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      Quicksilver chooses                                                 Commercial inkjet print
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      Mimaki Technology                                                   sales  will  dominate
                                                                          growth in the printing
                                                                          sector over the next five
                                                                          years, as Drupa catapults
                                                                          new technology into
        Trends in fashion are ever-               fully built a healthy business,   wider adoption, accord-
      evolving. For those compa-                  working side by side with   ing to a new report by
                                                                          market intelligence firm
      nies working on the                         fashion laboratories serving   Smithers. Forecasting
      manufacturing side of these                 high-end fashion brands, as   growth from $117.7bn (£94bn) in 2024 to $162.1bn (£130bn)
      dynamic sectors, being at the               well as with premium sports-  in 2029, Smithers’ The Future of Inkjet Printing to 2029
      forefront of the evolution and              wear brands. More recently,   report predicted a compound annual growth rate in the
                                                                          inkjet market of 6.6%. At the same time, the report said,
      able to keep up with the rapid                                      the volume of publications, graphic media, packaging and
      changes is key. Among oth-  Inkjet sublimation technology  the company was faced with   labels printed on inkjet will jump from 1.61 trillion A4
      ers, dye sublimation printing               an increasingly competitive   equivalents to 2.29 trillion. Inkjet’s strong growth stands
      technology has grown to   digital printed fabrics and  global market and all the   in contrast to the rest of the print market’s static outlook,
                                                                          where Smithers predicts output will essentially remain flat
      become a must-have manu-  garments for different textile   changes and disruptions   for the remainder of the decade. Drupa takes place from
      facturing tool when produc-  market segments, the com-  caused  by  COVID-19.  To   28 May to 7 June at Messe Düsseldorf.
      ing fashion. Why? Arguably,   pany has leveraged cutting-  overcome the challenges,
      it enables users to achieve top   edge sublimation printing   Quicksilver opted for a   Eight Days a Week Print
                                                                          Solutions (EDWPS), current-
      quality with vibrant, consist-  solutions to diversify and   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkIII,   ly repositioning to become
      ent colours. It’s productive,   strengthen its production   a cutting-edge industrial   Eight Group encompassing
      efficient, cost-effective, easy   and achieve a leading market   printer  that  brought  in   Eight Plus, has teamed up
                                                                          with Crawford Technology
      to handle, and sustainable.   position. Quicksilver seam-           Consulting (CTC) to acquire
      To sum it up in one phrase, it   lessly moved from screen   higher speeds, higher pro-  creative digital marketing agency Marketlayer. The deal,
      ticks all the boxes.  print transfer to inkjet trans-  ductivity, and unmatched   which  was  completed on Friday (26  April), saw
        Digital sublimation print-  fer printing thanks to the   quality, enabling the com-  Nottingham-based Eight Group acquire the majority and
                                                                          controlling interest of London-based Marketlayer, with
      ing is at the core of Italian   extensive range of Mimaki  pany to explore new opportu-  the remainder taken by CTC.Marketlayer, which offers
      company, Quicksilver.   technologies on offer. The  nities and take the business   innovative digital communications across a range of sec-
      Specialised in manufacturing   company has now success- to the next level.  tors, was incorporated in 2008 by its current managing
                                                                          director, Gabe Cooney. Cooney will retain his role and con-
      PCP under new ownership                                             tinue to oversee the day-to-day operations of the busi-
                                                                          ness. The acquisition did not require external finance.

        Precision Colour Printing   Hypax was formed last   in private equity at a number   James Cropper’s share
      (PCP) has been sold to an  year and specialises in taking  of companies, including   price has soared after the
      investment firm that has fur-  over middle market busi-  Aurelius. PCP is Hypax’s first   company  said  it  was
                                                                          expecting to report reve-
      ther buys in its sights. The  nesses with sales of at least  printing industry buy.   nue in line with – and
      £36m-turnover web offset  €15m (£12.8m), and where   Telford-based PCP said:   profits slightly ahead of –
      and sheetfed printing busi-  the business is not currently  “Hypax see a significant   its previous expectations
      ness was put up for sale by  performing to its full poten-  opportunity for growth in   for its FY 2024, according
      the Claverley Group in  tial but has the potential to   PCP, through strategic initia-  to an unaudited trading update released today (30 April).
      March. PCP’s new owner is  improve and grow. The man-  tives and continued opera-  For the 52-week period to 30 March 2024, the UK paper
      Hypax, an independent  aging partners are Christian   tional excellence. The terms   and specialist materials manufacturer’s board said the
      investment firm with opera-  Schmehl and Philipp Sterkel,   of the deal were not dis-  outlook for FY 2025 is also encouraging, with a return to
                                                                          growth expected across both its Advanced Materials and
      tions in Berlin and London.  who both previously worked  closed.    Paper and Packaging businesses for the full-year. invests over £1m                                        Accordingly, the company’s share price had jumped by
                                                                          around 30% on yesterday’s close at the time of writing.
                                                                          The saga over the future ownership of the Telegraph has bolstered                  Intelligent Finishing
      its production capabilities                  Systems (IFS). The  addi-  newspaper and Spectator magazine has entered a new
                                                                          phase after RedBird canned its takeover deal, putting the
      with investment of over £1m                  tional kit has all been   titles up for sale again. The Abu Dhabi backed takeover
      into its printing operations,                                       had caused controversy over the potential for foreign
      including a second Canon                     installed at’s   owners to take control of key UK media assets, resulting in
      VarioPrint iX3200 inkjet                     main circa-4,600sqm    fresh legislation being drawn up to stop foreign states
      press. During March, the                     Northumberland site.   from owning UK newspaper and news magazines.
      business took delivery of the      , which also   Although RedBird IMI had pledged to protect the editorial
      Canon press – which fol-                     runs digital presses from HP   process at the Telegraph and Spectator, it said the defini-
      lowed the installation of its   Agfa’s  Inkjet Printer Portfolio    tion of a foreign power in the new legislation meant it
      first iX3200 in 2022, plus a                 and Ricoh, employs around   would not be possible to proceed. Attention will now turn
      Renz Mobi 500 semi-auto-  punch machine direct from   170 staff and has a turnover   to a raft of potential future owners somewhat closer to
      matic binding machine and   Renz, and a Horizon SPF-  aim of “just shy of £25m” for   home, if the previous auction process is now dusted off.
      a Renz AP 360 automatic   200A bookletmaker from   this year.                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 23
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