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      IFS becomes Smyth                                                                        Sun Chemical
                                                                                               increases prices
      distributor                                                                              Sun  C hemic al  has
                                                                                                Ink and pigment giant
                                                                                               announced a price increase
        Intelligent Finishing                                            available to all those compa-  across a broad portfolio of its
      Systems (IFS) is set to                                            nies that need to speed up   inks in Europe, the Middle
      become the exclusive dis-                                          and simplify their finishing   East and Africa (EMEA),
      tributor for book sewing                                           processes both in the digital   effective immediately.
      machines manufacturer                                              and offset printing markets.”  The US-headquartered
      Smyth in the UK and                                                                      company said the supply
      Ireland. Smyth’s product                                            The Smyth range of sew-  chains of colour and white
      range includes a variety of                                        ing machines starts from   pigments have been severely
      models suitable for various                                        £45,000 for the FX-30   impacted by diverse chal-
      book formats and produc-  The Smyth FX-70 is one of the machines IFS will now offer  model. IFS said it would be   lenges in recent months,
      tion volumes.                                                      offering the machines at   including cases of disrup-
        Effective from 1    mitment to providing our   Smyth, said that forming a   “competitive prices” to new   tion, shortage, insolvency,
      September 2024, the part-  customers with the best   partnership with IFS was   and existing customers with   and anti-dumping import
      nership agreement will   solutions in the market. We   “an easy decision”.  full technical support, ser-
      allow IFS to offer Smyth’s   believe this partnership will   “Both organisations strive   vice maintenance, and spare   tax, as well as further
      entire product range.  significantly enhance our   to deliver customer focused,   parts from its offices and   increasing sea freight rates
        Jason Seaber, technical   product portfolio and allow   top quality finishing solu-    from Asia.
      sales director at IFS, said:                                       showroom in  Hemel     These factors have been
      “We are thrilled to partner   us to offer a wider range of   tions that truly add value.  Hempstead.  driving up the cost of Sun
      with Smyth. Their reputa-  high-quality book binding   “Together, working as a   Perfect Bindery Solutions   Chemical’s ink products,
      tion for excellence aligns   solutions to our customers.”  team, we aim to make our   was the previous distributor   encompassing both colour
      perfectly with our own com-  Sabrina Pronotto, CEO of   offer and our know-how   for Smyth.  and white inks, it stated.
      Epson updates dye-sub printer  Launch of Drytac

      range                                                              Paper Fleece Smooth

        Epson is adding two new                                           Premier has launched
      64-inch (1.63m) dye-sub                                            Drytac Paper Fleece
      printers to its European port-                                     Smooth, a new PVC-free,
      folio. The SureColor F9500                                         non-woven wallcovering.
      and SureColor F9500H mod-                                          The company said the prod-
      els will replace the SureColor                                     uct is available now and
      F9400 and SC-F9400H,                                               “combines sustainability
      offering significant enhance-                                      with exceptional quality”,
      ments in productivity, usabil-                                     making it suitable for a vari-
      ity, and image quality   The SureColor F9500 is available from October 2024  ety of settings including   It is a repositionable adhesive
      according to the manufac-                                          homes, retail stores, hotels,   standards, while its smooth
      turer.                the inclusion of a new, larger   Additionally, the printers   and offices. Paper Fleece   satin finish is said to provide
        Both available from   PrecisionCore MicroTFP   support fluorescent inks,   Smooth boasts “excellent”   sharp, detailed graphics and
      October, the printers are said   printhead, increasing pro-  producing bright, vibrant   dimensional stability and   quick drying times.
      to offer a compact, space-sav-  ductivity by up to 30% in   sportswear, soft signage, and  durability while Premier   “Drytac Paper Fleece
      ing design, reducing height   four-colour mode.  fashion applications.Other  said its smooth satin finish   Smooth represents a signifi-
      by over 300mm compared to   The Media Lifter facilitates   features include the integra-  delivers photorealistic   cant step forward in sustain-
      their predecessors and ena-  single-user operation, mak-  tion of Nozzle Verification   prints,  producing  sharp,   able interior solutions,” said
      bling installation in height-  ing setup simple and practi-  Technology (NVT) and Part   detailed graphics with quick   Brad West, director of Wide
      restrictive spaces. A 4.3-inch   cal. The SureColor F9500H   OverLap (POL). These tech-  drying times. It is a reposi-  Format Media at Premier.
      touchscreen with a tilt func-  model can be configured             tionable permanent adhe-  “The product not only meets
      tion displays current printer   with orange and violet inks,   nologies automatically detect   sive,  with bubble-free   the demands for a diverse
      status, including ink levels   which expands the colour   nozzle conditions and adjust   technology allowing for easy   high-quality wallcovering
      and media settings, while the  gamut by 20%, delivering   print quality accordingly to   installations. It is also safe   but also addresses the grow-
      machines achieve “signifi-  more vivid and smooth col-  ensure consistent and relia-  for use in public areas that   ing need for environmen-
      cant productivity gains” with  ours according to Epson.  ble performance.  require strict fire safety   tally responsible materials.”
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