Page 11 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      Canon & DBWC to empower                                                                  BOBST  VISION CI

      women in print & imaging                                                                   Riyadh-based Ali M. Al

                                                                                               Shamrani Industry Company
                                                                                               (Al-Shamrani), a leading pro-
        Aligning with the compa-                                         ship opportunities, and net-  ducer of polyethylene-based
      ny’s core values of a human-                                       working events.       (PE) flexible packaging for
      centred approach, Canon                                             “Women Who Empower   the Saudi market, has
      presented the first module of                                      initiative embodies Canon’s   invested in a new BOBST
      its workshop series ‘Women                                         unwavering dedication to   VISION CI flexo  press to
      Who Empower’, led by                                               diversity, inclusivity, and   modernize and increase its
      Ayman Aly, Marketing                                               women empowerment. We   production capacity.
      Director, Canon EMEA.                                              believe that by providing   Established in 1994, the
      Participants delved into the                                       women with the necessary   business has grown through
      intricate world of photo                                           resources, training, and sup-
      printing workflows, explor-                                        port, we can drive positive   investments of more than
      ing emerging trends and                                                                  120 million Saudi riyals. Its
      market insights, with an   Printing module of workshop series by Ayman Aly, Canon EMEA  change and unlock their full   25,000 square metre facility
                                                                         potential in these dynamic
      exclusive demonstration fea-  ment practice in the chosen   are part of Canon’s ‘Women   features 28 integrated pro-
      turing different print solu-  field. Besides Aly who leads   Who Empower’ campaign in   industries,” comments   duction lines of film, print-
      tions and print media.  the printing module,   collaboration with the Dubai   Venkatasubramanian   ing, cutting, and processing
        The programme includes  renowned action photogra-  Business Women Council   Hariharan, Managing   equipment. In addition to
      three modules: printing,  pher and Canon Ambassador   (DBWC), a leading platform   Director at Canon Middle   supplying polyethylene (PE)
      photography, and content  Jorge Ferrari will lead the   in the UAE for the personal   East and Turkey. The work-  packaging for the food mar-
      creation, with each having  photography curriculum,   and professional develop-  shop was hosted by Dubai-  ket, Al-Shamrani prints on all
      two theory and two practical  while Emirati director and   ment of business women.   based Art Plus I Community,   PE, polypropylene (PP), lam-
      sessions. The classes include  executive producer Nahla Al   The initiative aims to uplift   Gallery & Printing, a modern   inate, biaxially oriented poly-
      foundational theory, techni-  Fahad will provide extensive   and support women in the   art gallery and community   propylene (BOPP), and cast
      cal instructions, and a month  training in content creation.   print and imaging industries   for both new and veteran art-  polypropylene (CPP) prod-
      of supervised Canon equip-  The interactive workshops   through webinars, mentor-  ists.  ucts.
      MEPCO okays budget for new                                         Al-Shams Printing

      containerboard plant                                               gets new machine

                                                                          Riyadh-based Al-Shams
        Jeddah-based Middle East                                         Printing Packaging &
      Paper Company (MEPCO)                                              Trading Co., a leading force
      has announced the start of a                                       in Saudi Arabia’s printing
      new phase of the container-                                        sector, has upgraded their
      board paper plant project in                                       fleet with the state-of-the -art
      a statement published on the                                       Heidelberg Speedmaster XL
      Saudi Exchange (Tadawul)                                           106-6+LX3 Combi. The fully
      website. The feasibility                                           automated machine  with   Saudi’s Al-Shams Printing team
      study for the fifth paper line                                     high productivity features is   high standards in offset and
      (PM5), with an annual pro-                                         capable of printing both con-  digital printing by taking
      duction capacity of 4,50,000   Saudi’s MEPCO approves budget for new containerboard plant  ventional and UV inks, as   advantage of the latest tech-
      tonnes, has been completed.   and is expected to be com-  Fund (PIF). In January   well as handling coating jobs.   nology. This cutting-edge
      The final budget for the pro-  pleted by the fourth-quarter  2024, PIF had completed its   Its consistently high quality   upgrade is expected to fur-
      ject has been approved for a   of 2027, with commercial  investment deal in MEPCO,   with steady production   ther enhance their capabili-
                                                                         speeds in straight printing or
      total amount of approxi-  production starting in the  acquiring a 23.08% stake by   perfecting mode is also   ties, enabling them to deliver
      mately  1.78  billion  Saudi   same quarter. The project  way of a capital increase and   impressive in longer runs.   unparalleled print quality
                                                                                               and customer satisfaction.
      riyals ($475 million), which   will be funded by MEPCO’s  subscription to new shares.  Additionally, the intelligent   Al-Shams’ dedication to
      includes the land value and   internal resources, by long-  The contract value exceeds   interaction of the automation   innovation and customer-
      an internal rate of return   term loans from local banks,  62% of the company’s total   components enables cost-  centric approach has set the
      estimated at 14.5%.    and use of funds resulting  revenue, according to the lat-  effective production of all   benchmark in Saudi Arabia’s
        Construction will start in   from the issuance of shares  est audited annual financial   printing products.  printing and packaging land-
      the third-quarter this year   to the Public Investment  statements.  Al-Shams has been setting   scape.                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 09
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