P. 30


      Star product

      Taktiful Reaktor and Kreator

      Taktiful Reaktor and Kreator are two new products intended to help printers design and visualise embellishments

                                                                                     create these files with standard design soft-
                                                                                     ware such as Adobe Illustrator.
                                                                                       Initially Reaktor previews embellishment
                                                                                     effects on flat planes (ie sheets) rather than
                                                                                     3D objects (such as cartons, books or bot-
                                                                                     tles). However, it offers true 3D rendering
                                                                                     of embellishment effects on those planes,
                                                                                     such as raised and textured varnish.
                                                                                     Taktiful co-founder Carlo Ruas says that 3D
                                                                                     objects are in the pipeline for the future, as
                                                                                     will be the ability to render them into 3D
                                                                                     environments such as store shelves. Cast-
                                                                                     and-cure effects (micro-embossed diffrac-
                                                                                     tive varnish) are planned. As this is a SaaS
                                                                                     product, new features can be activated
                                                                                     without users having to reload or upgrade.
                                                                                       Reaktor can simulate a wide range of digi-
                                                                                     tal and non-digital embellishment effects
                                                                                     and supports complex layering like foil over
                                                                                     raised varnish. Matt, gloss and laminated
                                                                                     substrates can be simulated. It offers
      What does it do?                                Taktiful Reaktor               advanced visualisation options, including
                                       Specifications                                adjustable lighting and environment simu-
        Taktiful is a US specialist in digital        When was it introduced and what   lations. Live previews are standard.
      embellishment implementation, set up   Taktiful Reaktor:  are the target markets?  Most of the Scodix standard effects can
      by Kevin Abergel in 2021. He is a mem-  Functions 3D rotat-  Drupa in May was the official launch   be simulated, as well as those of inkjets
      ber of the Abergel family that founded   able on-screen pre-  venue for all three, although the products   from MGI, Duplo and Harris & Bruno
                                       viewing of layered
      MGI, the French company that makes   PDFs with simu-  were announced in April.  (though the effects’ names tend to by copy-
      the JetVarnish family of inkjet varnish   lated embellish-  Abergel says: “Reaktor primarily serves   right, so Taktiful doesn’t use them). Liquid
      and foil digital embellishment systems.   ment effects, with   the printing and embellishment sectors,   and dry digital toner effects (such as metal-
      Originally Taktiful offered mainly con-  shared online   focusing on businesses looking to enhance   lics) can also be simulated. There’s a library
      sultancy through a team of experienced   access.   their product presentations and proofing   of standard foil types and colours, with
                                                      processes, and secondarily will serve agen-
      commercial users, but it has now started   Taktiful Kreator:  cies and brand designers to get a better vis-  options for customisation. Holofoils will be
                                                                                     added soon, with the ability for users to
      developing MIS and creative software   Functions   ual understanding of how print   upload their own patterns. Abergel says
      dedicated to embellishment. Its first   AI-powered analy-  embellishment will translate from the   that Reaktor will also gain some design
      three products are Reaktor, which is a 3D   sis of flat designs   screen to the sheet.”  functionality of its own soon.
      proof-previewer for embellishment   with suggestions
                                       for enhancements
      effects; Kreator, which uses AI tech-  by embellishment,   How does it work?   What’s Reaktor’s USP?
      niques to analyse source images and sug-  with limited 3D   Reaktor previews embellishment effects   According to Abergel, this is the ability to
      gest areas that can be embellished; and   previewing, or full   by creating a 3D on-screen version of the   provide “a highly interactive, user-friendly
      Taktify, which is an estimator with   previews via   design file, where the viewpoint can be   interface for visualising and experimenting
      detailed features for embellishment.  Kreator   moved so the effects catch simulated light   with embellishment effects in real-time,
        All are SaaS products which can be            in the same way as physical samples would.  significantly reducing the time and cost
      accessed online from anywhere. Reaktor          It is accessible via standard web browsers,  associated with physical proofs.
                                                      allowing remote access from anywhere,
                                                                                       “It is affordable, simple and gives a great
      is available now, while Kreator will go         with different access privileges (so can be  3D visual that does not require complicated
      fully live later this year. Taktify is so far   shared with customers). It supports multi-  3D files to build. It is also built to simulate
      only set up for US pricing, though              layer PDFs, with spot colours named to des-  existing technology renders as accurately as
      Abergel plans to launch it into Europe          ignate different embellishment effects   possible, with attention to machine specific
      next year. We are therefore concentrat-         (such as spot varnish, textured varnish, dif-  limitations and details. We are obsessed
      ing on Reaktor and Kreator here.                ferent foil colours and effects). Users can   with getting it exactly right.”
                              “Drupa in May was the official launch venue for all three.”

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