Page 3 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
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      drupa 2024 ends on a high note

        drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf,                                        impressive international   erating leads. Nowhere else
      the world’s No. 1 trade fair                                       flair and, above all, the high   offers the opportunity to
      for printing technologies,                                         decision-making compe-  make so many new interna-
      drew to a successful close on                                      tence of the visitors ensured   tional contacts from all over
      7 June after eleven days. It                                       in-depth and well-founded   the world in such a short
      impressively demonstrated                                          technical discussions at the   space of time in one place.”
      the progress of an entire sec-                                     trade fair stands on the one   Automation took centre
      tor and gave proof of the                                          hand and many direct
      operational excellence of                                          investment decisions on the   stage at this year’s drupa,
      the industry. 1,643 exhibi-                                        other. Our exhibitors told us   with a strong focus on AI and
      tors from 52 nations pre-                                          about large-volume pur-  smart workflows, including
      sented an outstanding                                              chase agreements.”    software solutions. It
      showcase of innovations in   Record number of deals signed at drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf  Dr Andreas Pleßke,   became clear that digital and
      the Düsseldorf exhibition                                          Chairman of the drupa   analogue technologies ide-
      halls and thrilled the trade   kets with great growth   expectations. In some cases,   Committee, emphasised the   ally complement and benefit
      visitors with unforgettable   potential, which was   the sales targets set were   exceptional position and rel-  from each other. Traditional
      performances. The interna-  reflected in the significant   already achieved in the first   evance of drupa: “drupa   industry leaders presented a
      tional share of the visitors   increase in exhibitors’ pres-  few days of the trade fair.  stands for new approaches   wide range of digital solu-
      was 80%, with attendees   ence and order books. Many   Erhard Wienkamp,   and new technologies like no   tions, while digital pioneers
      coming from 174 countries -   key players, such as Bobst,   Managing Director at Messe   other trade fair. It is not only   integrated  conventional
      a record figure. After   Canon,  Fujifilm,   Düsseldorf, is highly satis-  the largest, but also the most
      Europe, Asia was the most   Heidelberger     fied with the course of the   important global platform for   components into their offer-
      strongly represented region   Druckmaschinen, HP,   trade fair: “drupa has under-  our industry, because the   ings. Robotics played an
      with 22%, followed by   Koenig & Bauer, Komori   pinned its position as the   entire printing and post-  important role in the exhibi-
      America with 12%.  Asia as   Konica Minolta, reported   industry’s leading trade fair   press industry meets at the   tion halls and illustrated the
      well as Latin America and   having signed contracts that  and its unique appeal in a   world-leading trade fair. It   path towards the smart fac-
      the MENA region are mar-  significantly exceeded   remarkable way. The   has been invaluable for gen-  tory.

      Konica Minolta’s drupa stand helps customers to work smarter

        A  bustling  stand,  close                                               “The implementation of the   tory where the technology
      customer partnership                                               JETvarnish 3D Web requires   leader is holistically com-
      engagement, and another                                            no tools, plates or clichés   bining expertise to help cus-
      award were all contributing                                        and drastically reduces fin-  tomers with their digital
      to the ever-evolving digital                                       ishing cost,” it added. The
      transformation success story                                                             transformation.
      for Konica Minolta at its                                          members of the EDP Awards   “See the Potential in the
      booth (Stand A40-1-A40-6,                                          jury underlined the innova-  Future of Print” is its main
      Hall 8B) at drupa.  At drupa,                                      tion brought by the Single   messaging for drupa. Konica
      Konica Minolta was showing                                         Pass concept of the   Minolta is also demonstrat-
      the most advanced end-to-                                          JETvarnish 3D Web 400   ing ways of sustainable pro-
      end  smart  factory  digital                                       (spot UV varnish and hot foil
      production lines ever shown   Konica Minolta displayed most advanced digital production lines  stamping in a single pass),   duction in line with the
      in public. It had six inter-                                       and its versatility of use with   philosophy of Industry 5.0.
      linked areas across two   in the print room of the   award, which honour best-  its new  Flexo  and  semi-  There is a real feel-good
      floors, with over 30 live run-  future.      in-class innovations. The   rotary die-cutting modules.  feeling on our stand and it’s
      ning machines, and virtually   Partner MGI’s JETvarnish   citation referred to how the   great to be back at drupa,”
      the same number of soft-  3D Web 400 finishing sys-  spot UV varnishing and hot   Konica Minolta’s booth at   said Olaf Lorenz, General
      ware displays, and was dem-  tem won the EDP (European   foil stamping ‘add a tactile   drupa featured true end-to-
      onstrating how its toner and   Digital Press Association)          end solutions and was being   Manager International
      inkjet technologies comple-  prestigious  Digital   and a sensory dimension’ to   operated from the viewpoint   Marketing, Konica Minolta
      ment each other seamlessly   Embellishment Packaging   digital finishing technology.    of a large, modern smart fac-  Business Solutions Europe.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                      June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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