Page 15 - PWM2024_January EBook
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      “Show helps to boost our visibility”

        The FESPA Middle East                                            sions to hear what our cus-  part? There is no need for
      event  aims to extend                                              tomers  really  want. Plus,   contour cutting; its
      FESPA’s global exhibitions,                                        we’re rolling out some value  unprinted areas provide the
      business support and com-                                          solutions for train and tran-  transparency you need. The
      munity to the Middle East,                                         sit branding. It’s not just   next is MACTAC’s  WW 319
      North Africa and South                                             about a bunch of products;   PU Gloss, making the
      Asia. Shabin Jacob, Product                                        it’s about giving visitors a   MACTAC Wall Wrap Series
      Manager  of  Al  Shabak                                            feel for what we’re all about   even more versatile. This
      General Trading Co. L.L.C.,                                        – sustainability, value solu-  PVC-free  innovation
      said: “We are  genuinely                                           tions, and performance-  doesn’t just redefine flexi-
      excited to participate in the                                      guaranteed products.   bility and performance; it’s
      inaugural FESPA Middle                                              “We are thrilled to intro-  a game-changer in sustaina-
      East show; as a global show,   “The FESPA Middle East 2024 to boost our visibility in the region”  duce  our  latest  game-  bility. What sets it apart is
      this significantly boosts our                                      changer  – MACTAC’s  JT   the one-of-a-kind soft face
      visibility in the Middle East   self-adhesive market leaders  decor solutions from   6710 CG-RT PET. What sets  film formulation, specially
      region. The Global presence   like MACTAC, along with   MACTAC. One thing we’re   it apart? Faster installation   crafted for textured and
      of FESPA size fits nicely   our focus on sustainability   super proud of is MACTAC’s   without contour cutting!   brick walls. Perfect for real-
      with our strong presence in   and interior decor, we prom-  successful fleet graphics   This digitally printable, opti-  world challenges, it’s your
      countries like the UAE,   ise an engaging experience  solution and the value-  cally clear, and PVC-free   go-to solution for various
      Qatar, Oman, and Saudi   for visitors, reflecting on our   added  solutions  of   solution is designed to bring  outdoor surfaces – from
      Arabia, giving us a strategic   leadership and contributing   MACTAC. At our exhibit,   stunning clarity to any win-  stone to bricks and paint –
      advantage as industry lead-  to the evolving landscape of   we’re keeping things hands-  dow or glass partition. It’s a  and diverse weather condi-
      ers. This show not only high-  the sign and graphics sector   on with live demos, showing   perfect match for Latex and   tions. With MACTAC’s
      lights our 40-year legacy but   in the Middle East.   how things work in real life.   UV curing inks, offering not  solutions, we’re not just
      also underscores our com-  “We are preparing for the   We’ll also have product   just vibrant graphics but also   expanding possibilities but
      mitment to innovation and   show, focusing on sustaina-  demos using actual case   easy removal for up to a year  redefining application
      continued excellence. With  bility and exciting interior   studies and personal ses-  post-application. The best  standards.”

      “Excited to join a global platform”: ADS Advertising Materials

        FESPA Middle East is a                                                   related industries. To name   print business in the MENA
      new event serving the speci-                                       a few, I would say that the   region in the coming finan-
      ality print, signage and vis-                                      Green & Sustainable   cial year.”
      ual communications                                                 Printing, AR Integration in   The first edition of the
      community in the Middle                                            digital signage experiences   annual exhibition will take
      East and Africa regions.                                           as well as the Wide-Format   place at Dubai Exhibition
      Harry Joseph of ADS                                                Printing sectors have tre-
      Advertising Materials LLC,                                         mendous scope to grow pro-  Centre, United Arab
      in a conversation with                                             gressively.           Emirates, from 29 to 31
      PrintWeek MENA, says:                                               “With the digital transfor-  January 2024. The visitor
      “We are excited to be a part                                       mation,  the constant   audience will comprise of
      of a global platform and are                                       demand for customization   large format digital printers,
      going to be demonstrating                                          and personalization in a host   textile printers, print service
      our products showcasing   “We are excited to be a part of a global platform”: Harry Joseph  of industries/platforms   providers, fleet graphics pro-
      cutting-edge technology.   future of the industry. this   Plotters that consist of flag-  including Events/  ducers, sign-makers and fab-
      We’re gearing up to unveil   will be our first time partici-  ship products with eons of   Ex h ib i tio n s/ Si gn a ge /  ricators, brand owners and
      the latest innovations in   pating in a FESPA event.   proven excellence. We’re   Interiors/Fitout and so on,
      plotting and laser-engraving   We are showcasing tech-  also looking to showcase sev-  the growth of the   creative agencies, interior
      technology. Join us for live                                       E-Commerce industries and   designers and architects, and
      demonstrations, exclusive   nology from GCC brand of   eral  other products/solu-  diversification of the mar-  visual communications pro-
      product launches, and   Laser Machines and   tions that are beneficial for   ket, I have a positive outlook   fessionals from the ME,
      insightful discussions on the   Graphtec brand of Cutting   the signage, printing, and   towards the growth of the   Africa and South Asia.

                                                                    January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13
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