P. 23


      Fujifilm chooses                                                    Moss has unveiled a new
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      Vetaphone                                                           sustainable fabric for the
                                                                          UK graphics, events, and
                                                                          retail display markets.
                                                                          Launched in the last
                                                                          month in the UK following
        Fujifilm is a global technol-             individual situation.  We   a prior introduction to the
      ogy company operating                       ensure smooth implementa-  US market, SustainaTex
      across a diverse range of                   tion, and across multi-sites if   Ocean is made from
                                                                          Seaqual Marine Plastic and recycled polyester and adds to
      industries. The inkjet inte-                required.  Whatever the con-  the group’s extensive range of global sustainable options.
      gration  arm  of  Fujifilm,                 figuration, proof-of-concept,   The new 100% post-consumer waste recycled content
      FUJIFILM Integrated Inkjet                  testing, and validation stages   SustainaTex Ocean fabric is exclusive to Moss and suited to
      Solutions, develops and inte-                                       dye-sub print, which the company said made it ideal for
                                                                          silicone edged graphic (SEG) applications. The fabric is
      grates inkjet printing and fin-             are built into the process to   made from 62% Seaqual Yarn, a traceable material pro-
      ishing technology for a   Fujifilm chooses Vetaphone  ensure streamlined imple-  duced from upcycled marine plastic retrieved from oceans,
      variety of industrial and secu-             mentation.”             beaches, rivers, and estuaries by the Seaqual Initiative,
                                                                          with the remainder supplied from recycled polyester. Once
      rity applications.    dedicated and knowledgea-  Fujifilm uses high inkjet   the event the material is being used for has finished, they
        What sets FUJIFILM   ble Fujifilm team able to lev-  print resolutions and small   can be sent back to Moss for reprocessing.
      Integrated Inkjet Solutions   erage the resources and   drop sizes such as 1200 x
      apart from its competitors is   capabilities of its global tech-  1200 dpi with 2 – 13 pico-  Sappi has dramatically
      that the group is part of an   nologies.  According to   litres of ink and printed only   reduced the carbon foot-
      inkjet technology company   Joseph Schweiger, Managing   0.8mm from the material   print of its Galerie range of
                                                                          coated papers, and aims to
      rather than an integrator   Director of FUJIFILM   being printed.  “Such preci-  achieve a 70% reduction by
      who accesses such technol-  Unigraphica AG, Fujifilm’s              the end of the year. Last
      ogy from third parties. This   integration team in   sion warrants high precision   year Sappi’s Kirkniemi Mill
                                                                          in Finland completed a
      means that a depth of exper-  Liechtenstein, “Our   surface treatment, which is   transition to renewable biomass energy, and the mill’s
      tise in core imaging technol-  approach is to assign a dedi-  in large part why Fujifilm   electricity supply was also switched to clean electricity. The
      ogies is part of every   cated team to each project so  chose Vetaphone for its   biomass move reduced the mill’s Scope 1 emissions by
      integrated application.    that we can deliver the best  corona technology,” added   90%.Combined with the electricity move, the changes have
                                                                          resulted in a 55% reduction in the carbon footprint of
        Leading each project is a   possible solution for each  Schweiger.    Galerie papers, with a 70% cut in Sappi’s sights for the
                                                                          year-end. The Galerie range of coated mechanical papers is
      De La Rue sale talks in progress                                    targeted at publishing and advertising use such as cata-
                                                                          logues and brochures, and spans nine options from Lite
                                                                          Gloss to Brite Bulk and Fine Silk.
        Potential buyers have car-  material uncertainty that   said: “Since we published our
      ried out due diligence on De  hangs over its upcoming obli-  strategic update on 30 May,   The Encore Group has
      La Rue’s two divisions, with   gation to repay its £235m   we have seen an increase in   invested in a third Bobst
      negotiations ongoing and a   revolving credit facility on or  strategic interest with more   Novacut die-cutter to
      further update on the future   before 1 July 2025 – with a  entities involved and due dili-  respond to a period of sus-
                                                                          tained growth.Making the
      ownership of the historic                    gence undertaken on both   investment at Drupa,
      company expected before the   forecast of insufficient liquid-      which took place in
      end of September. The   ity to repay it otherwise.   divisions. These work-  Düsseldorf in May and
      Authentication division   Potential interest in the busi-  streams continue and we will   June, the new Novacut 106
                                                                          ER will provide a substantial boost to the company’s manu-
      appears likely to be sold first,  ness came to light two   provide a further update   facturing, equating to an increase of more than 30% in
      and a successful deal would  months ago.     ahead of our annual general   output capacity. Set to be delivered in early August, the
      allow the PLC to deal with a   Chairman Clive Whiley  meeting on 25 September.  Novacut 106 ER is an autoplaten die-cutter that is engi-
                                                                          neered to simplify blanking during folding carton manu-
      Xerox lowers full-year guidance                                     facture. It can handle sheets up to 1,060x760mm, with cor-
                                                                          rugated board thickness of 4mm, cartonboard up to
                                                                          2,000gsm, and a paper weight of 80gsm.
        Xerox’s share price has                    (£427m). Xerox said core   Kolbus Germany has entered a self-administration process
      dropped by over 8% after it                  business revenue in 2024   to allow the business to restructure under the German
      lowered its full-year revenue                was expected to be roughly   equivalent of bankruptcy protection. CEO Wilfried Kröger
      guidance for 2024 from a                     flat year-over-year in con-  wrote to employees on Friday (19 July) explaining that the
                                                                          Rahden-headquartered business had begun preliminary
      decline of 3% to 5% in con-                  stant currency, consistent   self-administration proceedings. The factory and foundry
      stant currency to a decline of               with its prior outlook and   in Rahden, North Rhine-Westphalia, is currently mid-way
      5% to 6% in constant cur-  Xerox’s share price has dropped  “reflecting growing demand   through its annual two-week shutdown, with a skeleton
      rency to “reflect incremen-  also adjusted its operating   for our products and services   staff remaining to handle any urgent customer require-
                                                                          ments. The facility employs around 650. The group also has
      tal strategic actions”.                      in the second half of the   a factory in Krostitz, Saxony, with a team of 25. Kolbus UK
        Alongside its results for   income guidance to at least   year”.  For Q2, Xerox’s reve-  managing director Greg Bird told Printweek that subsidiary
      Q2 released yesterday (25   6.5%, and free cash flow   nue was down by 10% in the   businesses including Kolbus UK and Kolbus AutoBox were
      July), the business said it had   guidance to at least $550m   period.  not included in the administration.                                                                 July-August 2024 PrintWeek MENA 23
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