Page 10 - PWM2025_January EBook
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United Arab Bank & Canon collab
Canon Middle East and our belief in the power of Development, Social
United Arab Bank PJSC collective efforts to drive Impact, and Environmental
(UAB) have partnered to meaningful change.” Stewardship. This commit-
launch a tree-planting initia- Shadi Bakhour, B2B ment reflects UAB’s belief
tive that compensates for Business Unit Director at that integrating environ-
the environmental impact of Canon Middle East, said, mental protection, social
UAB’s printing operations. “This milestone partnership development, and strong
Through Canon’s Climate reflects our unwavering com- governance practices is
Project Contribution pro- mitment to environmental essential for long-term eco-
gram, UAB is offsetting stewardship in the UAE. By nomic success. UAB
emissions from its printer joining forces with United unveiled a suite of Green
fleet’s ink, paper, and elec- Arab Bank, we’re creating a Sustainable Finance prod-
tricity consumption by To deliver impactful carbon compensation for business printing paradigm shift in sustainable ucts, aligning with the UAE
investing in verified foresta- business practices that
tion projects. This initiative, certified environmental pro- Arab Bank, said, “At United embodies our philosophy of government’s climate
which coincides with the jects. At UAB, the current Arab Bank, we are excited to Kyosei -- living and working change agenda ahead of the
2nd edition of the Future implementation covers a partner with Canon to together for the common COP28 conference in Dubai.
Sustainability Forum for fleet of 90 printing systems launch the UAE’s first com- good.” Canon’s approach tran-
which UAB is the Bronze that process three million prehensive climate contri- United Arab Bank (UAB) scends traditional environ-
Sponsor, marks Canon’s first impressions. Through this bution program in line with continues to strengthen its mental programs by
implementation of a climate initiative, UAB has already our commitment to embed- commitment to corporate embedding sustainability
compensation program in achieved compensation for ding sustainability across social responsibility through into every aspect of business
the UAE. 20 tons of CO2 emissions, the organization and in eve- a comprehensive sustainabil- operations. Through com-
The programme calcu- demonstrating measurable rything we do. This collabo- ity framework built on five prehensive lifecycle analysis,
lates and compensates for environmental impact. ration is a testament to strategic pillars: Corporate organizations can identify
greenhouse gas emissions Dr. Abdulla AlTaee, Chief UAB’s unwavering commit- Governance, Responsible opportunities for emissions
through Gold Standard- Operating Officer at United ment to sustainability and Banking, Workforce reduction at their source.
With ‘ONE CLUB,’ Canon accelerates future strategy
Canon Middle East and opportunities, reflecting platform for strategic dis-
Turkey (CMET) has trans- CMET’s vision for deeper cussions, enabling us to co-
formed its annual partner partner engagement. This create a more dynamic and
conference into a strategic dynamic approach positions collaborative future. The
collaboration platform, CMET for anticipated 9% insights shared at the con-
marking a fundamental evo- growth across consumer and ference are crucial for sus-
lution in partner engage- business segments in 2025, taining our growth
ment as the company supported by the projected momentum in an increas-
transitions from a successful growth rate of 1.9% for the ingly competitive market.”
Middle East and 4% for
post-pandemic stabilization Turkey for the coming year. During his keynote,
phase into an era of acceler- Venkatasubramanian Hariharan underscored the
ated innovation and growth. Canon Middle East and Turkey (CMET)’s annual partner conference (Subbu) Hariharan, importance of investing in
ONE Club is a strategic, Phase 1 of CMET’s mid-term this new format, branded as Managing Director of Canon people and customers, align-
high-level platform that pro- strategy and the launch of ‘ONE Club,’ was recently Middle East and Turkey, ing with Canon’s Kyosei phi-
vides a valuable opportunity emphasized, “The success of losophy. This commitment
for deeper engagement, and Phase 2, which is focused on held in El Gouna. One Club 2024 reflects our is exemplified through
open communication with shaping future market This exclusive event renewed approach to market impactful initiatives like the
our partners. This reimagin- opportunities through served as a platform for stra- engagement and partner col- Women Who Empower
ing of the conference format enhanced collaboration. The tegic dialogue and co-crea- laboration. This carefully Programme and the Canon
signals the conclusion of inaugural gathering under tion of future growth curated gathering provided a Young People Programme.
08 PrintWeek MENA January 2025