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      PG Paper launches Opal                                                                   Stora Enso
                                                                                               appoints CFO

      containerboard range in UK                                                               Niclas Rosenlew as Group
                                                                                                Stora Enso has appointed
                                                                                               Chief Financial Officer. He
                                                                                               will replace Seppo Parvi, who
        PG Paper has formed a                                            James-Williams, commercial   has previously announced
      new strategic partnership                                          director at Greenock,   that he will leave Stora Enso
      with Opal, focusing on its                                         Scotland-headquartered PG   to continue his career outside
      containerboard portfolio.                                          Paper, said: “The UK con-  the company. Stora Enso has
      The new range includes a                                           tainerboard market is being   also appointed Carolyn
      unique, lighter shade of vir-                                      driven by e-commerce and   Wagner as Executive Vice
      gin Kraft Liner Board (KLB)                                                              President, Packaging
      with a bright, smooth sur-                                         the increasing demand for   Solutions division. She will
      face said to be suitable for                                       sustainable and new packag-  replace Ad Smit who will
      high-quality professional                                          ing solutions from both con-  retire.
      printing, along with 100%   PG Paper formed a new strategic partnership with Opal  sumers and retailers.  Rosenlew and Wagner will
      recycled Fluting and                                                “At PG Paper, we are com-  join Stora Enso in January
      Testliner  grades.  Part  of   delighted to appoint PG   its new regional sales direc-  mitted to offering our cus-  2025 at the latest and be
      Opal’s Paper Division, the   Paper as our UK distribution   tor to lead the new distribu-  tomers innovative deep-sea   members of Stora Enso’s
      KLB is manufactured at the   partner for our KLB,   tion partnership with Opal.   alternatives that enhance   Group Leadership Team.
      Maryvale Mill in the South   Testliner and Fluting   Ferrari joined in early July   supply chain resilience.   Rosenlew is currently Group
      East of Australia, while the   grades. PG Paper’s UK pres-  and the business said the   Opal’s advancements in qual-  CFO at the Swedish stock-
      recycled Testliner and   ence and local service, com-  role was developed as an   ity, particularly in producing   listed industrial company
      Fluting are produced at the   bined with their impressive   extension  of its existing   SKF, a position held since
      Botany Mill in the outer   export knowledge, provide a   functions to support this   a unique KLB shade, allow us   2019. Prior to his current
      Sydney area.          fantastic opportunity for   strategic partnership and   to provide packaging options   role, he held a CFO position
        Kelly Drew, Opal’s inter-  market growth.”  address evolving market   that meet market demands   at Basware, & senior finance
      national sales operations   PG Paper has also   needs, in line with its   and help our customers miti-  positions at Microsoft and
      manager, said: “We’re   appointed Martin Ferrari as   growth strategy.  Lyndsey   gate supply chain risks.”  Nokia.
      DS Smith North America                                             Saica Group to buy

      launches new workshops                                             Schumacher

        DS Smith has launched                                             Saica Group has reached
      PackRight 2.0, a hybrid col-                                       a n a g reement w it h
      laboration experience. The                                         Schumacher Packaging to
      new offering features inter-                                       acquire Schumacher’s Polish
      active workshops to help                                           subsidiary. This includes all
      businesses in the fast-moving                                      activities in Poland — the
      consumer goods (FMCG),                                             entire management, all
      e-commerce and other                                               employees, two modern cor-
      industries innovate and                                            rugated board plants in   Schumacher Packaging
      enhance the sustainability of                                      Bydgoszcz and Wroclaw,
      their packaging using DS                                           two paper mills in    board. The company has
      Smith’s proprietary Circular                                       Grudziadz and Myszków,   1,540 employees in Poland,
                                                                                               and in 2023 has a turnover
      Design Metrics.                                                    and three service centers.   of 327 million euros (aggre-
        The workshops, which are   DS Smith launches PackRight 2.0, a hybrid collab experience  The value of the deal was   gated sales).
      hosted at the company’s   The new workshops are the   to streamline the design pro-  not disclosed.  “This will be a very
      PackRight Centers in   first in the U.S. packaging   cess, these collaborative ses-  According to Saica,   important milestone. Not
      Reading, Pennsylvania, and   and design space to employ   sions reduce the time, effort   Schumacher Packaging’s   only is this a step forward in
      Lebanon, Indiana, bring DS   advanced visual content plat-  and expense required to cre-  Polish subsidiary has devel-  Saica’s business growth
      Smith’s designers and engi-  form solutions from leading   ate new packaging that   oped a solid portfolio of cus-  strategy, but it also aims to
      neers together with custom-  French collaboration tech   addresses brands’ growing   tomers and  offers a   further develop our infra-
      ers to develop design   start-up Klaxoon. According   circularity needs. DS Smith   production capacity of   structure  and  services  in
      solutions that boost packag-  to DS Smith, by combining   is a leading provider of sus-  440,000 tonnes per year of   Eastern Europe,” said
      ing efficiency, effectiveness,   creativity, strategic insights,   tainable fiber-based packag-  paper and 535 million   Susana Alejandro, President
      appeal and sustainability.   and cutting-edge technology   ing worldwide.  square meters of corrugated   of Saica Group.
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