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      Konica Minolta named a ‘Leader’

        Konica Minolta has been                                          specifically address environ-  these changes, the
      named a ‘Leader’ in the IDC                                        mental and social issues.   Company will strengthen its
      MarketScape: Worldwide                                             Using these baseline stand-  system  to accelerate  the
      Sustainability Programs and                                        ards, Konica Minolta   strategic implementation in
      Services  Hardcopy  2023                                           assesses its products via a   each of the Strengthening
      Vendor Assessment (doc                                             three-step ranking system.   Business, Maintaining
      #US49892223, December                                                                    Profit Business and
      2023). The IDC                                                     Since the  Sustainable   Direction-changing
      MarketScape states that                                            Solutions Certification   Business defined in the
      “Organizations should con-                                         System was implemented in   Medium-term Business
      sider Konica Minolta when                                          2019, these solutions have   Plan.
      looking for a supplier that is                                     accounted for 77% of total
      taking decisive actions to   Konica Minolta named  a ‘Leader’ in the IDC MarketScape  group sales.   The new structure  will
      reduce climate impact while   expertise in imaging, data  own operations and to make   Konica Minolta, Inc. is a   clarify the authority and
      promoting the effective use   processing, and data-based   its products from more than   Japanese multinational tech-  responsibilities of Senior
      of resources for customers   decision making, to help its   90% circulated resources   nology company headquar-  Vice President & Executive
      and within its own supply   customers and partners to   (recycled materials and bio-  tered  in Marunouchi,   Officer and Corporate Vice
      chain.”               resolve their specific sus-  materials) by 2050.  Chiyoda, Tokyo, with offices   President. The businesses
        The report gives a number   tainability needs.  The  IDC  MarketScape   in 49 countries worldwide.   will be reorganized into
      of specific strengths in nam-  The report also highlights   report  also underlines      three  segments:  Business
      ing Konica Minolta as a   that the use of digitized con-  Ko nica  Minol ta’s  Konica Minolta has spun off   Technologies  Business,
      ‘Leader’, such as a philoso-  tent and automated work-             business units into separate   Industrial Business and
      phy that it can create eco-  flows helps customers gain   Sustainable Solutions   companies. Recently Konica   Imaging Solution Business.
      nomic and social value   additional benefits in terms   Certification System and its   Minolta, Inc. announced a   A Senior Vice President &
      through innovation to sup-  of sustainability and that the   ability to identify and certify  new organizational struc-  Executive Officer will be
      port sustainability. This   company aims to achieve net   a range of products and ser-  ture and its leadership team,   assigned responsibility for
      includes Konica Minolta’s   zero carbon emissions in its  vices that are designed to   effective April 1, 2024. With  each segment.
      Signtrade achieves resounding success at FESPA Middle East

        Signtrade achieved                                                       versary, provided a momen-  world-renowned partners
      resounding success at                                              tous platform for the   such as HP, SwissQPrint,
      FESPA Middle East 2024.                                            company to celebrate its long   Mimaki, Handtop, Summa,
      Hosted  at the  Dubai                                              term industry partnerships   Epilog, Gravotech, TPS,
      Exhibition Center from                                             and showcase its prowess in   TigerTec, EtchCut and
      January 29th to 31st, this
      was industry renowned                                              diverse industries, including   ST-Tec. The extensive mate-
      FESPA’s Middle East debut.                                         signage, packaging, textiles,   rial portfolio, featuring 3M,
      As the founding exhibitor                                          art, and architecture.   Metamark, Starflex,
      and  Platinum Sponsor,                                             Adopting a user-centered   LucoLED, and more, high-
      Signtrade demonstrated                                             approach, Signtrade capti-  lighted Signtrade’s dedica-
      unwavering commitment to                                           vated visitors with inspiring   tion to quality and diversity.
      innovation, sustainability,   Signtrade demonstrated unwavering commitment at the event  applications, emphasizing   There were many show-
      and industry leadership.   innovative end-to-end cut-  forging high-end opportuni-  the practicality and innova-  stoppers within the
      Signtrade presented the   ting-edge product line and   ties, as witnessed by the clo-  tion inherent in its portfolio.   Signtrade  Pavilion,  with
      largest booth at the exhibi-                                       Throughout the event,   SwissQPrint’s Kudu stealing
      tion, spanning more than   turnkey sustainable solu-  sure of 150+ successful
      1200 square meters. This   tions.Signtrade proudly   deals, cementing Signtrade’s   Signtrade, alongside   the spotlight. Kudu achieved
      expansive space served as a   hosted over 5000+ potential   position as  an industry   esteemed partners, con-  an impressive 304 m² per
      dynamic representation of   customers during the 3-day   leader.   ducted live demos and prod-  hour output with 10 versatile
      world-leading industry   exhibition. The dynamic   The exhibition, coinciding   uct presentations, unveiling   color channels, including
      brands and showcased their   space  served as  a  hub for   with Signtrade’s 35th anni-  the latest innovations from   neon pink and neon yellow.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                     March 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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