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      Gulf Print & Pack launches in Riyadh

        Labelexpo Global Series                                          board packaging market is   series to Riyadh, where a
      has announced the launch of                                        expected to reach USD   vibrant consumer market is
      Gulf Print & Pack in the                                           $5.87 billion by 2028.   driving adoption of new
      Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,                                            Jade Grace, Managing   digital technologies and
      taking place from 21 – 23                                          Director, Labelexpo Global   packaging formats across
      January 2025 at the Riyadh                                         Series, commented: “We are   the FMCG market. We see a
      Front    Exhibition                                                launching Gulf Print & Pack   huge potential for growth
      Conference Center                                                  in the Kingdom of Saudi   for all sectors of the print
      (RFECC). The new show                                                                    and packaging business sup-
      builds on the success of the                                       Arabia just as the Kingdom   porting the Kingdom of
      established Dubai-based                                            scales up its plans to boost   Saudi Arabia’s development
      exhibition Gulf Print & Pack                                       industrialisation by adopt-  goals.”
      and showcases the latest in   GPP will occur in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in January 2025  ing advanced and sustaina-  Mohammed Azam Arabi,
      commercial and package                                             ble technologies all of which   General Manager (West
      printing technology along-  Dubai for the GCC market.  ties for commercial printers   will be showcased at the   Asia) Afra Printechnik said:
      side packaging equipment   The announcement of the   and packaging converters as   show.  This will  require   “We are excited about Gulf
      and materials in the coun-  event in Riyadh coincides   well as drive demand for   major investment by PSPs,   Print & Pack 2025 that will
      try.                  with an investment boom   automated packaging sys-  commercial and packaging   be taking place in Riyadh.
        With this, Gulf Print &   across the Kingdom of Saudi  tems and sustainable pack-  printers and specifiers of   We see a huge potential for
      Pack will cement its position   Arabia, in line with the   aging materials.  automated packaging   growth with the print and
      annually in the Middle East   country’s Vision 2030 initia-  The Saudi plastics packag-  packaging business and look
      region comprising of two   tive, which emphasizes sus-  ing market, for example, is   machinery and eco-friendly   forward to showcasing our
      events, Gulf Print & Pack   tainable  growth  across  a   expected to grow at a com-  materials.”  products in the Kingdom of
      2025 in Riyadh to service   wide range of industry sec-  pound annual growth rate of   Barry Killengrey, Event   Saudi Arabia. Our contin-
      the burgeoning Kingdom of   tors.            6.6% and reach USD $20.52   Director, Gulf Print & Pack   ued  participation in the
      Saudi Arabia market and   This is expected to create   billion by 2030, while the   said: “We are excited to   Gulf Print & Pack series
      Gulf Print & Pack 2026 in   major business opportuni-  value of the paper and paper-  extend the Gulf Print & Pack  remains paramount!”

      Konica Minolta receives EcoVaids Gold Medal rating for 2024

        Konica Minolta, Inc.                                                     Report states that, “The   national programmes.”
      (Konica Minolta) is proud to                                       company demonstrates an   Tackling global environ-
      announce that it is in the top                                     advanced sustainability   mental challenges, helping
      5% of companies rated by                                           management system that   society to evolve and grow,
      EcoVadis in all industries.                                        covers all four themes under
      The company has received a                                                               and being a good corporate
      Gold Medal (its ninth con-                                         review.”              citizen are the cornerstones
      secutive medal) in recogni-                                         Olaf Jonas, General   of Konica Minolta’s envi-
      tion of its sustainability                                         Manager Environmental   ronmental, social and gov-
      achievement, placing it in                                         Social Governance, Konica   ernance (ESG) policies,
      the top of companies                                               Minolta Business Solutions   which are guided by the
      assessed by EcoVadis over                                          Europe, stated, “Receiving a
      the past 12 months.    EcoVadis provides leading solution for monitoring sustainability  medal from EcoVadis for   United Nations Sustainable
        EcoVadis provides the                                            nine consecutive years is tes-  Development Goals. The
      leading solution for moni-  assessing sustainability per-  rating process assesses cor-  tament to our company-wide   company is focused on
      toring sustainability in   formance, EcoVadis pro-  porate social responsibility   global commitment to make   improving the sustainability
      global supply chains. Using   vides comprehensive   in four key areas –                  of its operations and its
      innovative technology and   feedback, benchmarking   Environment,  Labour &   a positive environmental   place in the circular econ-
      sustainability expertise, it   and tools that enable compa-  Human Rights, Ethics, and   and social impact, through
      strives to engage companies   nies to embark upon a jour-  Sustainable Procurement.   our own company initiatives   omy, as well as addressing
      and help them adopt sustain-  ney of continuous   Konica Minolta’s EcoVadis   and frameworks as well as   the climate crisis and cut-
      able practices. By reliably   improvement. The EcoVadis   Sustainability Assessment   supporting the goals of inter-  ting pollution.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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