Page 13 - PWM2025_January EBook
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      OnPrintShop to release Version 12.0

        Building on the AI-based                                         to optimize the product per-  ensures streamlined com-
      functionalities in its last                                        sonalization for customers.   munication via system gen-
      release, OnPrintShop is all                                         The newly added ‘Pattern   erated emails. Business
      set to launch its second                                           Product’ will allow custom-  owners can showcase rec-
      round of AI features in ver-                                       ers to create products like
      sion 12.0. With the ability to                                     bedsheets curtains, pillow   ommended products to cus-
      optimize user interaction,                                         covers and all textile and   tomers based on popular or
      boost business productivity                                                              on-demand items.
      and enhance customer satis-                                        large format prints. The   The new version will also
      faction,  this iteration  is                                       ‘Quick Studio’ and ‘Buy   support 3X faster file upload
      poised to make a remarkable                                        Now’ button will enable cus-  speed, enable printers to cre-
      difference in the way print                                        tomers to personalize and   ate custom forms for varied
      businesses operate.   OnPrintShop is all set to launch its second round of AI features  order prints on-the-go.   applications, and offer opti-
        The web to print solution                                         Print business owners can
      provider, OnPrintShop had   mize print workflows, boost   tors.    leverage the ‘Production   mized B2B storefront with
      launched its initial   productivity, offer enhanced   This upgrade will also   Time Spent’ report to track   custom product size and
      AI-enabled iteration, i.e.   personalization and seam-  include futuristic print auto-  the time spent on orders,   quantity adding option.
      version 11.2 on September 1,   less product purchasing   mation features to improve   detect inefficiencies in print    With a diverse range of AI
      2024. Following the success   experience to customers.   the online purchasing expe-  workflows and implement   enabled print automation
      of this release, OnPrintShop   OnPrintShop’s  latest   rience  for customers  and   strategies for maintaining   capabilities, this version is
      is going to be back again   AI-powered web to print   speed up the order process-        going to give a digital makeo-
      with another powerful   software will include   ing time. By offering 3D pre-  the staff’s productivity lev-  ver for modern print busi-
      upgrade, i.e. version 12.0                                         els.
      this Christmas season.   AI-based  website  transla-  views for advanced finishes   The improved design   nesses, enabling them to
         This iteration will include   tors, ‘Designer Studio’ with   like embossing, debossing,   proofing tool will offer bet-  speed up operations, attract
      a plethora of AI and print   language translators and   foil and spot UV, this version   ter transparency over   potential customers and
      automation tools to opti-  prompt-based image genera-  will enable print businesses   approval workflows and   ensure repeat business.

      VINSAK installs “Rotatek Brava 450” at Paramount Labels, UAE

        Paramount, a  leading                                                keep  job  costs  to  a  mini-  affirmed Mr. Sadiq Ali,
      player in the label printing                                       mum.Paramount has quickly   Chairman of Paramount
      and packaging industry, is                                         made a name for itself in the
      proud to announce the                                              UAE market, initially oper-  Label Printing Press LLC.
      installation of its new                                            ating from a modest 1200   Hasnain Mahdi, the
      Rotatek Brava 450 machine.                                         sqft trading space. The com-  Operations Head, high-
      The new Brava 450 stands                                           pany has grown substantially
      out for its ability to seam-                                       over the years, with strategic   lighted that the Brava 450
      lessly handle a variety of                                         investments in cutting-edge   has proven to be a game-
      print runs with unparalleled                                       equipment to cater to the   changer, significantly
      quality. The press integrates                                      evolving needs of its diverse   reducing power consump-
      cutting-edge technology that                                       clientele, which spans indus-
      ensures exceptional print   Brava 450 offers both web handling systems for the infinite repeats  tries such as FMCG, auto-  t i o n  b y on e- th i r d .
      accuracy and color consist-                                        mobiles, personal care, and   Additionally, overhead
      ency, whether the job   ing solutions for diverse   semi-rotary system allows   more.    costs, such as those for
      involves a small batch of   market needs.    you to change repeats fully   With the addition of the
      labels or a large-scale pro-  Brava 450 offers both web   automatically from the   Brava 450, our production   plates  and  die-cuts, have
      duction run. This adaptabil-  handling systems for the   machine’s  touch  screen   capacity has increased from   also been reduced. The new
      ity positions Spanish press   infinite repeats, semi rotary   panel, there is no need to   1.25 million labels per   Rotatek Brava 450 is part of
      manufacturer Rotatek as a   system for short and   change format cylinder or   month to 1.75 million, and
      frontrunner in  delivering   medium runs and full rotary   use tools, which is critical   we expect to double this vol-  Paramount’s ongoing expan-
      high-quality, flexible print-  system for long runs. The   for short runs in order to   ume by the end of 2025,”   sion strategy.

                                                                    January 2025 PrintWeek MENA 11
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