIA

      Growth in MEA’s stationery sector

        The  expansion  of  the                                          Syed Ali Akbar, Show  to the Saudi capital.
      office and education sectors                                       Director for  Paperworld   Over 365,000 students are
      in the Middle East and                                             Middle East and Gifts and   currently enrolled in private
      Africa (MEA) is driving sig-                                       Lifestyle Middle East.    schools in Dubai, and due to
      nificant growth in the paper                                        The Middle East and   population growth and sig-
      products sector, according                                         Africa schools supply mar-  nificant investments in the
      to findings from 6W                                                ket is expected to rise from   sector in the UAE, the educa-
      research. They estimate that                                       US$7 billion this year to   tion market is expected to
      market revenues for paper                                          US$8.9 billion in 2030.   grow at a steady rate. In
      and  paper products  will                                          According to UNESCO,   2022, the UAE Government
      reach US$16.4 billion by                                           Africa needs at least nine   allocated $5.18 billion to the
                                                                                               education sector, represent-
      2030, growing at a CAGR of                                         million new classrooms and   ing approximately 14% of the
      3.4%. The office sector in   Growth in MEA’s office & education sectors gives positive outlook  9.5 million additional teach-  total federal budget.
      the UAE employs 64% of the                                         ers by 2050, with new   Paperworld Middle East is
      country’s workforce and   corporations are choosing   “The increased demand   schools and classrooms   the largest international
      contributes to over half of   Riyadh as the location for   for office space in the   already under construction.   trade show for stationery,
      the nation’s GDP. In 2024,   their regional headquarters,   Middle East region will   Three new British schools   paper, and office supplies.
      Dubai is expected to expand   where office occupancy lev-  directly boost the office sup-  are set to open in Riyadh   This year’s event theme is
      its office space by an addi-  els are currently around   plies industry, with paper,   between 2024 and 2026,   “Crafting  Global
      tional 44,000 square meters,   98%.          paper products and station-  and the Royal Commission   Connections,” highlighting
      while Abu Dhabi plans to   Over the next three years,  ery being important compo-  for Riyadh City   the exhibition’s role as a cen-
      add 112,000 square meters.   it is predicted that 676,000  nents of this segment. As a   International Schools   tral hub for the industry
      In Qatar, an additional   square metres of office space  result, we expect an uptick   Programme, in cooperation   worldwide. The exhibition
      350,000 square meters of   will be added in Saudi   in sales of products such as   with the Ministry of   will feature over 480 exhibi-
      additional office space is  Arabia’s capital, while   writing printing paper, writ-  Education and Ministry of   tors from 40 countries and is
      planned this year. A growing  demand for office space in  ing utensils and other office   Investment, aims to attract   estimated to attract 12,000
      number of multinational   Jeddah is also growing.   supplies equipment”, said  major international schools   visitors.

      Mimaki’s UV LED printers can add an extra layer to signage

        An effective design is one                                           more sustainable printing   Based on the UJV100-160,
      that can catch the eye of the                                      option. In addition to this,   the UJV100-160plus is the
      passer-by. However, the                                            UV ink can be used on a   definitive entry-level model
      design or message can be                                           wide range of materials such   for sustainable sign and
      missed if the final print is                                       as cloth, paper without a
      not dynamic and striking                                                                 graphic printing with low
      enough to draw the atten-                                          receptive layer, and PET   running costs, versatile
      tion of the intended audi-                                         film, which are difficult to   expression, and ease of
      ence. Nowadays, advanced                                           print on using traditional   printing for everyone.
      printing methods allow                                             latex or solvent, making UV   It has the basic functions
      users to achieve striking                                          LED printing not only more   of  the  conventional
      results, through special                                           sustainable and effective but
      effects, such as glossy or   Mimaki is at the forefront of UV LED printing with its UV printers  also more versatile than tra-  UJV100-160 with several
      matte surfaces and glitter                                         ditional methods.     additional features, most
      effects. When combining   ers over the top of each   ing there is no drying time,   Mimaki has been at the   notably the pull-back print-
      print layers with special tex-  other, it allows for more   so your sign and decorations   forefront of UV LED print-  ing function, which enables
      tures, the results get even   interesting textures and col-  will be ready as soon as they   multi-layer printing up to
      more eye-catching. Multi-  ours, allowing your signs to   are printed. By curing   ing, with its latest UV print-  three layers for a wide range
      layered printing can take   reach their full potential.  immediately, there is no   ers, the UJV100-160Plus and
      your designs to the next   Efficiency is a key benefit   need for a drying heater,   the UCJV330-160,  both   of applications. The
      level, by printing coloured,   of UV printing. UV LED ink   which reduces energy con-  excellent options when   UCJV330-160, available
      white, black, and clear lay-  is cured immediately, mean-  sumption and makes it the   looking to multi-layer print.   from the beginning of 2024.

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