Page 5 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 5


        BRIEFS                                     The new era in the

       Canon Middle East is
       expanding its lineup with
       the debut of the EOS C400
       featuring an RF mount,                      in-line flexo industry
       alongside the CN7x17 KAS T
       lens engineered to elevate
       large scale productions to                   A decade ago, the label and
       greater heights. Adapting                   flexo market predominantly
       to the evolving needs of                    revolved around presses
       the market and designed with versatility in mind, the EOS   spanning  280-330  mm  in
       C400 offers an all-in-one solution tailored to support a vast   width. However, Vinsak's
       range of different productions, from indie cinema and   introduction of Lombardi to
       documentary, live and virtual broadcasts to the electronic   the Indian market instigated
       news gathering field. The EOS C400 is the first high-end RF   a significant shift.  Today, the
       mount cinema EOS camera, ushering in a groundbreaking   standard width stands at
       new era for Canon products particularly within the EOS R   430mm, with approximately
       System. Compact yet mighty, the innovative design packs
       advanced features and specifications typically found in larger   90% of inline flexo presses   Vinsak introduces Lombardi to Prakash Printers and Coaters P Ltd
       cameras into a more nimble box shaped design, prioritising   being sold at this width or
       ease of use and operability without compromising on   wider. Additionally, widths   In 2024, the market is   India, a longstanding and
       capability. Moreover, specific in-camera connectivity such as   of 530mm, 620mm, and   poised for advancement to   dedicated partner in the
       genlock, return input and 12-pin lens terminal all support   670mm now command   the next level. Lombardi and   Indian market. The installa-
       live multi-camera productions. The EOS C400 is equipped   almost 20% of the market   Vinsak proudly unveil the  tion of the first in-line press
       with a cutting-edge 6K full frame backside-illuminated.  share. This evolution is   inaugural installation of the  of this web width by any
                                                   accompanied by a broaden-
       MUTOH Europe nv, EMEA                       ing definition of labels,   Invicta I2 press, boasting an   manufacturer in India marks
       headquarters of wide-                                             impressive web width of   a significant milestone.
       f o rm a t p ri n te r                      expanding beyond self-adhe-  880mm. This groundbreak-  Additionally, it represents
       manufacturer MUTOH                          sive and wet glue to encom-
       INDUSTRIES LTD., Japan,                     pass shrink sleeves, IML   ing achievement finds its   the debut of the Lombardi I2
       has received a prestigious                  labels, wrap-around labels,   home at Prakash Printers and   press in Asia and the Middle
       EDP award for its MUTOH
       XpertJet 1462UF A1+ sized                   and heat transfer labels.  Coaters P Ltd in Ahmedabad,   East.
       flatbed printer in the
       category “Direct to Shape                   Canon ME announces first of its
       Printers”.  Organised by the European Digital Press
       Association, the EDP Awards recognize excellence in the
       digital printing, publishing and packaging industries. This
       year’s awards ceremony was held on the evening of May 29th   kind RF hybrid prime lens
       at the Drupa Cube at Messe Düsseldorf. “We are very proud to
       receive this prestigious and very valuable technical award for   Canon Middle East has
       our XpertJet 1462UF on behalf of our Japanese development   introduced the RF 35mm
       team”, says Stephan Heintjens, MUTOH Europe’s General
       Manager Product Application, Marketing, Service & QA.  “The   F1.4L VCM, a first of its kind
       EDP awards represent a strong point of reference."  hybrid lens designed to cap-
                                                   ture both stills and video,
       Agfa has received two                       along  with  the  new
       prestigious European                        Speedlite EL-10 for elevating
       Digital Press Association                   portraits with controllable
       (EDP) Awards for two of
       its recently introduced                     lighting.  This hybrid lens
       inkjet innovations. For                     empowers creatives with the   This is a first of its kind hybrid lens designed to capture both stills and video
       the twelfth time, Agfa                      flexibility needed to reach
       was honored for its                         new levels of artistry and   phers avoid visual distrac-  capturing a group at an
       innovative power when                       mixed media. Part of an   tions when pulling focus   event or reportage-style
       it was presented with
       two awards during the                       expanding lineup, this single   from one subject to another.   shots on the street – the
       official award ceremony at drupa in Düsseldorf, Germany.   lens performs like two,  and   Whether capturing an   35mm focal length offers a
       “We are proud to have our inkjet printing solutions rewarded   is the only RF prime lens   event, such as a wedding, or   sweet spot in perspective.
       once again with this mark of quality and innovation”, said   with a dedicated iris control   shooting a street documen-
       Arnaud Calleja, Vice-President Digital Printing Solutions at      tary, this hybrid lens pro-  The f/1.4 aperture can be
       Agfa. “These prestigious awards are a testament to our   ring for video1.               used to control depth of
       position as a leader in inkjet technology. With our portfolio of   The lens also boasts an   vides a seamless experience   field, guaranteeing brilliant
       powerful printing beasts, we enable print service providers to   11-blade aperture, enabling   across both stills and
       grow their businesses by achieving remarkable print results   smooth out of focus areas to   motion.  Whatever the set-  creative performance, even
       and increasing both productivity and printing efficiency. We   separate the subject from   ting or environment, no cre-  in those low-light moments,
       have introduced several major inkjet printing innovations   the background or fore-  ative goal is off limits. For   such as the golden hour or
       over the past months, and we are planning additional   ground, and minimal focus   moments when a wide angle  even a night skyline or dimly
       launches in the near future.”
                                                   breathing to help videogra-  is needed – whether that’s   lit event.                                                                      June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 05
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