Page 21 - PWM2024_January EBook
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      “Platform to meet target audience”

        Waqas Sabir, the CEO of                                          about it. No doubt, FESPA   the need for printed materi-
      Desert Sign Trading LLC,                                           Middle East will set the   als such as packaging, bro-
      said: “We take FESPA                                               trend to lift and educate new   chures, and labels has
      Middle East as this will be                                        dimensions in the printing   increased. The way business
      the best stage for buyers and                                      industry in Gulf corporation   is shaping up digital tech-
      sellers to meet and to attract                                     council countries, the   nology will influence equip-
      target audience for the pro-                                       Middle East, South Asia and   ment investment among
      motion of our products and                                         Africa.
      brands. Being a globally                                            “Analytics shows there is a   customers as it provides
      renowned name in the print                                         big scope and a wonderful   more flexibility in speed in
      industry, FESPA will be the                                        future for the printing   production, quality and
      right step in the Middle East                                      industry in the Middle East.   uniqueness.
      and set a platform for exhibi-  “We will showcase our latest digital printer technology at event”  And FESPA Middle East is   “This can now be
      tors, suppliers, distributors,                                     the right path to grow with.  achieved through digital
      software media, consumable   and communicate key mes-  announce that we will show-  Discover the future of print-  technology advancements.
      product suppliers for media   sages to a more receptive   case our latest digital printer   ing and signage at FESPA   It’s not only about simply
      and textile, digital media,   audience. Exhibition partici-  technology and digital sig-  Middle East with our latest   printing; technology shapes
      creative art workers, interior   pation can help us meet with  nage innovations at FESPA   items featuring state-of-the-  the effective use of a human
      designers and visual com-  customers who are proac-  Middle East. Visit our exhi-  art DTF technology. Join us   resource, creating more
      munication professionals.   tively looking for a deal,   bition stand to experience   for an exclusive preview of
        “Trade shows like FESPA   which will result in being   the future of printing and   innovation in action.  variety that could be quickly
      offer several benefits to our   able to collect more leads.   signage technology first-  “One of the factors con-  produced, making changes
      business. Unlike other mar-  Create more chances we get  hand!” This is the first time   tributing to the Middle East   and reproducing. Printing
      keting activities, exhibitions   a reliable pool of interested   we are participating in the   printing industry’s growth is   equipment is used to pro-
      and trade shows offer a wide   customers to reach out to   inaugural FESPA Middle   e-commerce after the pan-  duce many different prod-
      platform for brands to show-  after the show.   East event as an exhibitor,   demic. As more businesses   ucts through various
      case products and services   “We are thrilled to   and we are very excited   establish online presence,  printing machines.”

      “A perfect opportunity to showcase our latest innovations”

        Mohammad Asa’ad, Sales                                                   East 2024.    Proofing, 3d printing,
      Manager (Middle East) of                                            “Our latest Participation   Textile printing, digital
      Flex Europa, says: “FESPA                                          in FESPA London 2013   label printing, web-to-print
      Middle East 2024 provides                                          allowed us to gain valuable
      an excellent platform for us                                       insights into market trends   and in-house printing. It’s
      to showcase our innovative                                         and emerging technologies.   essential to stay informed
      products and services to a                                         Educational sessions, work-  about industry develop-
      diverse audience, our pres-                                        shops, and discussions pro-  ments, technological
      ence will be blended with                                          vided   a   broader
      enthusiastic visitors and                                          understanding of the indus-  advancements, and global
      positive feedback. FESPA                                           try landscape,  helping us   economic trends for a more
      Middle East 2024 will serve                                        stay ahead of the curve.  accurate assessment of the
      as the perfect platform for                                         “Digital Label printers and   print business in specific
      launching new products and   “We aim to leave a lasting impression on our audience”: Asa’ad  Finishers, Eco-Solvent and
      showcasing our latest inno-  “We aim to leave a lasting   ties during the event,   UV black back Textile, PVC-  regions during 2024-2025.
      vations. Live demonstra-  impression on our audience   comprehensive strategies to   free Products, and   Consulting with industry
      tions and hands-on    and generate excitement   enhance our brand visibility             experts and monitoring reli-
      experiences will be a key   around our products, we   at the event, prompt follow-  Sustainable solutions are our   able sources for market
      focus to ensure that attend-  planned Innovative Booth   ups with leads generated   new launches. We will
      ees get a firsthand look at the   Design, Product Launches   during the event, Looking   announce new products at   insights will provide  a
      unique features and benefits   and Demonstrations, strate-  forward to a successful and   the event. Packaging print-  clearer understanding of the
      of our offerings.     gic networking opportuni-  rewarding FESPA Middle   ing and smart packaging,   evolving landscape.”

                                                                    January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 19
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