Page 48 - PWM2024_January EBook
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      Star product

      Epson SureColor SC-F6300

      The SC-F6300 has a maximum speed of 63sqm/hr, says Nessan Cleary

                                                                                     ple typically run these at 15-20sqm/hr in
                                                                                     four-pass mode with 720dpi print quality.

                                                                                     What is the USP of the product?
                                                                                     The main thing that sets the SC-F6300
                                                                                     aside from other dye-sublimation printers
                                                                                     is its size, which at 1.1m wide is fairly
                                                                                     unique. Most other dye sublimation print-
                                                                                     ers are larger, usually around 1.9m wide.
                                                                                     It’s designed to be compact enough to fit
                                                                                     easily into retail environments. This small
                                                                                     size also helps to keep the cost down, so
                                                                                     that it’s cheaper than many other dye sub
                                                                                     printers, which explains why textile pro-
                                                                                     ducers have banked multiple units
      Versatile printer that can produce soft         How does it work?              together.
      signage as well as promotional goods and        The F6300 is a standard roll-fed design able
      short runs and samples of garments.             to take materials up to 1.1m (44in) wide. It   How easy is it to use?
                                                      uses four Epson PrecisionCore TFP print-  McMullin says that the average Printweek
      What does the machine do?        Specifications  heads, one for each colour, which give a
      The SureColor F6300 is a wide-format            maximum print resolution of    reader shouldn’t have any problems in get-
      dye sublimation printer that’s been   Max width 1.1m   720x1,440dpi. The inks are Epson’s   ting to grips with this printer, which is
      designed to print to transfer paper, but   (44in)  UltraChrome DS, which like all dye-subli-  essentially a standard roll-fed wide format
      not direct to fabric. These prints can then     mation inks, are water-based. It prints in   machine.
      be put through a heat press in contact   Printheads Epson   CMYK.
      with the polyester or polyester-blend   PrecisionCore TFP                      What training and support is on
      material where the image is transferred         How does it differ from previous
      to the fabric. The sublimation process   Max resolution   models?              offer?
      essentially heats the ink to a gaseous state   1,440dpi  The F6300 is an evolution of the older   McMullin points out that Epson has
      and then drives the pigment into the            F6200, with improvements based on feed-
      fibre of the material. This results in a   Max speed 63sqm/  back. McMullin says that Epson has   improved the preventative maintenance on
      vibrant image that can withstand multi-         improved the feeding to make it more accu-  these printers so that most users should be
      ple washing without fading while allow-  Inks Epson   rate and more robust, and made access to   able to keep the machines running them-
      ing the fabric to retain its original texture   UltraChrome DS  the printheads easier for maintenance. It’s   selves. That said, Epson sells these printers
      and feel.                                       also easier to set up following on from feed-  through a number of specialist resellers

      When was it launched and what    Colours CMYK   back that the previous model was too com-  that have experience of the textile market.
                                                      plicated.  McMullin  says:  “We  have
      market is it aimed at?
                                       Price £4,795   improved this so that the end-user can do   Consequently, Epson leaves it to these
      The F6300 was announced in 2019. It’s pri-      the installation themselves and doesn’t   resellers to put together a package that suits
      marily aimed at photographic studios and        need an engineer.”
      promotional goods businesses. Phil              Epson also offers an optional take-up roll,   their customer base, which could include
      McMullin, sales manager for Epson UK,           which is really aimed at volume users, and   training and servicing as well as other
      says that this printer was designed to pro-     which should make for a neater solution   items, such as the heat press.
      duce short runs and samples of garments as      than a third-party unit. Unfortunately, the
      well as for dye-sublimating graphics to         new take-up roll cannot be retrofitted to the   How much does it cost?
      objects such as mouse mats and mugs.            existing F6200 as the firmware is not com-
      However, he adds that people do also group      patible.                       The SureColor F6300 costs £4,795, which
      several of these printers together for com-                                    includes the printer, a set of inks and a
      mercial textile production. As with any dye-    How fast/productive is it?
      sublimation printer, it can also be used to     The SC-F6300 has a maximum speed of   maintenance kit, but not the optional take-
      produce some soft signage.                      63sqm/hr, though McMullin says that peo-  up roll or installation.
              “The F6300 is a standard roll-fed design able to take materials up to 1.1m (44in) wide.”

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