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      FESPA Awards programme                                                                   Print4All

      2025 open for entries                                                                      The Print4All Conference

                                                                                               2024, one of the most impor-
                                                                                               tant events in the roadmap to
        FESPA’s long standing                                            printing and design. To   Print4All 2025 – the exhibi-
      Awards programme returns                                           enter, applicants can submit   tion dedicated to the world of
      in preparation to recognise                                        their  work in  any  print
      industry leaders at the co-                                        related category.     printing – was successfully
      located FESPA Global Print                                          Regarding the Young Star   held on 11 July, 2024, at the
      Expo, European Sign Expo                                           Award, Richardson-Locke   elegant Villa Quaranta. The
      and  Personalisation                                               states:  “We  are  always   picturesque winemaking
      Experience in Berlin, taking                                       thrilled to review the entries   region attracted hundreds of
      place in May 2025.                                                 for the Young Star category   delegates, including mem-
        The competition is now                                           and impressed by the stand-  bers of supply chain associa-
      open for submissions from                                          ard of work submitted. We   tions, from around the world.
      speciality print providers and                                                             The conference provided
      sign-makers to showcase   The competition is now open for submissions from print providers  see creative thinking and   the perfect platform for
                                                                         technical delivery to a stand-
      their most outstanding pro-  Lead and one of the 2025   For entries this year, we’re     industry stakeholders to hear
      jects. This global awards pro-  Awards  judges, Graeme   interested in seeing the use of   ard which demonstrates that   views of market experts and
      gramme encourages  Richardson-Locke, com-    appropriate and sustainable   we have new talent coming   share the vision of manufac-
      innovation and excellence,  ments: “Speaking on behalf   materials, reflecting the   up within the industry, a   turers and brand owners
      providing a platform for print  of the judges, we all hope to   wider industry’s goal of   topic which is really impor-  through an open exchange of
      and sign-makers to highlight  be surprised by new levels of   reducing its environmental   tant to FESPA and its associa-
      their latest and most signifi-  technical excellence and   impact.”    tions.  It’s  hard  having  to   ideas and sharing the best
      cant achievements, forging a  clear evidence that the entry   The final category, the   choose but for the winner,   practices, new trends, and
      path to set new standards for  has been created with the   Young Star Award, is open to   the accolade marks a signifi-  emerging technologies. The
      the industry.         greatest care, reflecting the   individuals aged 16-25 who   cant achievement. We hold   Print4All Conference is
        FESPA’s Head of  professional standards that   are vocational trainees or stu-  them to a high standard and   aimed at the entire printing
      Association and Technical  we’ve seen over many years.   dents in digital or screen   don’t make it easy to win!”  and converting industry.
      Propak West Africa 2024                                            Saudi Paper inks deal

      registration is open now                                           with Emirates NBD

                                                                          In line with the company’s
        Visitor registration for the                                     strategy and future plans, the
      upcoming Propak West                                               Saudi Paper Manufacturing
      Africa 2024 is now live. This                                      Company (SPMC) has
      was announced by Afrocet                                           announced the signing of a
      Montgomery, the organizer                                          Sharia-compliant facility
      of the event.The 11th edition                                      agreement with Emirates
      of West Africa’s largest pack-                                     NBD to the tune of 150 mil-  SPMC signs $39M facility deal
      aging,  plastics, labelling,                                       lion Saudi riyals (approx
      and print exhibition will                                          $39.9 million).       agreement is secured by a
      take place at the spectacular                                       The Dammam-based tis-  promissory note for the full
      beachfront Landmark    Immersive three-day event packed with opportunities in Nigeria  sue-paper manufacturer   value of the loan.
      Centre in Lagos, Nigeria,   from around the world will  experience live demos of   revealed that the loan will be   Saudi Paper was estab-
      from 10-12 September,   be showcasing their product  cutting-edge technologies   used to back its cash liquidity   lished in the year 1989 as a
      2024. “We’ll open our doors   innovations and services to   from some of the world’s   required to cover working   small individual firm. It
      to an immersive three-day   an audience of over 5,500   leading brands. “This year   capital for day-to-day opera-  started manufacturing large
      event packed with opportu-  highly-engaged profession-             tions. Through the facility,   paper rolls in 1991.
      nities to explore, learn, and   als from across the packag-  promises to be our biggest   Saudi Paper also aims to   Emirates NBD Bank PJSC
      network with industry lead-  ing supply chain, providing   and best exhibition yet!”   expand its purchase of raw
      ers and innovators,” says   opportunities to connect   comments Pearson, as the   materials for starting opera-  is Dubai’s government-
      Jamie Pearson, Marketing &   and network, and gain new   organizers have added a   tions of new production   owned bank and is one of the
      Operations Director,   business connections.   fourth hall of exhibition   lines, including its fifth pro-  largest banking groups in the
      Afrocet Montgomery.    Propak West Africa also pro-  space in anticipation of a   duction line, and its subsidi-  Middle  East  in  terms  of
        Nearly 250 companies   vides the ideal platform to  record-breaking attendance.  aries.  The one-year   assets.                                                                 July-August 2024 PrintWeek MENA 11
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