Page 16 - PWM2024_May EBook
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NEWS        DRUPA 2024

      “We Are the Future of Print” - Mimaki

        Mimaki Europe, the lead-                                         alongside people.     product portfolio is the
      ing manufacturer of inkjet                                          Sustainability will also be   recently launched
      printing and cutting tech-                                         central to the Mimaki show   UCJV330-160, an inte-
      nologies,  has  announced                                          at drupa. Sharing its vision   grated sign printer/cutter
      that the company will be                                           for the industry’s future, the  that features innovative
      exhibiting at drupa                                                company will present its lat-  2.5D printing function to
      (Dusseldorf, Germany, 28th                                         est innovations, initiatives   create embossed effects.
      May – 7th June 2024) along-                                        and practices aimed at sup-  Central to the Mimaki
      side its global counterparts                                       porting a sustainable devel-  booth will be the JFX600-
      and the overarching brand,                                         opment of the industry and   2513 flatbed UV printer and
      Mimaki Engineering Co.                                             substantially improving the   CFX-2513 cutting plotter,
      Ltd. In line with the drupa                                        environmental footprint of   demonstrated as a complete
      theme “We Create the   Mimaki Europe will be exhibiting at drupa Dusseldorf, Germany  both customers and Mimaki  industrial  print-and-cut
      Future”, Mimaki is using its                                       itself.               solution.  Expanding
      booth (Hall 9, Stand A04) to   that support the future pro-  drive innovation in the years   Mimaki’s vision for a   Mimaki’s  cutting  plotter
      demonstrate its innovative   ductivity and profitability of   to come, as Mimaki Europe   more sustainable future will  portfolio, the CFX-2513 is a
      approach to the printing   the sign graphic, industrial,   celebrates its 20th anniver-  be evident throughout the   high-end cutting solution
      market, under its own   and textile industries.  sary. As such, alongside its   product line-up at drupa.   which operates with
      theme “We Are the Future   The bold, engaging theme  cutting-edge technologies,   The company will showcase   increased speed and effi-
      of Print”. Renowned for   chosen by Mimaki – “We   Mimaki will demonstrate   its very latest in pioneering   ciency. With the trend of
      bringing some of the most   Are the Future of Print” –  how the company’s solu-  UV print technologies,   customization on the rise,
      pioneering technologies to   highlights the company’s   tions can be integrated into   designed to help users   Mimaki will showcase its
      the international market,   pioneering role in shaping   the most advanced Industry   reduce energy consumption,   range  of  DtoD solutions,
      Mimaki offer visitors an   the  course of  the digital   5.0 production environ-  minimise VOC emissions   including the UJF-6042
      insight into its engineering   printing industry over the   ments for improved automa-  and generate less waste.   MkII e, which will demon-
      excellence and showcase   past 20 years and marks its   tion, with robotics and other   Among the technologies   strate 360-degree printing
      technologies and solutions   renewed commitment to   smart machines working   from the current Mimaki   with the Kebab HS unit.

      Groundbreaking SaaS platform to be showcased

        Groundbreaking SaaS                                                      among the many companies   reduced, less engineers are
      platform,, will                                       offering  dispatched to the system
      be demonstrated live at                                            ered digital twins of their   sites and fewer incorrect or
      drupa 2024 in AR                                                   products and will be show-  unnecessary parts are being
      (Augmented Reality), VR                                            casing the training and ser-  sent to customers due to the
      (Virtual Reality) and MR
      (Mixed Reality) on a dedi-                                         vice advantages to customers   intuitive  and  accurate
      cated booth (Hall 9, stand                                         and prospects on their drupa   remote diagnostics enabled
      D04) and in collaboration                                          stands (HP - Hall 17, stand   by
      with established partners                                          A01 – A01-6, Landa Digital   This efficiency also
      across the show.                                                   Printing - Hall 9, stand   equates to an increase in
        This technology is already                                       A33-1 – A33-9, Bobst - Hall   uptime for press operators
      revolutionizing the way, will be demonstrated live at drupa 2024 in AR and VR  10, stand B30-1 – B30-3).   and time and cost savings
      leading global hardware                                            These industry leaders, and   for both manufacturers and
      manufacturers are offering   issues around operational   ity, reducing costs and   many others already using   their customers. In fact,
      technical training and sup-  efficiencies, recruitment,   boosting efficiency for oper-, are reporting a   manufacturers using front-
      port services by enabling the   and training.   ators, service engineers and
      creation of highly accurate,   almost eliminates the need   trainers.  70% increase in the effi- are saving around
      interactive digital twins.   to travel to and examine real   HP – under the brand   ciency of their remote trou-  50% on their training costs
      Using these digital hardware                                       bleshooting  and  other   and their customers are ben-
      recreations solves some of   systems, thereby signifi-  xRServices - Landa Digital   support  calls.  These  call   efiting from a 15% increase
      the industry’s most pressing   cantly improving productiv-  Printing and Bobst are   times are dramatically   in productivity.

      14 PrintWeek MENA May 2024                                                        
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