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      Succession and selling up

                                B                                           areas that may affect the valuation, type of purchaser, or
                                         ut what are the considerations for such own-
                                                                            funder for the transaction.
                                         ers looking to the future? How can they plan
                                         ahead and what are the core issues to apply
       There are stories of              thought to?                        But who?
       print company own-                 The subject needs to be examined from   There are multiple routes to an exit. The first, as
       ers moving on and        the legal and tax perspective. Printweek spoke to two   Summers highlights, is a trade or competitor purchaser.
       selling up. And there    experts for their advice and suggestions.   This, she says, is the most traditional method of sale
                                                                            where “the business is marketed and ultimately sold to a
       are accounts of indi-                                                trade purchaser. They may be a competitor, an expanding
       viduals dying leaving    THE LEGAL PERSPECTIVE                       company or an overseas operation looking for a UK enter-
       survivors to deal with                                               prise”.
                                                                             Next is a sale to private equity. This is a sale is made to a
       the firm’s future. The   It’s all about the why                      private equity group which acquires the shares in the
       reality is that no small   According to Freya Summers, corporate partner at   company. Of this Summers says that “typically, private
       privately held busi-     Wright Hassall, those looking to move their business on   equity groups will buy mature proven businesses with
                                need to think about why they’re looking for change. As
       ness will stay static    she says, “understanding the motivations for sale – retire-  demonstrable growth strategies”.
       forever; change in       ment, de-risking or seeking additional funding for growth   Then there’s the management buy-out, the acquisition
       ownership is inevita-    – will determine how to approach the project”.  of a company by its existing management team often sup-
                                                                            ported either by private equity finance or by traditional
                                 From then on, as soon as discussion around the sale
       ble.                     starts to take shape, Summers believes that engaging   institutional debt finance.
                                experienced advisers early in the process is essential so as   Another option that Summers points to is an employee
       Words by                 to “allow plenty of time to assess an exit strategy and   ownership trust. Akin to a management buyout, it differs
                                afford time for a thorough review of the business”.   in that “an employee ownership trust transfers the shares
       Adam Bernstein
                                Experience has taught her that this will identify potential   in the company to a trust established for the benefit of all

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