Page 47 - PWM2024_January EBook
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      Star product
      Kornit Avalanche PolyPro

      The PolyPro marks the introduction of the NeoPoly inks to Avalanche range, says Nessan Cleary
                                                                                     How productive is it?
                                                                                     It can produce up to 85 dark shirts or 106
                                                                                     light shirts per hour, assuming A4 image
                                                                                     size and High Productivity print mode.
                                                                                     All DTG printers take longer to print to
                                                                                     dark materials because of the need to lay
                                                                                     down the white ink layer first. This is
                                                                                     slower than some other models in the
                                                                                     Avalanche series, but does include the
                                                                                     time needed to spray on the fixation,
                                                                                     which eliminates the need for pre-treat-
                                                                                     What is the USP of the product?
                                                                                     The main USP is that it prints direct to
                                                                                     polyester garments; most DTG printers
                                                                                     are for cotton, silk, wool or other natural
                                                                                     fibres and most polyester printing is via
                                                                                     dye-sublimation. The PolyPro prints on a
                                                                                     variety of polyester fabrics, including
                                                                                     woven, knits, with poly blends (poly-
      The PolyPro marks the introduction of           The key to the PolyPro printer is Kornit’s   Lycra, poly-cotton) and different fabric
      the NeoPoly inks to the manufacturer’s   Specifications  new NeoPoly ink. This inkset is made up   textures.
      Avalanche range of direct-to-garment            of inline fixation, a white base layer, fol-
      printers.                        Max print resolu-  lowed by CMYK and then a new Poly   How easy is it to use?
                                       tion 1,200dpi
                                                      Enhancer channel. The main advantage
      What does the machine do?                       is that there’s no need for any form of   It’s relatively straightforward as all the
                                       Colours CMYK plus                             hard work is done inside the machine by
      Kornit’s Avalanche series of direct-to-  white  pre- or post-treatment. The fixation is   the various chemical layers reacting
      garment printers are designed as indus-         sprayed in the area of the print and holds   against each other. It can be run by a sin-
      trial machines for continuous use, able to   Print area   the ink in place so that it doesn’t soak   gle operator. However, it appears the
      print directly to products such as blank   600x900mm  into the fabric. It chemically bonds the
      t-shirts for cost-effective short runs and   Platens 2  ink pigments so that the colours sit on   operator does need a degree of skill to
                                                                                     judge how much fixation to spray on the
      on-demand printing.                             top of the white layer.
      The basic design features two platens so   Productivity 85   The final layer, the poly enhancer,   garment.
      that an operator can load or unload one   dark/106 light   reduces the thickness of the print and   What training and support is on
      platen while the other is printing.   t-shirts/hr  gives a special protective layer. This is   offer?
                                                      then followed by the curing. The Poly
      When was it launched and what    Substrates     Enhancer is a clear fluid, which acts like a   Sharon Donovich, product marketing
      market is it aimed at?           Polyester, polyester   catalyst to reduce the drying temperature   manager at Kornit, says that, as with all
                                       blends                                        Kornit DTG printers, it comes with six
      The Avalanche PolyPro was launched in           from Kornit’s usual 160°C to 100-110°C,
      April 2019. It prints directly to polyester   Pre-treatment   which eliminates the risk of dye migra-  months of warranty and various levels of
      and polyester blends, with polyester   needed No  tion where the colorants from the polyes-  SLA, including an empowerment plan in
      being the second largest category in the        ter diffuse into the white layer. A further   which Kornit trains the customer to be
      overall t-shirt market, which is valued at   Price £406,000  advantage is that the inks are odourless.   self-sufficient and maintain the product
      $29bn (£22.5bn), with something like 2                                         to ensure the highest productivity and
      billion t-shirts being produced annually.   210x297mm/600x400mm  How does it differ from previous   availability.
      As such it’s directly aimed at the sports   Feed capacity 30mm                 How much does it cost?
      segment, and the growing athleisure and         The PolyPro is built on Kornit’s familiar
      functional apparel markets.                     Avalanche platform with the principle   The printer costs approximately
                                                      difference being the new inkset. This is   £406,000 though this is subject to cur-
      How does it work?                               also Kornit’s first polyester DTG printer   rency fluctuations.
                                     “This is also Kornit’s first polyester DTG printer.”                                                                    January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 45
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