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NEWS           DRUPA 2024

      Komori reveals Drupa launches

        Komori has outlined a trio                                       series.               29-inch B2 sheetfed LED
      of new machines that it will                                        He said the machines   UV inkjet digital press that
      be demonstrating live on its                                       boast a new look, with “a   can print up to 6,000sph
      stand at Drupa, including a                                        very distinctive silver panel   simplex and, in the perfect-
      new digital press. During an                                       on the side of the press,   ing version, 3,000sph
      open house event at its                                            which is a change in design”.
      Graphic Centre – Europe in                                          Also in this section of the   duplex.
      Utrecht, The Netherlands,                                          stand will be various items of   The CMYK four-colour
      on 17 April, Komori held a                                         MBO kit including the K80   process press has a resolu-
      press conference to reveal                                         B1 combi folder, the A80   tion of 1,200dpi, and it can
      details of its showing at the                                      stack delivery, the CoBo-  run coated and uncoated
      returning trade show, which                                        Stack palletising robot, and   paper with no pre-condi-
      will take place from 28 May   Komori has outlined a trio of new machines for Drupa in Germany  the new Agilox One autono-  tioning required.
      to 7 June at Messe                                                 mous mobile robot.
      Düsseldorf in Germany.   eight-colour, convertible   ing manager for Europe,   Introducing the technol-  Compared to the Komori
      Komori said it will start its   perfecting offset press with  Craig Bretherton, said the   ogy, Peter Minis, marketing   Impremia IS29, power con-
      build-up for Drupa from 7   H-UV L (LED) curing.  EX at the end of the new off-  manager at Komori   sumption has been reduced
      May. Its stand will be split   Compared to the Lithrone  set presses stands for   International in Europe,   while substrates will work
      into zones and will  run   G40P Advance, the new   ‘Ecological Transformation’   said the new GL-837P-A has   well on this machine at
      under the theme ‘Connected   machine uses a print plate   and this will apply to all of   a focus on “sustainability,   room temperature. Ink used
      Automation’.          20% smaller, at        the Lithrone GX advance   ecology and even more effi-  to be sourced from Konica
        At the Commercial Print   700x945mm,  power con-  models, from the 40-inch up   ciency”.  Minolta, but Komori’s plan
      Zone on its 1,500sqm stand   sumption at 60 Hz of 125.8   to the 44-inch models,   Meanwhile, at the digital
      – Hall 15, Booth E02 – will   kW – down 34%, and a   including  the  RP  reverse   area of the Commercial   is to introduce its own ink
      be the new Lithrone G37P   machine size of 12.8x3.47m  printing models. It will also   Print Zone, Komori will   for this model. Commercial
      advance EX edition    – down 39%.            apply to the G37 and 40-inch   show a new digital press   availability is expected in
      (GL-837P-A), a 37-inch,   Komori product market-  presses in the Advance   called the J-throne 29, a   2025.

      ColART Publishing & Advertising celebrates 30 glorious years

        ColART Publishing &                                                  lished Advertising   enquiries such as events,
      Advertising LLC, Dubai, has                                        Organisation with 75+   mall engagements, decor,
      finished 30 years of service.                                      employees and 2 Companies   and retail shop branding.
      On  the  occasion,  Rajesh                                         under its belt. The associate
      Kutty, Managing Director,                                          company, M/s. Al Rajaa   Our ability to adapt to cus-
      said: “Our Anniversary                                                                   tomers’ needs has been our
      Coincided  with the holy                                           Decor, caters to Exhibitions,   core business strength.
      month of Ramadan, which                                            stand building, and other   “We are looking to expand
      enabled us to invite all our                                       woodwork. Our journey
      office colleagues along with                                       from traditional offset print-  in Abu Dhabi and plan to
      their family members to cel-                                       ing to large-format digital   explore KSA soon. First and
      ebrate grand Iftaar in a                                           printing and signage, com-  foremost, we strive to be an
      Dhow Cruise. This also   “We have been trusted partners to many over time”: Rajesh Kutty  plemented by an exhibition   eco-friendly company  by
      helped us to commemorate a                                         factory, reflects our strategic
      few of our employees who   additional benefits than the   Customers happy.   pivot to meet evolving mar-  enabling our customers to
      were part of the journey for   market. Specifically, on this   “Two  young  brothers   ket demands. We cater to   print solutions using eco-
      more than ten years.   occasion of our 30th anni-  started an ambitious but              friendly products. We have
        “As we are in the service   versary, we have not speci-  humble journey in 1993 -94   corporates for their printing   been trusted partners to
      industry, we always walk   fied any offers as such, but   in a studio flat in Bur Dubai.   and signage requirements, as
      that extra mile to satisfy our   yes, we will always gauge the     well  as partnering with   many over time, be it our
      customers’ requirements   requirements and will make   With three employees, it has   advertising agencies and   long-term customers or our
      with discounted rates or   conscious efforts to keep our   grown into a well-estab-  event planners for branding   strong suppliers.”

      06 PrintWeek MENA May 2024                                                        
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