Page 26 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company
      and pioneer of mass production, once said:
      “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20
      or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The
      greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young”,
      by Adam Bernstein
      A                           shared within companies and across
               nd he should know. He
               was the man who, it is
                                  companies”. She holds the view that
                                  mentoring is a great way to get the
               said, was most responsi-
                                  young into print to “ensure that we
               ble for ‘refining’ the sci-
               ence of mass
                                  full potential”.
        Learning is not only good for us,   retain them and that they reach their
                                    Mentoring, as Daly sees it, revolves
      but is also key to propelling a busi-  around mutual trust and respect
      ness forward. But when it comes to   because it is a two-way relationship
      learning many think of dedicated   where learning is centre stage so that
      courses, both on and offline.   individuals can personally develop.
      However, there is another option –   In fact, she sees the process helping
      learning from a mentor.     all as “both mentor and mentee can
                                  develop and improve their communi-
      Mentoring defined           cation and planning skills”.
        The CIPD, a the professional body   But in any learning process there   person to gain access to impartial, non-judgmental guidance and support.”
      for HR, defines mentoring as “a rela-  are limits and in outlining those that   Biltcliffe thinks the same and suggests that the concept comes into its
      tionship in which a more experi-  apply here Daly draws a distinction   own when the mentor is “somebody whose mortgage doesn’t depend on
      enced colleague shares their greater   between what a mentor can and can-
      knowledge to support the develop-  not do.                the outcome as they can give a different, a more measured, perspective on
      ment of an inexperienced individ-  She says that a mentor can guide   the challenges that may be really pressing on an individual, or opportuni-
                                                                ties that they might not know to make the best of”.
      ual”.                       an individual to look at a wide variety   A supportive relationship is essential in his eyes along with being a trust-
        Simon Biltcliffe, founder, and   of options while considering alterna-  ing and confidential relationship because it “suggests thinking quite deeply
      executive chairman of Webmart, is   tive courses of action to solve prob-
      very keen on mentoring. He thinks it   lems for themselves. However, a   about the person and their approach, and things that have gone well and
      “vital, absolutely vital”. He reckons   mentor won’t give answers or pro-  badly”.
      that any person, at any stage in their   vide solutions. “A mentor,” says Daly,   But from the perspective of the mentor, Biltcliffe says that mentoring
      career should either be a mentor and/  “doesn’t take control – they leave   can be positive, and isn’t necessarily time consumptive – maybe 10 min-
      or a mentee because “it’s a shortcut   mentees to work out the solution.   utes every so often. He expands on what he means: “I’ve given 10% of my
      to experience and to critical think-  They are not there to listen to gripes   time for the last 20 years – with no expectation of anything back in return.
      ing. And what you tend to find as a   and while they will be friendly, they   But what I have found, over that time, is that you get back 10 times the
      mentor is this is very much not a one-  must be completely honest in a way   return.” He’s referring to former mentees who, from time to time, make
      way street. It gives people a different   which would be difficult for a friend.”  contact with something that may be of interest to him.
      perspective on challenges and oppor-  Further, she comments that “the   In line with this he offers key advice to those seeking a mentor: “If there
      tunities that they have”.   real value in a mentor is independ-  is somebody that you respect or you think is interesting, just reach out to
        Ursula Daly, programme director   ence”. And when they come from a   them on LinkedIn. You’d be astounded how receptive most people are to
      at the BPIF, also puts great store in   different department or company, or   helping anybody at any stage in their career to develop further.”
      mentoring. She notes that the sector   elsewhere, she says that “they can
      has a wealth of experience and   challenge a way of thinking with   The value of a mentor
      knowledge and “that it is important   some simple questions. It is a real   So, landscape set out, it’s worth taking time to highlight statistics that
      to create ways in which this can be   opportunity for a less experienced   relate to the value and benefits of mentoring. In particular, 2024 data from

      24 PrintWeek MENA May 2024                                                        
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