Page 17 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      EMT International all set to exhibit

        EMT International, a                                             core shafts, chucks/adapt-  lighted at drupa.
      leading supplier of finishing                                      ers,  and  punches &  dies   “Exhibiting at drupa pro-
      equipment to the digital                                           manufactured at EMT’s   vides EMT International an
      print, label, and packaging                                        machining center and   ideal opportunity to meet
      industries is exhibiting at                                        assembly facility in Hobart,   professionals in the printing
      drupa May 28 - June 7, 2024                                        Wisconsin. Team members   industry and hear their
      in Düsseldorf, Germany.                                            will be available to discuss   needs in product develop-
        In hall 6, stand A42 EMT                                         EMT’s range of comprehen-
      will demonstrate its modu-                                         sive and customizable ser-  ment and innovation to
      lar Chameleon finishing                                            vice programs where   bring value to their custom-
      line, which includes                                               customers can benefit from   ers,” said Mike Herold,
      unwinding, DP22 PRO                                                the company’s subject mat-  Executive Vice President of
      dynamic  perf  and  punch   EMT will demonstrate its modular Chameleon finishing line  ter expertise in seamless   Sales & Marketing of EMT
      continuous feed processor                                          machine installations, pro-  International. “The running
      line that supports digital   processing including cross   tion speeds. Also presented   active maintenance, innova-  demonstration of our end-
      printing applications and   and linear creasing and iron-  will be EMT’s other   tive equipment upgrades,   to-end finishing line will
      press materials with high-  ing, coil bind and corner   Chameleon digital web fin-  parts, technical support,   allow them to experience
      speed performance and   rounded punching, and cus-  ishing solutions (roll to roll,   workflow audits, and more.  our range of solutions pro-
      enhanced flexibility with up   tom punch patterns.  roll to stack, roll to fold, and   The Rotocontrol EMT   viding application support
      to 10 processes in the same   Integrated into the RFX   variable lane finishing) and   range of top-tier label print-  and versatility in  digital
      machine, and an RFX cut-  cutter is a DocuVision Pro  web transport solutions for   ing and finishing solutions
      stack solution.       automated inspection sys-  offset, flexo,  and  digital   including booklet &   printing.
        Flexible configurations   tem from Videk, providing   inkjet technologies. In addi-  extended content labels,   “With our plan of
      with a range of options   analytics, live web-viewing   tion, attendees can learn   digital hybrid press solu-  increased growth in Europe,
      ensure maximum process-  and recording of the roll to   more about EMT’s STC PRO   tions, inspection slitter   drupa sets the stage to form
      ing in the smallest possible   cut/stack print line to verify   line of customizable preci-  rewinders, and engineered   new customer and local dis-
      footprint, and advanced web   every detail at full produc-  sion components including   solutions will also be high-  tribution partnerships.”

      ACTEGA asks ‘Meet Us Where You Need Us’ at Drupa 2024

        ACTEGA has announced                                                     show. Our experts will pro-  substances, such as fat,
      its participation in drupa (28                                     vide visitors with all of the   water, vapor and more,
      May - 7 June 2024,                                                 latest information about our   ACTEGA’s barrier coatings
      Dusseldorf,  Germany).                                             comprehensive product   ensure that packaging
      ACTEGA experts will be                                             lines, providing access to our   retains its structural integ-
      based at various touchpoints                                       industry expertise as well as   rity and aesthetic appeal
      across the show to present                                         technical and regulatory   throughout its lifecycle.
      the company’s extensive                                            know-how throughout the   ACTEGA’s barrier coat-
      range of product and tech-                                         event.”               ings are used for various
      nology solutions developed                                          Drupa visitors can explore   applications, including bak-
      for printers and converters                                        ACTEGA’s  portfolio  of   ing and food trays, soap
      seeking more sustainable   ACTEGA experts will be based at various touchpoints  at the show  water-based barrier coat-  boxes, and fast-food packag-
      solutions and high-value   ings, high-quality finishing   & Board, ACTEGA, said,   ings, designed to meet the   ing. ACTEGA will demon-
      embellishment options.   solutions, coatings for digital   “The ACTEGA team will be   rigorous demands of the   strate the versatility of its
        ACTEGA representatives                                           packaging industry without   barrier coatings, offering an
      will be located on numerous   printing and its pioneering   exactly where they’re   compromising on quality or   insight into achievable for
      partner company stands and   mindful metallization tech-  needed at drupa 2024 – stra-  performance. Meticulously   printers, packaging and
      in the Touchpoint Packaging   nology, ECOLEAF.    tegically positioned at vari-  engineered with sustainabil-  paper converters looking for
      Forum, showcasing the ben-  Jan Franz Allerkamp,   ous touchpoints, around   ity in mind and to protect   a way to increase their prod-
      efits of its latest barrier coat-  Head of Business Line Paper   almost every corner of the   against internal and external   ucts’ sustainability.

                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 15
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