Page 15 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      Futureprint widens horizons                                                              ABG’s turret
      with bookletmaker install                                                                AutoSet, the latest addition
                                                                                                ABG has launched Vectra

                                                                                               rewinders, marking three
        Family-run commercial                                            handling sheets up to   to the Vectra family of turret
      printer Futureprint has                                            640mm long.           decades of Vectra production
      expanded its offering after                                         Futureprint runs a five-  and the installation of over
      buying a Horizon SPF-200L                                          colour Sakurai B2 litho   2500 units.
      landscape bookletmaker.                                            press, and Xerox Versant   The latest Vectra, unveiled
      The new machine, installed                                         4100 and 3100 presses for its   at Labelexpo Europe 2023,
      on 15 March, has helped the                                                              features an AutoSet cutting
      Northampton litho and digi-                                        digital work.         mechanism for fully auto-
      tal printer speed production,                                       Bishop added: “So far, the   mated setup. Optionally, it
      according to director Max                                          jobs we have run on it have   can include the fleyeVision
      Bishop.                                                            been completed quickly and   camera system and ABG
        “We had an older system                                          efficiently. We don’t have an   Connect, providing 100 per-
      in place, but wanted some-                                         expected return on invest-  cent inspection with full
      thing faster, easier to set up,   It lets Futureprint to bring landscape production in-house  ment. We needed a reliable   automation and integration
      that ran smoothly,” he said.  tion from [our 2021 acquisi-  Finishing Systems’ (IFS)   bookletmaker in the bindery   with an MIS system. This
        “We also wanted some-  tion] Print Projects too.”   overall package and service   and it is working really well   integration is a crucial part of
      thing that would complete   Futureprint considered   contract had appealed to the   for us.”  ABG’s automation infra-
      landscape work so we could   other options, but settled on  team.                        structure, boosting produc-
      offer that as a service know-                                       Futureprint also bought a   tivity and reducing the need
      ing we could complete it in-  the Horizon for its quick set   The Horizon SPF-200L   Petratto Metro folder-gluer   for extensive operator skill
      house. It was important that   up time and smooth opera-  itself is a JDF-ready booklet-  from IFS in early 2022 after   and time. The Vectra
      the new system enabled us   tion, he said, adding that   maker that collates, jogs,   its  acquisition  of  Print   AutoSet offers advanced SKU
      to support the extra produc-  supplier Intelligent   stitches, folds and trims,   Projects.  label printing capabilities.
      Kall Kwik WGC boosts binding  Inkcups reshuffles its

      with Duplo                                                         board

        Kall Kwik Welwyn                                                  Inkcups CEO and Founder
      Garden City has invested in                                        Benjamin Adner has stepped
      a Duplo DB-290 perfect                                             aside after 23 years at the
      binder to ensure consistent                                        helm, taking up a new posi-
      quality and bolster in-house                                       tion as chief innovation
      capabilities. The new                                              officer at the promotional
      device was installed at the                                        product printing kit manu-
      high street branch on 1                                            facturer on 25 March.
      March and is in addition to                                        Adner’s seat has been filled
      the shop’s existing kit.                                           by Rick Hajec, long-time
        Owner Phil Beverley                                              advisor to the firm, and board
      said: “It means we’re able to   The investment will help the company to expand into new markets  member of Inkcups through
      bring binding fully in-                                            its private equity partner   Founder Benjamin Adner
      house, which means being   put, capacity and productiv-  was installed.   MPE Partners since January   some new professional lead-
      able to keep on top of the   ity.             Other finishing kit run at   2022. Vice president of sales   ership that will help acceler-
      quality and keep an eye on   The Duplo perfect binder   the five-staff business   James [Jim] Burns has also   ate growth. I have known
      the whole job from start to   is the latest investment for   includes a Renz wire binder   been promoted, to chief com-  Rick for a long time, and his
      finish.               the business after it installed   and a Vivid laminator, while   mercial officer.  guidance over the years has
        “It’s not a hard piece of   a Duplo DB-150 saddle-  print power includes a Xerox   The reshuffle, more than a   been invaluable to the com-
      kit to use but we will take   stitcher at the end of last   Versant  280,  an  HP   year in the making, will help
      time to make sure we’re   year. The device replaced an   DesignJet Z9+,  an HP           pany and to me. He knows
      really running well with it   older bookletmaker and  DesignJet T2530 and a   give the firm fresh energy for   our business, our people, our
      and then I think photo-  Beverley, who bought the   Canon ImagePrograf Pro-  growth, according to Adner.   customers, and there is no-
      books will be an area we   business in 2018, said that   1000. Phil  Beverley said that   He said: “I have been run-  one more suited to take
      will push into,” he added.   again it had allowed the work  he would also be looking to   ning Inkcups with great suc-  Inkcups to the next level. I
        He said the device would   to come in-house and had   invest in a creasing/folding  cess for the last 23 years. The   feel very lucky to be handing
      boost the company’s out-  been used non-stop since it   machine in the near future.  organisation is ready for   over the reins to him.”                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13
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