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                                                               Of the SBC, Langley says it “offers   Legal options
                                                              lots of useful advice for small busi-  All of this leaves the troubled
                                                              nesses including tips on how to com-  printer with only one route – going
                                                              municate with slow paying   to law. But apart from the expense it
                                                              customers, and practical guidance”.   may not be all it’s cracked up to be.
                                                              She notes that its website also links to   Statistics that Langley cites, for the
                                                              the Prompt Payment Code, “where a   period April to June 2023, show that
                                                              supplier can check to see if their cus-  on average County Court claims
                                                              tomer has signed up to a voluntary
                                                              code of practice for prompt pay-  were taking between 52.3 weeks and
                                                              ment”.                     78.2 weeks from the date of issue of
                                                               However, in reality the SBC is   the claim to the date of trial.
                                                              toothless; as the government’s web-  But beyond the delay, she says that
                                                              site says, it can make “non-binding   “the costs associated with taking
                                                              recommendations on how the par-  court action are variable depending
                                                              ties should resolve their disputes”.   upon the amount of the debt, and
                                                              The Association of Accounting   whether interim applications are
                                                              Technicians (AAT), an accounting   necessary.” She adds that court fees
                                                              body, has since 2016 been calling for   can be added to a claim, but “legal
                                                              the SBC to be given the power to   fees will not be recoverable for small
                                                              impose financial penalties to those   claims”.
                                                              who persistently fail to pay 95% of   And while she says that “it’s not
                                                              invoices within 30 days. This would   usually difficult to prove that a debt is
                                                              give it much greater influence when   owed, getting a judgment in your
                                                              investigating complaints.  favour does not automatically guar-
                                                               Rush isn’t impressed and considers   antee payment”. In other words,
                                                              the figures for the SBC poor: “Its   creditors may still need to take
                                                              2022-23 Annual Report says that it   enforcement action by instructing
                                                              had [just] 387 requests for assistance.   bailiffs, or where the debtor is a lim-
                                                              In its defence, it has quite a narrow   ited company, considering winding-
                                                              remit and so is not always in a posi-
                                                              tion to help – and where it does   up proceedings, all of which add both
                                                              investigate, it cannot apply any sanc-  cost and time to the process.
      lending them money, and if they had to borrow that money from some-                  Also, and this is a concern, Langley
      where else, then they would be paying interest.”        tions other than naming and sham-  has seen customers who know the
       Rush thinks the same, noting that interest at the Bank of England base   ing the business which has paid late.”   rules and may be serial non-payers
      rate plus 8% and if no credit period has been agreed, payments will be   He notes too that “smaller businesses   and so “use the legal process to con-
      regarded as late after 30 days, quite a generous remedy.  are likely to be disappointed with the   tinue to delay payment whilst the
       He does emphasise though that “it is possible to oust the statutory right to   government’s decision to drop pro-
      late payment if the contract contains ‘some other substantial remedy’ such   posals to give the SBC powers to   move on to a new supplier, and so the
                                                              impose fines for late payment.”
      as an express provision for lower rates of interest on late payment and/or   And of course, there is another   threat of legal action does not always
      sometimes longer credit terms.                          problem faced by the SBC – a recur-  produce results.”
       “So, if we ask, ‘has it been successful in ensuring that suppliers benefit   rent theme according to Rush – in   Rush turns to the government’s
      from 30-day payment periods and a generous remedy for late payment   relation to attempts to tackle late   Money Claim Online service which
      which they are actually prepared to use?’ The answer is in most cases, no, it   payment.   is available for claims under
      hasn’t.”                                                 He’s referring to the fact that   £100,000. He says that “it’s relatively
       In fact, Rush considers that Payment Practices and Performance   “small suppliers typically don’t want   straightforward and in theory could
      Regulations 2017 have been more successful as they’ve nudged larger busi-  to alienate customers, so they are   proceed fairly quickly to a judgment
      nesses into paying more invoices on time.               only likely to pursue a complaint if   if, for example, the customer simply
       Moving on, 2017 brought the Small Business Commissioner (SBC), an   they think their relationship with the   fails to respond”. He too notes the
      independent public body set up by the government under the Enterprise Act   customer is irretrievably broken.”  difficulties surrounding a judgment,
      2016 to tackle late payment and unfavourable payment practices in the pri-  It’s relevant here to state that from
      vate sector.                                            April 2024 companies seeking gov-  but says that “threats of going to law
       The SBC seeks to provide general advice and information, handle com-  ernment contracts exceeding £5m   are sometimes sufficient to get cus-
      plaints about payment issues and direct small businesses to existing dispute   must demonstrate prompt invoice   tomers to pay up. But if a customer
      resolution services where appropriate. Its website claims that over £8m in   payment within an average of 55   has just run out of money, they’re
      unpaid invoices have been recovered under its watch.    days.                      unlikely to work”.                                                                 July-August 2024  PrintWeek MENA 25
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