Page 19 - PWM2024_January EBook
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“Thrilled to be part of debut edition”
Manesh Shetty of tinue to seek customized that Quantum Digital
Quantum Digital products and experiences. Technologies will experi-
Technologies, says: “We are This includes personalized ence overall growth during
thrilled to be participating in packaging, labels, and pro- this timeframe. Our compa-
the inaugural FESPA Middle motional materials. ny’s vision is to provide val-
East event. We are eager to Additionally, there is a grow- uable services and solutions
showcase our UV printing ing demand for environ- to our clients , positioning
range and our Iecho Digital mentally friendly printing us as their preferred partner
Cutting solutions. Our aim solutions, such as eco- to collaborate with.”
is to present a combined friendly inks and materials. The first edition of the
Print and Cut solution that The shift towards digital annual exhibition will take
is perfect for Sign and printing technologies also place at Dubai Exhibition
Corrugated printing. To showcase UV printing range & Iecho Digital Cutting solutions opens up new opportunities Centre, United Arab
At Quantum, we prior- in areas like variable data Emirates, from 29 to 31
itize providing value-based be highlighting some Digital “In addition, we are printing and large-format January 2024. FESPA
solutions to our clients, Cutting solutions in partner- excited to announce that we printing. Overall, the digital Middle East is a new event
offering them the right ship with Iecho across vari- will soon be launching new age presents numerous serving the speciality print,
equipment for their produc- ous industries such as Direct printing on textile growth avenues for the signage and visual commu-
tion needs without compro- Signage, Offset, and Labels. and DTF solutions. Stay printing industry. nications community in the
mising on quality or price. As Quantum Digital tuned for more information “In 2024-25, we antici- Middle East and Africa
Our preparations for the Technologies, this will be on these innovative prod- pate that the print business regions. The inaugural
event include having an our first FESPA event. We ucts. In the digital age, the in the region will face cer- event will provide a plat-
tain challenges in certain
array of solutions ready to are looking forward to the printing industry is experi- segments. However, these form for technological inno-
showcase. We are excited to opportunities it will bring encing growth in various challenges also create vation in digital wide
welcome both our existing and the chance to connect areas. One prominent opportunities for growth in format, screen and textile
and new customers to our with professionals in the growth area is personalized new segments. Despite printing, as well as signage
booth. Additionally, we will industry. printing, as consumers con- these challenges, we believe and visual communications.
“We are keen on forging connections with new clients”
C Six General Trading In essence, our participation strategic approach empow-
LLC has announced its par- is not just about showcasing ers our clients to enhance
ticipation as a wholesaler our products; it is an oppor- their competitiveness
and distributor at the FESPA tunity to demonstrate our within the industry.
Middle East 2024. Mabin dedication to providing the
Philip, Operations Manager, “We will diligently show-
said: “As a dedicated sup- best service in every possible case our major product cat-
plier, we stand ready to meet way. The C Six team is egories, offering attendees a
the diverse needs of busi- poised to engage with indus- firsthand experience of our
nesses in the Signage, try professionals, forging commitment to innovation,
Interior Designing, Events & new partnerships, and con- quality, and client support.
Exhibitions, and 3D Printing tributing to the success of
sectors. Our commitment is businesses across diverse Our team is dedicated to
unwavering, aimed at pro- “We will diligently showcase our major product categories” sectors. It is with great making our presence at
viding our esteemed clien- vated to deliver unparalleled across the UAE on a ‘24 x 7’ enthusiasm that we FESPA not only memorable
tele with top-notch service to our clients. basis. In addition, our com- announce our inaugural par- but also an opportunity for
materials of impeccable “At C Six General Trading mitment to swift service industry professionals to
quality at the most competi- LLC, we understand the crit- extends to a unique ‘two ticipation at FESPA as an explore the possibilities and
tive prices. Behind our suc- ical importance of efficiency exhibitor. expensive in the
cess lies a dynamic and and reliability in the supply hours delivery system’ in market, all while maintain- partnerships that await. Join
well-informed team, con- chain. Hence, we are pleased Dubai, and the fastest deliv- ing an unwavering commit- us at FESPA as we embark
stantly updated and moti- to offer free delivery services ery timelines in other areas. ment to quality. This on this exciting journey.” January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 17