P. 19


      Masterpress uses hybrid                                                                  EyeC names
      printing for Distilia labels                                                             Bulgaria as its distributor to
                                                                                                EyeC has appointed GED

                                                                                               strengthen EyeC’s presence
                                                                                               in the Bulgarian market
        Masterpress, a  leading                                          extenuate the painting’s   while delivering tailor-
      European provider of                                               i n t ri c a t e  de t a i l s .   made print image inspec-
      printed decorative packag-                                         Considering the unique   tion systems.
      ing, has completed a niche                                         nature of the request, the   In addition to promoting
      labeling project for Distilia,                                     challenge for Masterpress   cutting-edge and fully auto-
      an independent bottler of                                          was to find the right tech-  mated print image inspec-
      high-quality spirits special-                                      nology to turn this vision   tion  systems,  the
      izing in selling unique bot-                                       into a captivating and exclu-  experienced team at GED
      tles of rare, collectible                                          sive label.           Bulgaria will closely collab-
                                                                          Artur  Lesi ski,  business
      alcohols.   The project                                            development manager at   orate  with  EyeC’s  sales
                                                                                               department to offer person-
      involved the production of                                         Masterpress, said: ‘Our goal   alized products to custom-
      five series of 250 exclusive                                       was to create something truly   ers in Bulgaria. This
      labels using hybrid printing   Combining digital and screen printing, lamination and varnishing  special – a label that reflects   support includes providing
      – Masterpress’s technique   tling exclusive batches,   ity and durability – essen-  the heritage and sophistica-  guidance to potential cus-
      that combined digital print-  required labels that would   tial characteristics for   tion  of Distilia’s products   tomers, conducting product
      ing, screen printing, lami-  not only mirror the luxury   supreme and collectible   while pushing the bounda-  presentations and training
      nation and varnishing – to   and  exclusivity  of  their   items. The company   ries of conventional label   sessions, providing on-site
      achieve a distinctive, touch-  products but also captivate   approached Masterpress   printing and design.’   technical assistance
      sensitive, durable and visu-  investors and enthusiasts at  with a pre-designed label   Masterpress combined mul-  throughout Bulgaria. The
      ally striking effect.    auctions. Unlike standard   featuring Yu Chaun’s real-  tiple technologies – digital   strategic partnership with
        Distilia, known for sourc-  retail labels, these had to   life painting, aiming to inte-  printing, screen printing,   GED Bulgaria holds a piv-
      ing unique barrels and bot-  demonstrate superior qual-  grate metallic elements and  lamination and varnishing.  otal role.
      Hybrid Software in AI-generated  Adestor by Lecta sets

      label artwork project                                              up a new plant

        Hybrid Software has par-                                          Adestor  by  Lecta  has
      ticipated in Project Halo, a                                       opened its new self-adhesive
      unique consumer experi-                                            converting plant in Germany
      ence  spearheaded  by                                              to optimize service for cus-
      Diageo, one  of  the  world                                        tomers  in Central  and
      leaders in the alcohol bever-                                      Northern Europe.
      age market, to invite cus-                                         Strategically located in
      tomers to co-design their                                          Aschaffenburg, the facility
      unique Johnnie Walker Blue                                         has a surface area of more
      Label bottle.                                                      than 4,000 sqm for facestock,   Located in Aschaffenburg
        During August, visitors to                                       adhesives and liners.  Barely
      Johnnie Walker Princes   Industry experts join forces to provide the brand with technology  months after opening, inten-  500-kilometer radius. Its
                                                                                               proximity  to  Frankfurt  is
      Street in Edinburgh will be   times of day. The result is a   At Johnnie Walker   sive work is underway at the
      immersed in an experience   one-of-a-kind piece of art-  Princes Street, visitors are   new Adestor by Lecta con-  another asset.    The new slit-
      where they are invited to co-  work printed directly onto          verting plant in Germany to   ting and distribution facility
      design their own unique bot-  the bottle.    invited to explore the world   deliver orders for the full   has a floor area of more than
      tle of Johnnie Walker Blue   Project Halo was engi-  of direct and variable on-site   range of self-adhesive materi-  4,000 sqm, half of which are
      Label.                neered by industry experts,   bottle printing hands-on.   als produced by the company   used for a metal rack storage
        In collaboration with   including Phantom,   The unique and innovative   with optimal efficiency.   system with a capacity for
      Scottish artist Scott   Amazon AWS, GMG,     integration with AI technol-  Its location in   400 jumbo reels, over six mil-
      Naismith, the experience   Roland DG, and Hybrid   ogy molds a special connec-  Aschaffenburg, in the state of   lion square meters of self-
      begins with visitors answer-  Software. Their collective   tion between the brand and   Bavaria, means that nearly all   adhesive paper. Production is
      ing a few simple prompts to   mission of this project is to        the major cities of Central   carried out with two winders
      compose AI generated art-  propel brands to success by   the consumer, aiming to   Europe, including Berlin,   and a finishing line that
      work with various colors,   pioneering personalized   reinforce brand recognition   Munich, Paris, Amsterdam   includes a roll handler and
      locations, artistic styles and   consumer experiences.  and loyalty.  and Prague, lie within a   packer, amongst others.                                                                 July-August 2024  PrintWeek MENA 19
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