P. 29


      Star product
      Kongsberg Ultimate

      Kongsberg describes this next-generation digital cutting table as a game-changer, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                     How does it work?
                                                                                     This is a flatbed cutting and creasing
                                                                                     table with a travelling head carriage that
                                                                                     can take multiple tools. It is digitally con-
                                                                                     trolled from CAD data or cutting and
                                                                                     creasing layers within artwork files.
                                                                                     There’s a choice of four bed sizes, with
                                                                                     multiple zones for simultaneous load/
                                                                                     unload while working. The Ultimate’s
                                                                                     top speed is 167.5m/min, compared to
                                                                                     100m/min with the Kongsberg C-Series.
                                                                                     Its acceleration of 2.7G is more than 50%
                                                                                     greater than the C-Series.
                                                                                     The major new features include the
                                                                                     PrecisionDrive system for high accelera-
                                                                                     tion as well as high speed; a new carbon
                                                                                     fibre beam to support the head carriage;
                                                                                     new SmartZone perimeter detection; a
                                                                                     new production sequencing module; and
                                                                                     a new control workstation.
      What does it do?                                to the US OpenGate private equity firm   PrecisionDrive combines a high-torque
      The Kongsberg Ultimate is an all-new   Specifications  in 2021, when it was renamed Kongsberg   linear motor with a rack and pinion
      large-format digital cutting table,             Precision Cutting Systems. Kongsberg is   movement for up to 2.7G acceleration
      intended for corrugated packaging and   Working areas 24:   now headquartered in Ghent, Belgium,   and peak cutting speeds up to 167.5m/
      display work. It is the first of a planned   1.68x3.2m; 44:   with R&D at its original site in the town   minute. Being gearbox-free makes it
      family of Kongsberg cutters that empha-  2.21x3.2m; 64:   of Kongsberg in Norway, and a produc-  more reliable with longer service inter-
                                       3.21x3.2m; 66:
      sise high-throughput productivity and   3.21x4.8m  tion factory in Brno in the Czech   vals, says Kongsberg. The wide-format
      precision. It introduces new technologies       Republic.                      traverse beam on the 64 and 66 tables is
      including a carbon fibre head beam, high   Max material size (no   When was it announced and what   newly designed, woven from a single fila-
      acceleration motors and a new smart   conveyor) 24:                            ment of carbon, wound around a propri-
      safety system. Sustainability of manufac-  1.78x3.92m; 44:   markets is it aimed at?  etary internal structure for high strength
      turing is stressed.              2.31x3.92m; 64:   The machine was launched on 30   and light weight. Kongsberg says this
      There are four bed sizes: the 24 and 44   3.33x3.92m; 66:   November 2023, at Kongsberg Customer
      models, with bed sizes of 1.68x3.2m and   3.33x5.52m  Experience Centre in Ghent and lives-  means minimal twisting and bending,
      2.21x3.2m; and the 64 and 66 models,   Head speed 167.5m/min  treamed worldwide. Its first public dem-  under acceleration or when generating
      with beds of 3.21x3.2m and 3.21x4.8m.           onstration was at Drupa, where it ran   the 50kg downforce for creasing.
      They can all run with either vacuum belt   Head acceleration 2.7G  completely automatically with a vacuum   A new dual-zone safety system,
      material transport on the bed, with auto-       belt advance plus the large feeder and   Kongsberg SmartZone, monitors the
      matic feeder and stacker units, or a   Tools Cutting, oscillat-  stacker units.  Target customers are cor-  moving head carriage’s surroundings so
      robotic material handler arm for greater   ing, creasing and per-  rugated converters requiring high-vol-  there’s no need for a safety cage. Anyone
      throughput.                      forating – three fitted   ume multi-batch production, for   moving into the first zone slows the head
                                       at once with auto
      Stuart Fox, president and CEO of   selection    packaging or display. The modular design   beam (and its status light changes col-
      Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems,            will  let  them  scale  up  as  required.   our), allowing safe activities with unin-
      says: “This is the first new machine   Price Ultimate 64 is   Kongsberg unsurprisingly expects cus-  terrupted output. If they move too close
      designed from the ground up, so to speak,   about £450,000  tomers with the highest volume require-  into the second zone the machine pauses
      since we became a standalone business,          ments to choose the largest table   everything. As corrugated is loaded with
      which is why this is such a game-changer   30mm210x297mm/600x400mm  versions, the 64 and 66. Those with lim-  the printed side down, there is an
      and not an extension to an existing             ited space or smaller product require-  upward-facing camera that reads bar
      range.”                          Feed capacity 30mm  ments will likely choose the 24 and 44   codes to set up the cutter and select the
      Kongsberg’s previous owner Esko sold it         models                         tools for each sheet.
                             “This is the first new machine designed from the ground up.”                                                                 July-August 2024 PrintWeek MENA 29
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