P. 21


      Enfocus launches free ROI                                                                MCC to open
                                                                                               plant in Brazil
      calculator tool                                                                          label companies, has con-
                                                                                                MCC, one of the largest

                                                                                               firmed its plans to open a
                                                                                               new in-mold labeling (IML)
        Automation expert                                                reliable and powerful ROI   production plant in
      Enfocus has launched a free                                        calculator that shows   Louveira, Brazil. The facil-
      ROI calculator that enables                                        exactly how Enfocus Switch   ity is expected to be fully
      businesses to calculate the                                        can transform your busi-
      value of its Switch technol-                                       ness.                 functional at the beginning
      ogy – and how quickly it                                            ‘We recognize the impor-  of 2025.
      will earn back any initial                                         tance of demonstrating how   According to the com-
      investment.   The tool                                             these improvements trans-  pany, the potential of in-
      empowers businesses with                                           late into real-world cost sav-  mold labeling technology
      a comprehensive under-                                             ings and increased    continues to grow as new
      standing of the financial                                          profitability. The launch of   regions and market seg-
      rewards  and  efficiency                                                                 ments are exploring its
      gains they get when they   New free tool to streamline investment process of Enfocus Switch  our ROI calculator marks a   numerous benefits.
      implement Switch – a soft-                                         significant leap forward in   MCC is opening a new
      ware tool that enables   tially save hundreds of   ‘At Enfocus, we understand  our offer to customers as it   IML production facility in
      printers to automate repeti-  hours throughout the year.   that calculating the return   gets straight to the point of   Louveira, near São Paulo in
      tive tasks. Switch’s ability to   Now, using the ROI calcula-  on investment for software   how businesses evaluate   Brazil. This strategic expan-
      integrate with almost any   tor, businesses will be able   solutions in the print indus-  and adopt automation solu-  sion will strengthen the
      print workflow, including   to calculate how much time  try has always been chal-  tions. “How much money   relationship with regional
      web-to-print and MIS set-  they will save before they   lenging. But with insights   will it save me?” and Now,   customers, serving them
      ups, means it can stream-  make any investment.   drawn from thousands of   businesses can answer both   with high-quality IML
      line the entire prepress   Davy Verstaen, product   satisfied customers world-  questions in just a couple of   labels in the best and most
      process, claimed to poten-  manager at Enfocus, said:   wide, we’ve developed a   minutes.’   sustainable way.
      Flint Group and Xeikon at                                          Tecnocut’s new

      Labelexpo Americas 2024                                            Compact Slitting Unit

        Flint Group and its digital                                       Tecnocut has launched
      solutions division, Xeikon,                                        the CSU - Compact Slitting
      will participate in Labelexpo                                      Unit. This product is
      Americas, label and narrow                                         designed to optimize and
      web printing trade show,                                           make production lines flexi-
      from September 10-12, 2024,                                        ble, offering a versatile slit-
      at the Donald E. Stephens                                          ting technology that can
      Convention Center in                                               integrate into any rotary
      Rosemont, Illinois. Visitors                                       machine location.     The stand-alone slitting unit
      to booth 6419 in Hall F can                                         The CSU - Compact    said: ‘Our goal with the CSU
      meet the teams and explore                                         Slitting Unit is a stand-alone   is to offer our customers a
      print technologies designed   Visitors will see print technologies to reduce energy consumption  slitting unit offers simple   tool that not only improves
      to  minimize  energy  con-  designed to help converters   Ancora, a range of inks   assembly and adaptability. It   the efficiency of their pro-
      sumption, reduce waste,   simplify their operations.’  approved for food-contact   can be equipped with either   duction lines, but also gives
      streamline operations, and   Visitors  at Labelexpo   materials.   The company will   rotary or razor blades, allow-  them the flexibility to adapt
      promote circularity.    Americas  can  learn  about   also feature its new Ultra   ing to make precise longitu-  to different cutting require-
        Anna Niewiadomska, mar-  Flint Group’s dual-curing               dinal cuts or longitudinal   ments.’
      keting manager at Flint   EkoCure ink series. This   Clear dual-curing UV coat-  perforations. Thanks to its
      Group, said: ‘Labelexpo   series eases the transition   ings, which harness all the   exchangeable design, the   Since its launch, several
      Americas is a must-attend   from traditional UV to UV   advantages of UV LED curing   blades can be adjusted to   units of the CSU - Compact
      event for anyone involved in   LED curing for narrow web   and provide the clarity and   perform full cut (die-cut) or   Slitting Unit have already
      the label printing sector.   printers, enabling high-per-  protection necessary for label   half cut (kiss-cut), depend-  been markete d, signifi-
      With the need for efficiency   formance printing while   printing. These dual-curing   ing on the customer’s spe-  cantly optimizing the pro-
      in printing becoming clearer   minimizing their environ-  coatings facilitate LED adop-  cific needs.   duction lines of the first
      every year, we are pleased to   mental impact. This range   tion without increasing com-  Franc Estrada, chief engi-  customers who have tested
      highlight our solutions   also includes EkoCure   plexity.         neer officer at Tecnocut,   it.                                                                 July-August 2024  PrintWeek MENA 21
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