Page 22 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      Xeikon unveils inkjet press                                                              Durst Group’s
      for high-end label segment                                                               1,000th Durst  Workflow
                                                                                                Durst Group has installed

                                                                                               software. This achievement
                                                                                               marks a doubling of the cus-
        Xeikon has released                                              ship).’               tomer base since 2022.
      details of the next evolution                                       A small footprint    Durst Workflow is a high-
      Panther inkjet technology as                                       machine,    Xeikon
      the press manufacturer pre-                                                              end software for fully auto-
      pares for the world premiere                                       PX3300HD excels at pro-  mated  management of
      of the Xeikon PX3300HD, a                                          ducing high durability, full-  prepress and production
      new 1200 DPI digital press                                         color labels for diverse   tasks. The software is com-
      that will be launched at                                           markets, covering up to 88   patible with a wide range of
      drupa 2024.                                                        percent of Pantone colors   printing machinery within
        Developed for high qual-                                                               diverse segments. Whether
      ity labels, the five-color                                         within Delta E 2 (rising to
      machine offers  a  330mm                                           94 percent within Delta E   utilizing Durst or non-
      printing width and speeds                                          3). To  meet the specific   Durst machinery, clients
      up to 70m/min, even when                                           requirements of the higher   can leverage the full capa-
      printing with high opacity   The new 1200 DPI digital press will be launched at drupa 2024  resolution engine, Xeikon   bilities of the software to
      white. In addition, Xeikon   ‘As inkjet technology contin-  ment the existing 600 dpi    meet their diverse needs.
      PX3300HD utilizes a newly   ues to mature, there’s a clear  product range. The new   has developed new PX-Cure   As resource management
      developed ink series,   need to update Xeikon’s   Xeikon PX3300HD will   LED HD inks. The new inks   increasingly plays a crucial
      PX-Cure LED HD, to ensure   Panther portfolio with a   extend the capabilities for   match  the  sustainability
      high-quality curing, while   higher resolution option to  printers by giving them the   benefits of the recently   role in sustainability,  Durst
      supporting sustainability   meet specific customer  tools to reach excellent qual-       Workflow continues to
      targets for converters.   requests. Consequently,   ity at even higher productiv-  introduced PantherCure UV   evolve to meet customer
        Jeroen Van Bauwel, direc-  we’re now introducing a   ity levels in a TCO-friendly   LED series for Xeikon 600   needs while optimizing
      tor solution design, stated:   1200 DPI engine to comple-  way (total cost of owner-  DPI inkjet presses.   resource consumption.
      AWA’s new            Siegwerk’s human                             Wise acquires assets

      report               rights policy                                of Phoenix Data

        Alexander Watson
      Associates  (AWA),  an   Siegwerk has released its                 Wise, a business forms,
      international market   human rights guiding prin-
      intelligence and business   ciples and corresponding              labels and digital printing spe-
      insights company, has   human rights policy. This                 cialist, has acquired Phoenix
      released AWA Release   strengthened  approach                     Data of Montgomery, PA.
      Liner Market report 2024,                                         This acquisition follows
      forecasting a growth of 3.1   towards human rights is a   Human rights guiding policies  Wise’s purchase of Mini Data   Wise has acquired Phoenix Data
      percent as the demand   testament to the company’s   and responsible practices, in   in Charlotte, NC earlier this
      and supply balances stabi-  enduring commitment to                year.                   Wise’s broader range of
      lize.                ethical business practices   line with its ‘HorizonNOW’   Phoenix Data prints busi-  capabilities, however, also
        Overall, the global   and sustainability.   holistic sustainability strat-  ness forms and associated ser-  gives them access to addi-
      Release  Liner  Market   Siegwerk’s approach to   egy, which holds human
      experienced a decline of   human rights is rooted in              vices and sells through   tional services, including
      3.9 percent in 2023,   respect and dignity for all   rights as essential to sustain-  independent distributors, pri-  prime and industrial labels,
      largely impacted by the                     able development. Alongside   marily in the Eastern United   digital web-to-print programs
      decline in the label mar-  individuals, including   the human rights guiding   States. This makes it a natural   for large clients, short-run
      ket which represents   employees, customers, and                  complement to Wise’s exist-  digitally printed labels, per-
      nearly half of release liner   suppliers. The company is   principles sits a strengthened   ing business.
      products. The most heav-  committed to providing safe   governance structure for   Wise’s customer-centric   sonalized and hyper-custom-
      ily impacted region was   working conditions, fair   human rights. This includes   approach to business means   ized labels and mosaic designs
      Europe, with a decline of   compensation, and opportu-            that, with its new CSR team at   for short- and long-run labels.
      11.1 percent. Asia experi-  nities for professional   the appointment of Alina            Former Phoenix Data
      enced slight growth at 1                    Marm, head of global sus-  Wise, Phoenix Data custom-
      percent.             growth, fostering a culture   tainability and circular econ-  ers will still experience the   President, Larry Lovell, will
        The report also exam-  of loyalty and shared values.            same level of customer sup-  continue with Wise to assist
      ines the latest market   Siegwerk’s global opera-  omy at Siegwerk, as the   port and care that they are   with the transition of busi-
      trends.              tions adhere to sustainable   human rights officer.  used to.      ness.
      20 PrintWeek MENA May 2024                                                        
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