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      APR rolls out Design                                               IN BRIEF

                                                                          In-M old D e cor at i n g
                                                                          Association (IMDA) has
      Recognition program                                                 released a white paper that
                                                                          asserts in-mold technologies
                                                                          used for the labeling and
                                                                          decoration of plastic products
        The Association of Plastic                                        are a sustainable, recyclable
      Recyclers (APR) has                                                 alternative to other types of
      announced the culmination                                           labels  or  decoration.
      of the initial rollout of its                                       According to the association, the proliferation of single-use
      Preferred    Design                                                 plastic containers and plastic waste, concerns about climate
      Recognition (PDR) program,                                          change and the rising interest in a circular economy are
                                                                          prompting consumers and regulators to look for ways to
      which it says enables brands,                                       reduce the environmental impact of plastic packaging and
      manufacturers and convert-                                          products. The new white paper describes how in-mold
      ers to receive formal APR   The initial rollout of APR's Preferred Design Recognition program  technologies for labeling and decorating yield recyclable
      Design for Recyclability rec-                                       and sustainable plastic packaging for a variety of markets
      ognition for any complete   meets the highest criteria for  to fully align the PDR path-  and applications. Topics include an overview of in-mold
      PET, HDPE or PP packaging   recyclability, according to   way with the APR Design   labeling advantages in recycling; a discussion of in-mold
      that meets the definition of   the APR Design Guide. The   Guide,’ said Ruben Nance,   technology’s sustainability factors in production environ-
                                                   APR program director for
                                                                          ments; design guidance for recyclability and a case study
      ‘preferred’.          organization’s design recog-  PDR. ‘The APR Design for   featuring a packaging application. The substrate used for
        Following the addition of   nition helps component and   Recyclability recognition   in-mold labeling (IML) and in-mold decorating (IMD) pro-
      HDPE packaging constructs   packaging manufacturers   program now provides   cesses becomes an integrated part of the finished package,
      to the list of products eligible   meet clients’ goals for recy-  appropriate  pathways for   simplifying the automated sorting and washing that occur
      for PDR, additional catego-  clable packaging, providing   manufacturers and convert-  at the recycling facility by eliminating the need for chemical
      ries will be added in parallel   third-party validation that a   ers to reliably assess the recy-  removal of a paper or film label and adhesive.
      to future APR Design Guide   package design is compatible   clability of their PET, HDPE
      updates. Several paths are   with the North American   or PP packaging compo-  Archroma, manufacturer of
                                                                          specialty chemicals,  has
      available to achieve APR   recycling system.   nents, as well as creating a   been awarded a Gold rating
      design recognition, but all   ‘This marks the end of a   resource for brands to easily   by EcoVadis, the global rating
      paths confirm that a package   15-month effort, spanning all  find recyclable packaging   agency for sustainability
                                                                          performance. This consoli-
      or packaging component   APR technical committees,   options.’      dates Archroma’s position
                                                                          among the top 5 percent of
      Lecta to showcase facestock at                                      the more than 130,000 com-
                                                                          panies from 180 countries and 220 industries assessed by
                                                                          EcoVadis against stringent criteria covering environmental
      Labelexpo Americas 2024                                             performance, ethics, labor and human rights, and sus-
                                                                          tainable procurement.  Mark Garrett, group CEO, Archroma,
                                                                          said: ‘Archroma has a clear sustainability strategy that
        Lecta, one of the leading                                         guides all of our efforts to develop and deliver innovative
      European manufacturers and                                          solutions that enhance people’s lives. This is encapsulated
      distributors of paper for the                                       in the ambitious environmental operations targets we
      label and packaging industry,                                       have just announced for 2030. Our enduring goal is to lead
      has been preparing to show-                                         our industry towards a more sustainable future.'
      case its wide range of faces-
      tock and release liners                                             Minneapolis, US-based con-
      specially designed to meet                                          v e r t e r  A WT  L abe ls  &
      label market needs at                                               Packaging (AWT) has intro-
      Labelexpo Americas 2024.                                            duced AWT On Demand Print
        The company will present                                          & Labeling Systems, a com-
      its entire portfolio of label   The company will showcase an extensive range of facestock  prehensive offering of print-
      facestock, consisting of Coral   applications, respectively:  the North American label   ers, software, service, and
      (uncoated paper), Creaset   Linerset SCK and Linerset   and packaging community at   consumables including stock
      (one-side coated paper),   Glassine (available in yellow   Labelexpo Americas 2024,’   and custom labels.The con-
      Eurokote (cast-coated   and white).                                 verter will provide both blank thermal labels and highly
      paper), Metalvac (metallized   The company will also par-  says Alain Villemure, vice   embellished branded labels.  AWT On Demand, formerly
      paper) and Termax  (thermal   ticipate in the seminar organ-  president of sales of Lecta   ReThink Labeling, streamlines the ordering process,
      paper) ranges.                               North America. ‘Our paper   allowing customers to purchase VIP labels and supplies
        From the metallized and   ized by AWA (Alexander   solutions are designed to   from the same trusted partner that produces its primary or
      thermal ranges, Lecta will   Watson  Associates)  on   meet the demanding require-  industrial labels. AWT is a comprehensive label and pack-
      promote Recy, a range of   September 8 and 9.   ments of industry applica-  aging converter, capable of fulfilling all client needs. The
      products made from recycled   The conference will   tions, and we are confident   AWT On Demand team is made up of seasoned profession-
      fibers.               address topics related to labe-               als in printers, software, and field service, all dedicated to
        Lecta will also showcase its   ling, release liners, printing,   that they will provide our   ensuring a seamless and efficient labeling process.  AWT
      Linerset CCK and CCK Duo   and smart technology.  customers with the quality   On Demand expands our product offering,’ said Jack van
      release liner papers for label   ‘We are excited to present  and performance they need   den Boogaart, director of sales at AWT.
      and adhesive graphic film  our innovative solutions to   to succeed.’
      18 PrintWeek MENAJuly-August 2024                                                 
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