P. 22
IN BRIEF Landa announces
Label Express, a front runner
in LED digital production
technology and celebrating
its 40th anniversary, sees nanography adoption
business growth in all sec-
tors after its investment in a
Tau 340 RSC-E LED single-
pass label press from Durst Landa Digital Printing has cess.
Group, manufacturer of announced unprecedented Gil Oron, CEO, Landa
advanced digital printing adoption of Nanography at Digital Printing comments:
and production technologies. Croydon-based Label Express Drupa 2024. Representing a
has expanded in all its major market sectors of food & bev- “Drupa 2024 has been a phe-
erage, personal care, health and beauty and retail. A crucial seismic shift in how commer- nomenal event for us. The
factor in the choice of Digital technology was the robustness cial print and packaging busi- industry recognized that
of the inks required for label production – particularly for nesses see their futures,
beverage labels – along with the quality of print at a native companies from countries all Nanography is a well proven
1200dpi which were key to the investment with Durst Group Landa adopts nanography solution, that is changing
and the first Durst RSC-E LED press in the UK. Durst is a glob- over the world ordered Landa print for good - and making it
al leader in digital printing and production technologies. S11 and Landa S11P jobs from offset to digital, or
Durst is the first choice for the transformation and digitali- Nanographic Printing® simply to enable existing a digital one. I think that it
zation of industrial production processes. presses to access B1 digital Landa customers to benefit was also accepted by every-
printing for increased profit from additional capacity – one that Nanography is
Tetra Pak and Mengniu every business recognized allowing our customers to be
Group has announced the and sustainability benefits. very successful, and that our
launch of a limited edition Enabling them to move Nanography® as a paradigm
Milk Deluxe Pure Milk range, into mainstream digital print shift for their business - the B1 digital presses are ena-
customised with 30 differ- for the first time, and to critical growth engine for bling them to be much more
ent designs of masterpieces transfer short to medium-run their current and future suc- profitable and sustainable.”
from Van Gogh and Monet.
Packaged in Tetra Prisma® New Heidelberg CEO’s plans
Aseptic 250 Edge cartons with DreamCap™ 26 closure, the
special edition range has been brought to market through
a collaboration with Meet You Museum. The cartons are Fresh Heidelberg CEO manufacturing and turna- high cost pressures, particu-
now accessible to consumers across Greater China – online Jürgen Otto has outlined his round situations to his new larly in Germany, generated
and in stores. Mengniu is the first dairy brand in the world three priorities for growth at role. He stated: “To leverage growth in established and
to offer consumers these striking designs, which include the manufacturer – includ- the full potential of a com- new areas of business, and
some of the world’s most celebrated art, exploiting the ing doing more to leverage pany, I think you need an built on existing strengths,
unique design variability offered by Tetra Pak® Custom ambitious, dynamic, and especially in global mar-
Printing. These “handheld” works of art offer consumers an its manufacturing know- strategic approach. Above
immersive experience, all whilst enjoying a nutritious milk how and global sales and ser- kets.”
drink. Demand for product personalisation is increasing, as vice network – and the all, though, you also need Otto noted that
well as consumer expectations about more authentic group has also signed up a the courage to take on diffi- Heidelberg was currently on
engagement with brands. cult issues and challenges. a stable financial footing,
former Canon executive for
its supervisory board. “Projects like these have and had achieved its finan-
Print companies that always followed me and
order a medium-format Speaking at Heidelberg’s been a constant source of cial targets for FY23/24
Rapida sheetfed offset AGM meeting yesterday, he motivation. My teams and I despite many challenges
press today, along with all said he was bringing his have found solutions for including “a tense geopoliti-
those that placed such an
order in the recent past, many years of expertise in sites that are experiencing cal environment”.
can look forward to receiv-
ing press-specific operat- Tetra Pak reduces gas emissions
ing instructions and maintenance information as part of
their machine documentation. Koenig & Bauer has created
a unique feature in the machine and plant manufacturing Tetra Pak has launched its operations by 20305 and sup-
sector. Industry experts are unanimous that a project like 25th Sustainability Report, ports the company’s long-
this is conceptually the highest level of documentation. A which tracks the progress the
typical user manual – whether for a motor vehicle or any term ambition to work
other complex product – describes all available configura- company has made against together with suppliers, cus-
tion variants. And that frequently means several alterna- its sustainability agenda. It
tives with different equipment features and automation focuses on five interdepend- tomers and other stakehold-
levels for one and the same subassembly. Many of the ers and achieve net-zero
details provided are redundant and it can be a time-con- ent areas: food systems, cir- Its 25th Sustainability Report GHG emissions across the
suming task for users to filter out the information that cularity, climate, nature and value chain4 GHG emissions
applies to their particular machine. Today, however, the social sustainability. value chain by 2050.6
operating instructions and maintenance information for and a 47% reduction in GHG Another major milestone
Rapida presses are compiled in an automated process that Launching on the United emissions across its own saw the launch of an aseptic
allows individual customisation to a single machine. This Nations’ World Environment operations since 2019. The
gives customers fast access to the specific subset of infor- Day on 5 June, the company’s latter puts Tetra Pak on track beverage carton featuring a
mation that is relevant for them. The benefits are manifold, Sustainability Report FY233 to meet its target of net zero paper-based barrier reducing
as the user manuals are much easier to work with.
shows a 20% reduction in GHG emissions in its own its carbon footprint.
22 PrintWeek MENA July-August 2024