P. 20


      Siegwerk launches Cirkit                                                                 Insignia wins
      Clearprime UV E02 primer                                                                 Award competition is only
                                                                                                The Pinnacle Product

                                                                                               Alliance members and eval-
        Siegwerk has launched its                                        offers a primer that specifi-  open  to  Printing  United
      first full UV flexo deinking                                       cally addresses this chal-  uates products that will be
      system Cirkit Clearprime                                           lenge. By enabling easy and   available for sale in 2024. A
      UV E02 for the European                                            safe deinking of UV-printed   qualified panel of judges
      market.  The new primer                                                                  across the printing industry
      technology for non-food                                            self-adhesive labels, it elimi-  evaluated the annual con-
      packaging applications                                             nates the need for prior label   test’s over 160 entries in
      offers a validated solution                                        removal if the used plastics   more than 58 categories
      for safe and economic deink-                                       are compatible.       spanning analog, digital,
      ing of UV-printed self-adhe-                                        ‘Such combined mechani-  output technologies.
      sive labels (PSL). It                                              cal recycling of labels and   ‘Our team is honored to
      improves the recyclability of                                                            receive another award
      labeled plastic packaging                                          plastic packaging can not   acknowledging the benefits
      and enables the recovery of   Siegwerk has launched its first full UV flexo deinking system  only help to increase recy-  the Insignia series die-cut-
      high-quality recyclates that   nology narrow EMEA at   reuse. As a result, it is not   cling rates, but also to save   ters bring to the market-
      are suitable for reuse in non-  Siegwerk, said: ‘Depending  surprising that UV-printed   time and costs,’ added   place. Its unique features
      food packaging applications.   on the substrate, UV inks are  packaging has so far been   Larvor.   paired with an affordable
        Although UV inks offer                                            ‘Thereby, our new UV   price point give printers
      some advantageous proper-  often very difficult to   considered as problematic in        and MSP’s the ability to
      ties for printing labels, they   remove and can therefore   terms of  a circular  econ-  flexo deinking primer   enter the market of packag-
      also pose a challenge for the   lead to contaminations of   omy.’   actively contributes to realize   ing,’ said Susan Corwin,
      subsequent recycling.    recyclates, which signifi-  With Cirkit Clearprime   high-quality recyclates for   director of marketing at
        Marc Larvor, head of tech-  cantly limits their further  UV E02, Siegwerk  now   circular waste streams.’    Rollem International.
      Beraldi joins        Tecnocut and Weldon                          Leibinger launches air

      Screen               Celloplast partner                           dryer feature

        Screen Europe has
      appointed Domenico     Tecnocut has partnered                      Leibinger, a developer of
      Beraldi as regional sales   with Weldon Celloplast to             coding and marking technol-
      manager of Italy.    strengthen its presence in                   ogy, has introduced a unique
        However, in many   India.   Weldon Celloplast is                air dryer feature to counteract
      ways, Beraldi has already   recognized as a ‘total solu-          high humidity and extreme
                           tions provider’ in the con-
      been a part of the Screen   verting industry in India,            temperatures and ensure the
      family. He started his   representing over 20 inter-              best printing results in chal-  It offers best printing results
      career in printing in 1995   national companies.                  lenging production environ-
      at an Italian Screen sub-  Its team has a long history            ments.According to the   processes where the ambient
      sidiary and spent six years   and extensive experience in   Tecnocut expands in India  company, high humidity and   conditions impact the inks’
      as a vital distributor for   the industry. Having been a   networks to deliver innova-  high temperatures are not   processing and adhesion
      digital inkjet in the Italian   prominent supplier to the   tive and cutting-edge solu-  only found in tropical and   properties.
                                                                                                Examples include pre-
      market, selling his first   label industry for over four   tions to customers in the   subtropical climate zones,   cooked food filled during pro-
      inkjet label press in 2014.    decades, gives them a deep   region. ‘Tecnocut is proud to   such as Southeast Asia, but   duction or printing cables in
        ‘I’ve considered myself   knowledge and a long track   partner with Weldon   are also often encountered in   areas with high humidity and
      a part of Screen for a long   record in the converting   Celloplast in this exciting   many  production  environ-  temperatures. Continuous
      time,’ said Beraldi. ‘It’s   market and machinery for   chapter,’ said Pol Estrada,   ments in the beverage, food   inkjet printers (CIJ) use a con-
                           the sector.
      now an exciting opportu-  This strategic partnership   international business man-  and packaging sectors.  tinuous ink jet to print best-
      nity to officially join again   between Tecnocut and   ager at Tecnocut. ‘This alli-  The company has devel-  before dates, texts, codes or
      the print industry leader   Weldon Celloplast marks a   ance will allow us to expand   oped an ink portfolio that effi-  other markings. The company
      whose tech innovations   significant milestone for   our presence in India and   ciently deals with these   said conventional printers can
      continually redefine the   both companies. Both com-  offer customers an even   challenging production envi-  cause condensation on the
      limits of print quality,   panies will share technical   wider range of high-quality   ronments. However, there are   print head with high humid-
      speed and reliability.’   expertise, resources, and   solutions.’   applications and production   ity.
      20 PrintWeek MENAJuly-August 2024                                                 
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