P. 13


      Print industry AI challenges                                                             Printed Easy
                                                                                               into inkjet

      identified in report                                                                       Printed Easy is expanding

                                                                                               its use of inkjet printing with
                                                                                               a deal for two Canon sheetfed
        The personalised printing                                        AI-generated images used by   presses – including its
      industry faces numerous                                            clients – an issue already   upcoming B2 model.The
      challenges before it can                                           faced by printers.    web-to-print specialist has
      profit from the artificial                                                               just posted another set of stel-
      intelligence (AI) goldrush,                                         Generative AI tends to   lar results, with sales up by
      according to a new report                                          produce low-resolution   just over 15% to £14.2m and
      from AI print software firm                                        images, rarely exceeding   operating margins increasing
      Printbox. Despite a massive                                        1,024x1,024 pixels.   to 37.7% in the year to 30
      rush to invest in AI – espe-                                       Upscaling technology –   September 2023.
      cially generative AI, which                                                                The latest buys follow a
      nearly octupled from 2022                                          which analyses the image,   string of significant invest-
      to reach £20bn of invest-  High expectations of AI may lead to disappointment: Report  adding new pixels to effec-  ments this year that included
      ment worldwide in 2023 –                                           tively fill in the blanks and   its first production inkjet
      the report warned that many  of productivity gains will be   for smaller firms. The report   create a larger version of the   device, a Durst Tau RSC-E
      users would find themselves  found in the years following   said: “Implementing AI sys-  same image, theoretically   for label printing. During his
      disillusioned with the tech-  the first flush of technologi-  tems can be costly, and    visit to Drupa managing
      nology after overinflated  cal progress.     smaller printing companies   without losing quality – will   director Jon Lancaster also
      expectations fell short.  Implementing the tech-  often face huge costs. AI sys-  become necessary.   assessed the sheetfed inkjet
        Citing consultancy firm  nology into the print indus-  tems become more complex   While these challenges   market and came down in
      Gartner’s model of an ‘inno-  try will itself be a   when designed for user-fac-  are real, said Sylwia Kope,   favour of Canon’s offering.
      vation  trigger’  leading to  challenging process, the   ing applications, where they   Printbox’s head of market-  Canon announced the
      high expectations, followed  report said: implementation   must navigate issues such as   8,700sph B2-plus varioPress
      by a ‘trough of disillusion-  costs, staff training, and data   copyright infringement.”  ing, AI promises enough to   iV7 at Drupa, with the new
      ment,’ the report pointed to  security would all create a   Another issue highlighted   the print industry to make   device set to become com-
      the fact that the major part  financial barrier, especially   by the report was that of   the investment worthwhile.  mercially available in 2025.
      Datagraphic becomes latest                                         Ricoh and Toshiba

      industry B Corp                                                    Tec name their JV

                                                                          Ricoh and Toshiba Tec
        Datagraphic has become a                                         have completed the integra-
      Certified B Corporation (B                                         tion of their joint venture
      Corp). The digital mailing                                         with the new business
      specialist achieved the certi-                                     named Etria. Plans for the
      fication on 10 June. Verified                                      joint venture spanning mul-
      by B Lab, the not-for-profit                                       tifunction printers (MFPs)
      behind the B Corp move-                                            and  other  products  were
      ment, the achievement dem-                                         announced just over a year   New business named Etria
      onstrates that Datagraphic                                         ago. On 1 July, Ricoh and
      meets the highest standards                                        Toshiba Tec confirmed the   Digital Products business
      of social and environmental                                        partnership and business   unit, is president and CEO
      performance, transparency,   Datagraphic achieved the certification on 10 June 2024      of the newco. As well as
      and accountability alongside   more recent years, we have  era l i mpac t a rea s.   integration had been com-  MFPs,  the  venture  will
                                                                                               involve collaboration on
      a commitment to goals   formalised our efforts in a  Datagraphic achieved a   pleted, which includes man-  new products to help cus-
      beyond shareholder value.   far-reaching Social Impact   score of 89.5 points in the B   ufacturing operations   tomers with their digital
      Datagraphic CEO Glyn King   Strategy and built initiatives         related to MFPs in Japan and   transformation initiatives in
      said: “At the heart of   that encourage us to do   Impact Assessment, provid-  overseas.   the workplace. Etria will
      Datagraphic are a team of   more and others to join us.”  ing evidence of responsible   Etria begins operations   also integrate image recog-
      passionate people, who for                   practices relating to energy   with  capital  of  ¥500m   nition tech from the two
      years have been working to   To achieve certification,   supplies, waste and water   (£2.45m). It is a consoli-  firms, using Toshiba Tec’s
      make our business more sus-  Datagraphic had to undergo   use, worker compensation,   dated subsidiary of Ricoh,   barcode printer and RFID
      tainable for the benefits of   a rigorous assessment pro-          and an affiliated company to   and Ricoh’s optical and
      people, the planet, commu-  cess administered by B Lab  diversity, and corporate   Toshiba Tec. Katsunori   image processing technolo-
      nities and our partners. In   to measure and verify sev-  transparency.  Nakata, president of Ricoh’s   gies.                                                                 July-August 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13
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