Page 25 - PWM2024_January EBook
P. 25


      “We will display 3 product ranges”

        FESPA Middle East is a                                           Print heads for high-speed   and Label Printer capabili-
      new event serving the speci-                                       production of banners and   ties and will be displaying
      ality print, signage and vis-                                      fabrics. Docan H1000M UV   Dilli UV Printer Print
      ual communications                                                 Flatbed Printer for printing   Samples.
      community in the Middle                                            onto any substrate up to 10   “We see an increase in
      East and Africa regions. The                                       cm thickness. XENONS:   general awareness of envi-
      first edition of the annual                                        Xenons X3S-3200 Eco-  ronmental sustainability,
      exhibition will take place at                                      Solvent 3.2m wide Printer   with increasing interest in
      the Dubai Exhibition                                               with 4 i3200-E1 Print Heads  moving towards a sustaina-
      Centre, United Arab                                                for high-speed low-cost ban-  ble future. With this in
      Emirates,  from  29  to  31                                        ner printing. Xenons X4E-  mind, we see an increased
      January 2024.                                                      7703D Eco Solvent 1.8 m   interest in UV and Textile
         Sachin Marwa of    Worldwide Digital FZE to display three product ranges in show  Printer with 4 i3200-E1  printers and moving away
      Worldwide Digital FZE, in a                                        Print heads to print high-  from PVC based products.
      conversation with     geared up for the show. This  the larger region.  quality vinyl graphics for   “Customers are looking
      PrintWeek MENA, said:   is the inaugural FESPA   “We will be showcasing 3   indoor/ outdoor graphics   for green-certified end
      “Worldwide Digital FZE has   event in Dubai and we are   product ranges of printers:   and vehicle graphics applica-  products. With the advent
      confirmed its participation   excited to be a part of this   Dilli, Docan, and Xenons.   tions. Xenon X6090 Small   of Digital Signage, it was
      in the event with a booth   exhibition.      DOCAN: Docan FR3210TM   Format UV Printer for Gifts   expected that print would
      size of 12 x 8 m. We are dis-  We have been represented   UV Hybrid Printer with 21   and  Promotional items   be dead. But time has shown
      playing Docan UV Printers,   in FESPA through our prin-  Print heads, capable of   printing onto flat & rotary   that print is here to stay.
      Xenons Eco-Solvent & UV   cipals, and we have received  Color+White+Color in a   objects up to 15 cms thick-  While the volumes of tradi-
      Printers and showcasing   several inquiries from the  single pass, to create stun-  ness. DILLI: We will have a   tional print may be on the
      Dilli UV Printers from   region that translated into   ning backlit prints with day/  separate area showcasing   decline, there is definitely
      Korea. The printers are   sales. Through this event   night effects with high print   Dilli Printer capabilities   interest in Green products
      already shipped and on the   here in Dubai, we expect to   speeds. Docan S3200 UV  with Digital Posters show-  and hence the growth of UV
      way to Dubai, and we are   generate more leads from   Roll-to-Roll Printer with 10   casing the latest Dilli UV   and textile printing.”

      “The opportunity with Fespa will be an incredible journey”

        In an exclusive conversa-                                                Middle East and Africa since   with the Fespa. We think
      tion with PrintWeek MENA,                                          2006. And for the conveni-  the opportunity with Fespa
      Shaista Siraaj Qureshi,                                            ence of our MENA region   will be an incredible jour-
      Sarfaraz Ahmed and                                                 screen printers and garment   ney. Through this platform,
      Shaarique Sayeed Qureshi of                                        printers, we established our
      One Stroke, UAE, said:                                             company in UAE this year.   we are sure it will be a win-
      “Fespa has always created a                                        As We mentioned above, our   win opportunity for all our
      benchmark and is a step                                            company, One Stroke, is the   fellow participants, includ-
      ahead in the printing indus-                                       first company to produce   ing us.
      try. So we are thankful to                                         textile screen printing inks   “We have plenty of prod-
      Fespa Middle East for com-                                         in the UAE. Our motto is to   ucts related to screen and
      ing and encouraging the                                            educate and guide screen
      Middle East printing mar-  “We are sure it will be a win-win opportunity for all participants”  printers and garment print-  digital printing,  but this
      ket. We, One Stroke, being a                                       ers to make them aware of   year we will showcase our
      manufacturer and trader,   vidual company in the UAE   Apart from screen printing   the correct way of choosing   new version of  DTF inks
      are happy to be a participant   to produce textile screen   inks, we will showcase our   the inks, mesh and emul-  heat  transfer  technology;
      in the Fespa Middle East   printing inks.    new age of digital printers   sions to achieve quality print   this ink is basically devel-
      2024 event. We would show-  “This platform is one of   such as dtf, uv dtf, dtf/uv   in less time and earn good,   oped for all kinds of print
      case our new products, such   the best for our industry,   digital inks, sublimation   profitable business. This is
      as textile screen printing   where all the screen printers   inks, heat transfer papers   our first time participating   heads. It is a super nano ink
      inks, which we have pro-  of the Mena region will show   and heat press. One Stroke   in Fespa, and we would like   which gives better cover-
      duced. We are the first indi-  their presence and interest.   has been present in the   to continue our relationship   age.”

                                                                    January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 23
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