Page 20 - PWM2024_May EBook
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NEWS        DRUPA 2024

      Hunkeler world premiere at drupa 2024

        At drupa in Düsseldorf                                           The simple operation, low   Book Delivery Module
      (Germany), Hunkeler pre-                                           maintenance requirements,   BD8
      sents a world first. The new                                       media  flexibility  and  the   In the Book Delivery BD8,
      fully automated Starbook                                           ability to deliver individual   the signatures are aligned
      Sheetfolder solution. This                                         book blocks at a speed of up   and then pressed into glued
                                                                         to 1000 deliveries (stacks or
      produces glued book blocks                                         individual books) per hour   book blocks, collected and
      from the sheet for further                                         in perfect FIFO (First In -  output. The first-class, flat-
      processing in perfect bind-                                        First Out) order set new   lying book blocks leave the
      ers. The solution is designed                                      standards in digital book   module either individually
      for nearline or inline pro-                                        production from the sheet.   or stacked and are trans-
      duction on digital high-per-                                                             ferred to the Muller Martini
      formance sheetfed printing   The new fully automated Starbook Sheetfolder solution at drupa  Sheetfolder Module SF8
      systems and represents a                                            With the Sheetfolder SF8,   Vareo Pro perfect binder.
      further new development in   B50. The new fully auto-  of format flexibility for short   printed sheets up to B3 for-   Hunkeler will be exhibit-
                            matic Hunkeler Starbook   to medium runs. The system   mat can be turned, halved   ing ten production systems
      Hunkeler’s Starbook family                   produces 4-sided, glued
      of “Digital Sheet Finishing”.  Sheetfolder book solution   book blocks from single   and folded, depending on the   at drupa on various partner
        Hunkeler is presenting a   enables the highly economi-  sheets and feeds them to the   desired end product. The   stands with well-known
      world first at drupa, the   cal production of digitally   Vareo Pro perfect binder   sheets are measured at the   printing and finishing manu-
                                                                         module input and aligned at
      leading trade fair for the   printed books from run   from Muller Martini.   the exact angle for process-  facturers. Hunkeler itself
      graphic arts industry in   lengths of 1.      The excellent book block   ing.            will be presenting an auto-
      Düsseldorf. From May 28 to   Highly variable page   quality with perfectly   When changing to a new   mated solution for commer-
      June 7, 2024, it will be dem-  counts, variable spine   straight and flat book blocks  format, positioning takes   cial printing for the dynamic
      onstrated several times a day   lengths from book to book   makes the system the ideal   place fully automatically dur-  production of flyers, calen-
      at the Müller-Martini part-  and fully automatic retool-  solution for the production   ing ongoing production - on   dars, and folded brochures in
      ner stand in Hall 1, Stand   ing guarantee a high degree   of soft and hardcover books.  the fly.  Hall 8A, Stand A20.

      CAREL brings innovation and efficiency for printing tech

        CAREL will be in                                                         ing efficiency and guarantee   drupa 2024 and present its
      Düsseldorf from 28 May to 7                                        reliable performance of the   innovative solutions for the
      June for drupa 2024, the                                           HVAC systems, through   printing sector,” com-
      leading print and graphics                                         simplified access and local   mented Enrico Boscaro,
      show, presenting its innova-                                       control of the devices, thus   CAREL Group Marketing
      tive technologies and solu-                                        minimising downtime.   Manager - HVAC Industrial.
      tions for the sector. The                                          Furthermore, aware of the   “We are committed to
      right humidity and tempera-                                        importance of heat recovery   offering our customers the
      ture are fundamental ele-                                          in industrial applications,   most innovative technolo-
      ments in printing processes,                                       not only to reduce energy   gies available to improve
      yet are often underestimated                                       costs, but also to improve the
      or not adequately con-  CAREL will be in Düsseldorf from 28 May to 7 June for drupa 2024  environmental impact of the   their productivity, reduce
      trolled. Printing in fact   product. CAREL  will be   ing processes and guarantee   processes, CAREL is com-  costs and meet the strictest
      involves materials that are   bringing to drupa both its   superior quality results.  mitted to making printing   environmental standards.”
      sensitive to variations in rel-                                    processes more sustainable,   CAREL is a manufacturer
      ative humidity, which can   experience and it advanced   In addition to humidity   with innovative and efficient   of control solutions for air
      lead to dimensional defor-  solutions, including both   control equipment, CAREL   heat exchangers that can   conditioning, refrigeration
      mations, loss of register and   adiabatic and isothermal   will be presenting advanced   recover energy at high tem-  and heating, and systems for
      colour variations, resulting   humidification technologies   remote monitoring solutions   peratures in small spaces.  improving indoor air qual-
      in poor quality of the printed   to efficiently control print-  to optimise process operat-  “CAREL is excited to be at   ity.

      18 PrintWeek MENA May 2024                                                        
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