Page 23 - PWM2024_January EBook
P. 23


      Epson ME excited to join the show

        Shihab Ahmed Zubair,                                             an engaging environment at  cally designed to present
      Sales Manager, Epson ME,                                           our Stand D10, to enable   various printing possibili-
      in a conversation with                                             visitors to experience our   ties across different areas.
      PrintWeek MENA, said:                                              printers firsthand and gain   In the Promotional seg-
      “Epson ME is excited to join                                       insight into their remarka-  ment, we exhibited desktop
      FESPA Middle East 2024 at                                          ble commercial potential.   dye sublimation printers
      Dubai Exhibition Centre. As                                        Our presence at FESPA   alongside the SC-F2100
      part of our participation, we                                      Middle East will highlight   DTG printer, demonstrat-
      will be showcasing some of                                         our products’ transformative   ing how small businesses
      the latest printing innova-                                        power, enabling businesses   can produce personalised
      tions, including the Epson                                         to raise printing standards   merchandise like mugs,
      V7000, our debut UV large                                          and explore new opportuni-  phone covers, and t-shirts.
      format printer for vibrant   “FESPA serves as a dynamic platform for Epson and its partners”  ties across business sectors.   Our latest Direct-to-
      retail, outdoor signage and                                         “Epson has actively par-  Garment printer, the
      packaging; the SC-R5010L,   commitment to innovation   sent cutting-edge printing   ticipated in previous FESPA   SureColor SC-F3000, offers
                                                                         events around the world,
      our versatile resin ink   and empowering industries   technology and highlight a   leveraging these platforms   a complete DTG package for
      printer that prints on vinyl,   with cutting-edge printing   diverse array of printers that   to highlight our latest inno-  high-volume fabric print-
      textile, wallpaper, and   technology. FESPA Middle   are tailored to meet specific   vations.  At  the  FESPA   ing. FESPA served as a
      more; and the F2200, which   East will provide us with a   industry needs. We antici-  Global Print Expo 2022, we   dynamic platform for Epson
      delivers precise Direct-to-  platform to engage industry  pate strong interest in the   made a remarkable impact   and partners to show our
      Garment & Film printing.   professionals and exhibit   Epson V7000, our ground-  with live printing demon-  printing applications, dem-
      We will also present the   our diverse range of prod-  breaking UV large format   strations. We highlighted   onstrating how businesses
      SC-F6400H, a six-colour   ucts, driving new possibili-  printer, which is engineered   the diverse applications and   can expand into new mar-
                                                                         impressive outcomes
      dye sublimation printer for   ties in the region’s print   to craft attention-grabbing   achievable through our   kets and leverage our inno-
      textile producers and pro-  landscape.       retail displays, outdoor sig-  range of professional inkjet   vative technologies to
      motional goods businesses.   “At FESPA Middle East   nage, packaging, and deco-  printers and other key prod-  maximise revenue poten-
      Our presence signifies our   2024, Epson ME will pre-  rative items. We will create   ucts. Our stand was strategi-  tial.”

      “We look forward to interacting with potential clients”

        Jamal  H  Maraqah,                                                       innovative products, and   360-degree printer. These
      Managing Director of PRO                                           gain insights into the latest   state-of-the-art UV printers
      TECHnology Co. LLC, said:                                          developments in the print-  are designed to deliver
      “PRO  TECHnology  is                                               ing industry. The event   exceptional print quality,
      excited to participate in the                                      serves as a platform for us to   versatility, and efficiency,
      inaugural FESPA Middle                                             build new relationships,
      East event. Our team sees                                          explore collaborations, and   catering to the diverse
      this as a valuable opportu-                                        stay at the forefront of   needs within the printing
      nity to connect with indus-                                        emerging trends in the mar-  industry. In the digital age,
      try professionals, showcase                                        ket.                  sustainability is a pivotal
      our innovative products and                                         “PRO TECHnology is   growth area for the printing
      solutions, and stay abreast of                                     excited to exhibit several   industry. Our showcase at
      the latest developments in                                         new products at the event,   FESPA Middle East will
      the printing industry in the   “Our showcase at the event will spotlight sustainable practices”  including cutting-edge UV   spotlight sustainable prac-
      MENA region. Our plans for   our team is well-prepared to  share our expertise with the   printers. We will showcase   tices, featuring eco-friendly
      the  FESPA  Middle East   answer queries, provide   audience. Along with our   and provide live demonstra-  inks, signage solutions, and
      event involve creating an   demonstrations, and build   principles, we have partici-  tions of our latest innova-
      engaging and informative   meaningful connections  pated in FESPA Germany for   tions, such as the Direct   a commitment to ambitious
      booth to showcase our prod-  with  attendees.  many years. We are antici-  Color Systems-USA UV44-  environmental goals. We
      ucts and solutions and inter-  Additionally, we are explor-  pating valuable opportuni-  DTS Midformat UV Flatbed   aim to contribute towards
      act with potential clients.   ing opportunities for presen-  ties to connect with industry   printer and the LSINC’s   the industry’s sustainable
      We focus on ensuring that   tations or workshops to   professionals, showcase our   PeriOne cylindrical   future.”

                                                                    January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 21
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